
  • 网络Auspicious Culture
  1. 论中国传统吉祥文化元素在平面设计中的体现

    The Reflect and Innovation of Chinese Auspicious Culture Elements in Graphic Artist Design

  2. 吉祥文化刍议

    A Brief Talk on Auspicious Culture

  3. 中国人民银行定于5月20日发行2020吉祥文化金银纪念币一套。

    China 's central bank will issue a set of commemorative coins themed after auspicious a hundred years " .

  4. 论中国吉祥文化之表现

    On the Manifestations of the Chinese Propitious Culture

  5. 浅谈现代艺术设计与中国吉祥文化内蕴的融合

    A Brief Look into the Unity of Modern Artistic Design and Chinese Culture of Propitiousness

  6. 论中国的吉祥文化

    Discussion on Propitious Culture of China

  7. 中英婚俗中吉祥文化内涵之表现形式及其功能

    On the Manifestations and their Functions of the Auspicious Cultural Connotations in Chinese and British Marriage Custom

  8. 文章论述了人们崇拜凤凰的缘由,以及凤凰作为吉祥文化的组成部分在民俗中的展现。

    The article discussed the reason why people adore Phenix and Phenix in folk-custom as part of propitious culture .

  9. 既表达了中国吉祥文化的内涵,又反映了新余及附件的地方风采、风土人情。

    It expresses the connotation of the Chinese auspicious culture and reflects the customs of Xinyu and its near areas .

  10. 吉祥文化观照下优化高中生在设计领域学习方式的研究

    Senior High School Students under the Auspicious Cultural Perspective " Design " Approach to Learning Research and Practice of Optimization

  11. 吉祥物是吉祥文化的重要组成部分,是吉祥观念的物化体现形式。

    Mascot is one of the very important component of the auspicious culture , it is the embodiment of auspicious conception .

  12. 具有传统吉祥文化元素与典雅时尚元素完美结合的现代银饰将成为消费热点。

    The modern silver jewelry , which be able to integrate traditional culture elements with auspicious elegant and fashionable element , will become the consumption hotspot .

  13. 鹤纹图案对于中华民族而言,是具有吉祥文化内涵和丰富寓意的,并且具有多种形式组合的传统图案之一。

    For the Chinese nation crane design character , is a lucky culture connotation and rich meaning and of various forms of combination of one of the traditional pattern .

  14. 但中国吉祥文化包含着传统文化的众多内容和人文主义精神,作为传统民俗文化的典型,已成为新时期的设计师们研究、开发的又一有效途径。

    As a typical example of traditional folk culture , Chinese auspicious culture has become an effective way for the architects of the new era to research and development .

  15. 绝代双骄茶香枕将中国茶养生与传统吉祥文化巧妙结合,融入时尚元素,彰显其独到的原创魅力。

    Double arrogant * if will be keeping Chinese tea pillow with traditional auspicious culture and clever union , and reveal the fashionable element in the original creative charm .

  16. 这就要求现代设计师在对传统吉祥文化的传承与发掘中建立起更为广阔、更为深入的思维结构和知识体系。

    It requires a modern designer of traditional auspicious fortune at the heritage and culture to explore in the establishment of a broader , more in-depth knowledge of the structure and systems thinking .

  17. 在现代标志设计领域中,许多脍炙人口的经典佳作都融入了具有中国特色的民间吉祥文化元素,表明了现代设计对传统文化底蕴的需要。

    In the field of modem logo design , many thrilling classical masterpieces are blended in with Chinese characteristics of folk auspicious culture , which shows the needs of traditional culture in modern design .

  18. 中国吉祥文化是民族文化的独特景观和宝贵财富,源远流长,博大精深,有着丰富的内涵。

    As the fine traditional Chinese culture , auspicious culture is unique cultural phenomenon and invaluable asset which has a long history , not only full of breadth and depth but also rich in content .

  19. 论文以徽派建筑中吉祥文化为研究对象,分析了吉祥文化在现代艺术设计中的传承、应用与创新。

    This thesis chooses auspicious culture of Huizhou factional architectures as its subjects to analyze the application , inheritance and innovation of the auspicious culture in Huizhou factional architecture in the modern design of art .

  20. 中国花文化蕴涵了丰富的中国传统造型符号,其丰富的象征寓意也构成了吉祥文化的重要组成部分。

    China spends a rich cultural implication of the traditional Chinese symbols modeling , modeling and decorated with symbols convey not only the role of the rich Symbolism also constitute a propitious an important part of culture .

  21. 南京云锦是我国优秀的传统织锦工艺文化的杰出代表,其精湛的工艺、绚丽的色彩、多样的纹样题材和构图格式以及纹样所蕴涵的吉祥文化意义和象征意义都是值得我们去研究探索。

    Nanjing brocade is an excellent Chinese traditional culture and an outstanding delegate . It was worth to research the exquisite craft , the flowery color , the pattern theme , the composition of a picture formats , pattern of contained auspicious culture meaning and symbol significance .

  22. 传统是可以作为资源的,在新的历史条件和新的文化背景下,徽派建筑中吉祥文化发挥现代的价值效应需要在变革中进行从内容到形式上的分离、重构和更新。

    Tradition can be as a kind of resource , in the new historical conditions and the new cultural background , the auspicious culture in Huizhou factional architecture needs separation , reconstruction and update from content to form through change and revolution , to play the modern valuable effect .

  23. 广西瑶族艺术设计中的吉祥设计文化研究

    The Study of the Lucky Design Culture of Guangxi Yao Nation

  24. 人们对传统吉祥图案文化进行了不同层次的思考,但都表现为一种文化回归意识,它不是对传统文化的自我陶醉和猎奇玩味,而是解脱文化危机和重构文化体系。

    Though all belonging to the returning of cultural consciousness , the reflections on the traditional auspicious patterns culture on different levels is not narcissism or to seek novelty for the traditional culture , but rather , it is to avoid cultural crisis and reconstruct the cultural system .

  25. 吉祥语的文化意蕴、功能和社会意义

    On the social culture connotation , function and significance of auspicious words

  26. “人”字创意造型依靠上海世博会的传播平台,必将成为中国上海世博会的吉祥符号和文化标志。

    The mascot will surly become the lucky symbol and cultural remark of Shanghai Expo .

  27. 其中也饱含着儒释道三家思想的相互渗透、融合、吸收,更加维系了吉祥图案的文化传承与发展。

    Which also contains the Confucianism three thought infiltration , fusion , absorption , more to maintain the auspicious patterns of cultural inheritance and development .

  28. 吉祥图案艺术文化由民间世俗化的宗教生活走向现代化艺术潮流,是多种文化失落与相互交错的结果。

    The art culture of auspicious patterns is a trend from folk secular religious life to modern art as a result of the loss and interlacing of the multi-cultures .

  29. 第一部分论述忌避语、委婉语、吉祥语共同的文化性质和文化功能。

    Part one discusses the cultural characters and cultural functions shared by taboo words , euphemism , and words for good luck .

  30. 中国传统吉祥图案是传统文化中的一个重要组成部分,而现在的中小学生对吉祥图案越来越感到陌生。

    The traditional Chinese auspicious patterns of traditional culture is an important component of , and now the primary and middle school students to feel more strange auspicious patterns .