
chún zhēn
  • innocence;pure;sincere;genuine;unsophisticated;unaffected
纯真 [chún zhēn]
  • [innocence] 纯挚

  • (1) [unaffected]∶纯洁、天真、不做作

  • 她是性格最好的和最纯真的年轻人

  • (2) [unsophisticated]∶纯粹真诚的

  • 纯真的忠诚掺不得假

纯真[chún zhēn]
  1. Michael像一个好奇的孩子般问道,他的眼睛如此明亮地闪烁着,他的笑容如此纯真,就像一个天真的男孩。

    Michael asked like curious child , his eyes were sparkling so brightly , his smile was so pure , just like a young boy .

  2. Enya的2005年《Amarantine》保持了Enya一贯的清爽飘逸的音乐风格。Amarantine是一种传说中的能够永保芬芳的不死之花,就像每个人心中保有最纯真的那份爱一样。

    It is said that Amaratine is a kind of flower living and keeping scent forever , just like the pure love in deep side of everybody .

  3. 她本可以轻易地证实自己纯真善良的品性。

    She could have established her own innocence and virtue easily enough .

  4. 我内心充满着对纯真的童年时光的怀念。

    I was overwhelmed with longing for those innocent days of early childhood .

  5. 青少年正过早地失去他们童年的纯真。

    Youngsters are losing their childhood innocence too quickly .

  6. 哪怕是再纯真的恋情她也能从中嗅出罪恶的味道。

    She could smell the taint of sin in the most innocent of passions .

  7. 这部令人开怀的音乐喜剧把观众带到了20世纪50年代美国的纯真时期。

    This delightful musical comedy transports the audience to the innocent days of 1950s America .

  8. 树突状细胞(DC)是专职的抗原递呈细胞(APC),是唯一能激活纯真T细胞的APC,在肿瘤免疫治疗中起重要作用。

    Dendritic cells ( DCs ) are a specialized system of antigen - presenting cells .

  9. B、C两组在CD4+T功能亚群比例、纯真及记忆CD4+T比例及CD8+T细胞激活亚群比例上均未见显著差异。

    There were no significant differences in the percentage of memory CD4 ~ + T cells , CD28 expression , and CD8 ~ + T cell activated subset proportion between Groups B and C.

  10. 他三十岁出头,从十几岁起就和同一个女朋友在一起(可爱的茱莉亚娜,卢卡亲热而恰当地形容她是“acquaesapone”——“肥皂和水”,因为她既甜美又纯真)。

    He 's in his early thirties , and has had the same girlfriend since he was a teenager ( the lovely Giuliana , whom Luca describes fondly and aptly as acqua e sapone - " soap and water " in her sweet innocence ) .

  11. 这一次,在翻拍新作中扮演有志纯真少女的是歌坛巨星LadyGaga,她精彩演绎的这个胸怀抱负又害羞的创作型歌手被一名比自己年长又嗜酒的乡村歌手(布莱德利·库珀饰)“发现”。

    This time round , the role of aspiring ing é nue goes to pop superstar du jour Lady Gaga , who knocks it out of the park as the aspiring , but shy , singer-songwriter ' discovered " by an older , alcoholic country musician ( Bradley Cooper ) .

  12. 小山词构筑了一个纯真执着近乎圣洁的审美世界。

    Xiaoshan-Ci constructes an esthetic world pure , approaching to holy .

  13. 这一切包含着令人愉悦的简单和纯真。

    There is a delightful simplicity and innocence to all this .

  14. 他有着中国农民的质朴纯真的性格。

    He had the simplicity and naturalness of the Chinese peasant .

  15. 这与纯真值复合命题有实质性区别。

    This is quite different from compound proposition of true value .

  16. 伊迪斯·华顿;纯真年代;叙事艺术;

    Edith Wharton ; The Age of Innocence ; narrative art ;

  17. 美国城镇化和纯真的逝去

    American Urbanization and the Sense of " Loss of Innocence "

  18. 纯真年代中的对比艺术通过构建工程菌E。

    Contrast Used in the Age of Innocence In contrast to E.

  19. 新进人员真纯真,不是吗?

    The new employees are really naive , are not they ?

  20. 我热爱动物,他们是如此的纯真和可爱。

    I love animals . They are so cute & naive .

  21. 他平静安详的睡脸宛若婴儿一般纯真。

    His serene sleeping face is as pure as a baby .

  22. 现在的社会需要纯真,需要找回童年。

    Society needs innocence and required a return to childhood .

  23. 她的代表作《纯真年代》使她获得了普利策奖的殊荣。

    On the Representation Artistry in the Age of Innocence ;

  24. 谁能把一些纯真带进我们的圈子。

    Someone who will bring a naivete to our little inbred circle .

  25. 可是中国成百上千万纯真的年轻人呢?

    But what about the millions of innocent young Chinese ?

  26. 课内外“体验”教育成功实行改变着孩子纯真的内心世界;

    In and after class experience education cultivates the students inner heart ;

  27. 愿,人类的纯真友谊丰富你我人生!

    May pure friendship of human being enriches our lives !

  28. 女孩粉红色的皮肤展现她的纯真是异常脆弱的;

    The girl 's soft pink flesh renders her innocence mysteriously vulnerable ;

  29. 与纯真时代共同成长的岁月本身就是一首老歌。

    Years growing up with pure times together are a old song .

  30. 上帝啊,你听听这小孩子纯真的声音。

    Good heavens ! Listen to the voice of an innocent child .