
  • 网络pure theory of law;reine rechtslehre
  1. 从凯尔森(Kelsen)纯粹法学理论产生的背景出发,通过分析纯粹法学理论的逻辑,探讨了吉野一(HajimeYoshino)逻辑法学产生的过程。

    Started from the background of Hans Kelsen ′ s Pure Theory of Law , this paper discusses the process of Hajime Yoshino 's Logical Jurisprudence by analyzing the logic of Pure Theory of Law .

  2. 从纯粹法学到逻辑法学&一种法律理论研究的逻辑进路

    From Pure Theory of Law to logical jurisprudence : a logic way of legal theory researching

  3. 凯尔森纯粹法学的基本概念研究

    A study of the basic concept of Hans Kelsen 's abstract jurisprudence

  4. 纯粹法学述评及其对中国当代法治的启示

    Comments on Pure Jurisprudence and Its Inspiration to Legal Order in Present-day China

  5. 凯尔森首倡的纯粹法学是西方法哲学中分析实证主义法学的一个主要流派。

    Pure Jurisprudence , advocated by Kelson , is the major school in Western analytical Positivist jurisprudence .

  6. 纯粹法学的核心就是基础规范,对此人们有很多争论。

    The core of pure theory of law is the basic norm , which has intrigued many controversies .

  7. 通过探讨凯尔森在法学的内外两方清除意识形态的影响,以求以此显现其纯粹法学的确切含义。

    This thesis principally study his thought on eliminating ideology in the law , hope to show the definite meaning of the pure jurisprudence .

  8. 在这种意义上,我们探讨凯尔森的“纯粹法学”对立法权正当行使的影响,并揭示其理论的限度就显得十分必要。

    In this sense , the discussion that the influence of Kelsen s pure theory of law to right exertion of legislative power and limitation of Kelsen s theory is very important .

  9. 正是在这种立场上,凯尔森建构了以基础规范为根基的纯粹法学理论体系,系统论述了法律规范理论、效力与实效理论及法律体系的统一性等问题。

    Just from this point , Kelsen constructs his pure theory of law on the basis of basic norm and discusses the theory of legal norm , the relation between validity and .

  10. 在构建当代中国法治秩序的过程中,纯粹法学代表的本来意义上的分析实证主义法学极具特色的分析实证研究方法和关于法律规范效力性的基本观点极富启发意义。

    In the process of constructing the legal order in contemporary China , the methodology of analytical positivism in its original sense , represented by Pure Jurisprudence , and legal efficiency , are very instructive .

  11. 在西方法学史上对法律效力问题作过充分研究,提出了许多独特理论和观点并因之而具有典型意义的当属凯尔森纯粹法学的法律效力论。

    In the history of western jurisprudence , Hans Kelsen is the one who studied this problem sufficiently and provided many distinctive theories and ideas . Therefore , his validity theory of pure theory of law has a typical meaning for analyzing and solving this problem at present .