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yóu shí
  • live like a parasite
游食 [yóu shí]
  • [live do not depend on agricultrue] 不务农而食

  • 游食之民。--汉. 贾谊《论积贮疏》

  1. 受到慢游和慢食等理念的启发,目前正处于萌芽阶段的这种“技术宁静”运动也被称为慢网。

    Zenware is one embodiment of a wider concept sometimes now described as conscious / contemplative computing the slow web .

  2. 这个新兴产业最大、最鲜明的特点,就是人类的物质和精神文化消费全面地渗透到旅游业的行、游、住、食、购、娱等各方面。

    The most brilliance character of this rising industry is the consume of substance and spirit can infiltrate into all the aspects of tourism , such as travel , play , reside , food , purchase , entertainment and so on .