
jí qìng
  • auspicious;happy;lucky;propitious
吉庆 [jí qìng]
  • [auspicious;lucky;propitious] 吉祥喜庆之事

  • 吉庆有余

吉庆[jí qìng]
  1. 但要记得,吉庆的斋月,每年只有一次。

    But remember this auspicious month comes but once a year .

  2. 一部报告呼吁(政府)采取严厉的措施在印度节目“排灯节”时保护猫头鹰&因为数千只猫头鹰会被作为印度“吉庆场合”的祭品。

    A report suggested tough measures should be put in place to protect owls from a Hindu festival-Diwali-because thousands of owls are sacrificed on Hindu " auspicious occasions " .

  3. 如果你想要同时获得两世的吉庆美好。

    If you want to acquire the possession of both worlds .

  4. 现在校园里洋溢着吉庆,但面貌仍是极度破败。

    The sprawling campus is pleasant enough but badly dilapidated .

  5. 亲爱的兄弟,斋月幸福吉庆!

    Dear brother , may you have a happy and blessed Ramadan !

  6. 愿安拉奖赏你,在这个尊贵吉庆的斋月宽恕你。

    May Allah reward you and grant you forgiveness in this blessed month .

  7. 要幸福快乐,不断以生活中的吉庆提醒自己。

    Be happy and constantly remind yourself of the blessings in your life .

  8. 渐渐的,人们也开始在桃符上提写吉庆的文字。

    Eventually , people began to write auspicious phrases in the place of the gods'names .

  9. 吉庆斋月后十天是穆斯林应抓住的最后机会。

    The last third of the blessed month of Ramadan is the last chance a Muslim should seize .

  10. 风雨中歌唱&汉口吉庆街街头音乐访听记

    Street Music IN WUHAN

  11. 同样,万能的主用吉庆的四天装扮一个月,用尊贵的斋月来装饰一年365天。

    Similarly , Almighty God illuminates a month with four Fridays , and a year of365 days with Ramadan .

  12. 浓烈的色彩正是人类心理需求的表现,进而将古代社会传统意中的热情洋溢、吉庆祥和的美学思想体现得淋漓尽致。

    The strong color is the human psychological needs of performance , then mostly exposed the auspicious and peaceful passion aesthetics reflects .

  13. 愿全能的安拉赐悯你一个吉庆的斋月,接受你的斋戒,礼拜和坐静等等善功。

    May Allah Almighty favors you with the blessings of Ramadan and grants you the merits of observing fasting , qiyam , i'tikaf , etc.

  14. 每逢吉庆佳节到来,泉州都会举行各种各样的民俗活动,“采莲舞”便成为这些民俗活动中的一道靓丽的风景线。

    On festive occasions , people held various folk activities in Quanzhou ," Picking Lotus Dance " has become a beautiful scenery in the activities .

  15. 最后由于周氏的提议他们又聚拢来围成一个圈子拜下去,一面说着吉庆的祝语,然而这并不是在祝福,却是在开玩笑。

    Finally , at madam chou 's suggestion , everyone gathered in a large circle , joking and talking only of " auspicious " things .

  16. 伦敦的穆斯林中心位于东伦敦的白教堂,在这个吉庆的活动中,人们向那些斋戒的人以及没有斋戒的人提供免费的矿泉水和多汁的枣子。

    During a celebratory launch event at the London Muslim Centre in Whitechapel , east London , free mineral water and succulent dates were distributed to the fasting and non fasting public .

  17. 图案寓意:图案以莲花组成的称“缠枝莲”,寓意吉庆。因其结构连绵不断,故又具“生生不息”之意。

    Design : Pattern in the lotus composition called " tangled branches , meaning auspicious , Ephraim " because of its structure , so it is also continuous with " a perennial " meaning .

  18. 若在这最神圣、最吉庆的时刻举起双手向真主祈祷,并整理好衣服准备做礼拜,那他将会在有生之年见证无数惊喜与奇迹。

    If during that sacred and most esteemed moment , people can raise their hands in supplication and turn toward God girded ready for worship , they will witness so many surprises in their lives .

  19. 从民俗信仰的层面来看,鱼作为吉庆文化的象征,不仅在唐代祭祀中起着重要的作用而且有预示吉凶的征兆功能。

    From the view of folk custom and belief , symbolizing as the Ji Qing culture , fishes not only play important role in sacrifice activities but can foreboding the good or bad luck in Tang Dynasty .

  20. 旧时,人们把这种仪式叫做“引田龙”。这一天,家家户户还要吃面条、炸油糕、爆玉米花(比作为“挑龙头”、“吃龙胆”、“金豆开花,龙王升天,兴云布雨,五谷丰登”),以示吉庆。

    In the old times people called this " welcome the fields dragon . " On that day , all the families will eat noodles or fried glutinous rice blocks , and pop corn to enjoy happiness .

  21. 这一天,家家户户还要吃面条、炸油糕、爆玉米花,以示吉庆。从那家希腊人开的糖果店里,传来了哔哩啪啦油炸花生的声音,散发着油炸花生的香味。

    On that day , all the families will eat noodles or fried glutinous rice blocks , and pop corn as part of the festivity . In the Greek candy-store was the whine of a peanut-roaster , and the oil smell of nuts .

  22. 从此,一个规模宏大的挖掘、保护、利用和弘扬年画文化的大幕徐徐拉开,一种以年画为载体的文化,将以吉庆这一的独特品格跻身世界文化之林。

    Since then , a large-scale of excavation , protection , use and promote of Planks New Year Paintings culture has been opened the curtain . The golden aged culture of Planks New Year Paintings with its distinctive character among the forest of the world culture .