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  • article;clause
条文 [tiáo wén]
  • [article;clause] 法令、条例、章程等的分条说明的文字

  • 宪法条文

  • 遗嘱条文

条文[tiáo wén]
  1. 第二,洗钱罪的法律条文中排除了间接故意洗钱的情形;

    Second , Article 191 excludes the situation of money laundering on indirect purpose ;

  2. 同时,也指出了宪法规范与宪法条文并不等同,二者之间既有联系,又有区别。

    As the same time , we point out that the norm of constitution is different from constitutional article .

  3. 合同中的某些条文容有不同诠释。

    Some phrases in the contract are open to interpretation .

  4. 合同条文正在审议。

    The terms of the contract are under review .

  5. 德国的法律条文中仍未设立内幕交易罪。

    Germany still has no insider-dealing offence in its statute books .

  6. 最新的协议草案把专家小组的决定加以整理,形成了条文。

    The latest draft of the agreement codifies the panel 's decision .

  7. 此处的法律条文有点含糊不清。

    The law here is a little bit murky

  8. 这个文件包括许多条文。

    This document includes many articles .

  9. 附:《刑法》有关条文

    Appendix : Related articles in the Criminal Law :

  10. 死抠法律条文解决家庭纠纷的方法

    a legalistic approach to family disputes

  11. 在使用subjectto搭配的语料中,法律英语实例最多,其中法律条文语言又是法律英语中使用这种搭配最多的次语域,这一搭配在法律语言中主要用于表达条件关系。

    A usage investigation shows that the collocation subject to is most often used in legal English , especially in law texts , to express conditions .

  12. GATT/WTO第20条是一般例外条款,其中的(b)款被人们普遍认为是与环境保护最密切联系的条文之一。

    The Article XX ( b ) of GATT / WTO , as one of the clauses of the general exception , is closely related with environmental protection .

  13. WTO各项协议由于是各国利益平衡的结果,其实体条文的语义就更为隐晦模糊。

    Especially with regards to covered agreements of WTO , which represent the beneficial balance of WTO members , the meaning of the text is more vague .

  14. 大规模修改专利法,与TRIPS取得一致,在法律条文上与国际接轨,是我们的第一步。

    It is our first step to revise the patent law on a large scale to fit the TRIPS .

  15. 保障措施的因果关系要件是保障措施的实施要件之一,其采取的规则和标准决定了保障措施援引的合法与否以及难易程度,而WTO有关条文对这一问题规定相对含糊、抽象。

    The causal link is one of the application prerequisites and its rules and provable standard will determine weather the safeguard taken is legal and easy to apply .

  16. 着重论述了抗辩条款的界定问题。WTO实践中确立了条文标准、等级标准、积极规则和修正的积极规则标准等条款定性的分析方法。

    It is well-established that language standard , pyramid standard , positive rules standard and revised positive standard have been applied to define affirmative defense in WTO practice .

  17. 本文以该两条法律条文为基础,结合WTO争端解决机构的司法解释和有关国内立法,对实施条件的规范意义和实际运用进行详尽的学理阐释和价值评判。

    Based on these two articles , and combined with the judicial interpretation of DSB and related domestic legislations , this paper offers detailed academic interpretation and merit review over the rules ' content and practices of application prerequisites .

  18. 钢筋混凝土框架顶层中间节点的设计与构造《混凝土结构设计规范》(GB500102002)新增条文背景情况

    Design and Detailing of Intermediate Joints at Top-column in RC Frames

  19. 分析了LEED标准的制定背景,给出了与暖通空调相关的LEED标准条文。

    Analyses the establish background of leadership in energy and environmental design ( LEED ) . Presents the standard clauses of LEED code related to HVAC .

  20. 文章通过对国内外各种理论和具体法律条文进行归纳综述,有助于日后能提出更合适的NGO工作人员职务型经济犯罪规制方法。

    Through overview the theories and concrete law systems in domestic and international , we will design some perfect method to regulate the economic crimes by taking advantage of duty in NGO in future .

  21. 文中对现行《火力发电厂设计技术规程》(DL5000-2000)中,相关直接空冷技术15条条文,用近几年(2003~2005年)实践成果进行逐条分析解读,以丰富该规程内容。

    It have 15 articles about air cooling technology in Code for design of size power plant ( DL5000-2000 ), every article is explained by thr fruits of practice in recent years , in order to plump the content of regulation .

  22. 基本信息,定义,案例和行政条文。

    General Information , Definitions , Practices , and Administrative Matters .

  23. 长春地区岩土工程勘察技术规程有关条文解析

    Analysis About Articles of Geotechnics Reconnaissance Technology Rules in Changchun Area

  24. 目前还没有任何条文可以制止他们。

    At the moment there is nothing stopping them doing that .

  25. 电气设备中贯彻执行《强制性条文》的体会

    The Realization of Executing " Coercive Rules " in Electrification Design

  26. 对设计规范中有关框架条文的一些讨论

    Discussion on some items in technical code for the frame structure

  27. 建筑抗震设计规范中有关条文的理解问题

    Understanding of Clause on Design Standard of Contradict Earthquake of Construction

  28. 由推荐性标准改为条文强制性标准;

    It is changed from voluntary standard into provision mandatory standard .

  29. 第四章比较了中日韩三国反垄断法的具体条文。

    The forth chapter compare specifically the antitrust laws of three countries .

  30. 对照明功率密度值纳入强制性条文的意见

    Discussion about Bringing the Value of Lighting Power Density into Mandatory Provisions