
  • 网络Pure Poetry
  1. 纯诗是新诗审美的最高境界。

    Highest state of pure poetry in new poetry 's aesthetics .

  2. 纯诗理论发端于西方。

    Pure Poetry theory was made a start in the Occident .

  3. 梁宗岱:纯诗理论的探求者&现代诗学批评家评述之一

    Liang Zongdai : Explorer of the Theory on Pure Poetry

  4. 现代性视阈中的汉语纯诗理论

    The Modern Meaning of Po è sie Pure in Chinese

  5. 知识分子·纯诗·叙事性&20世纪90年代的诗歌地图

    Intellects · Pure Poems · Narrativeness & The 1990 's Poetic Atlas

  6. 其二,优雅自在的纯诗精神;

    Secondly , the graceful and free spirit of " pure verse ";

  7. 不可能的纯诗与可能的诗

    Pure Poem of the Impossibility and Poem of the Possibility

  8. 20世纪40年代与纯诗的综合化

    Synthesization of " Pure Poetry " and the 1940s

  9. 纯诗理论在20世纪中国

    Pure Poetry Theory in China in the 20th Century

  10. 中国化纯诗:一次艰难的文化之旅

    The Chinese-style Pure Poetry : An Arduous Cultural Journey

  11. 三是追求纯诗的理想;

    To seek the ideals to the pure poetry ;

  12. 纯诗及其中国化研究

    A Study of " Pure Poetry " and the Chinese-style " Pure Poetry "

  13. 形式篇研究关于诗的外形式即物质外壳的思想,即形式、纯诗、音乐、格律。

    Namely , its form , pure poetry , music , rhyme and rhythm .

  14. 瓦雷里的纯诗理论

    Val é ry 's pure poetry theory

  15. 最后探讨两次纯诗讨论的影响。

    Finally , the author expounds the influence of two talks about Pure Poetry theory .

  16. 实践意义上的梁宗岱纯诗理论

    Liang Zong-dai 's Pure-Poetry Theory in Practice

  17. 纯诗理论是西方象征主义诗学中一个重要的理论范畴。

    " The Pure poetry " is an important theory of the Western poetic symbolism .

  18. 台湾现代派诗歌在理论上强调知性、提倡超现实主义和纯诗;

    Taiwan 's modernist poetry theoretically emphasizes on the knowing and advocates surrealism and pure poetry ;

  19. 诗观与写作的悖离&穆木天的纯诗理论与写作实践

    Difference between Poetics and Poems : MU Mu-tian 's Theory of Pure Poetry and His Writing Practice

  20. 接受美学视野下台湾现代诗社对西方纯诗话语的自我诠释

    The Self-interpretation of Western Pure Poetry Discourse by Taiwan Modern Poetry Society under the Perspective of Reception Aesthetics

  21. “纯诗”的艺术目标,实际上体现为一种对艺术美的极致追求。

    The goal of " Pure poem ", clearly demonstrates the pursuit for the extreme beauty of Art .

  22. 李商隐的“无题”诗被一些现代批评家看作“纯诗”。

    His " no title " poems are regarded as " pure poetry " by some modern critics .

  23. 在法国象征主义运动之前,纯诗已寄生于浪漫主义和唯美主义艺术思想中。

    Prior to French Symbolism movement ," Pure Poetry " is similar to the thought of Romantism and Estheticism .

  24. 这个目标所引发的焦虑,使中国化纯诗一开始就不具备象征主义纯诗的艺术起点。

    The anxiety it causes makes Chinese Pure Poetry have no symbolistic origins as " Pure Poetry " does .

  25. 首先,梳理了象征主义诗学的核心概念,契合、暗示、纯诗。

    Firstly , it puts into order the key concepts of symbolist poetics , correspondence , implication and pure poetry .

  26. 另一方面,本文从文化入手,探究影响纯诗理论命运深层原因。

    On other hand , the author intends to study the deeper causes that have effects on Pure Poetry theory .

  27. 纯诗是法国象征主义的诗学命题,它以美为本份和要素,欲在艺术创造中寻找一种神圣美。

    " Pure Poetry " is a poetics topic of French symbolism . So he emphasizes the creativity of critics and artists .

  28. 首先,他提出的为诗而诗的纯诗理论发展成为象征主义的一个重要理论概念,而他所提倡的哀伤、忧郁的美学原则也成为象征主义诗人的创作法则。

    And his advocation of combining beauty with melancholy and sadness has become a poetic principle for the French symbolists as well .

  29. 纯诗虽是象征主义的诗学命题,但作为纯粹美的艺术理想,它却是人类通过艺术所表达的一种生命需要。

    " Pure Poetry " is the theory of Symbolism . It is a kind of life demand that mankind expresses in art .

  30. 本章对中俄象征诗派的象征观、纯诗观和契合论作比较研究。

    This chapter compares the concept of " symbolic "," Pure Poetry " and " Correspondence " theory of the Sino-Russian symbolic poetry .