
wǔ dǎ
  • Martial arts;acrobatic fighting in Chinese opera or dance
武打 [wǔ dǎ]
  • [acrobatic fighting in Chinese operas or dances] 戏曲中表演武术搏斗

武打[wǔ dǎ]
  1. 徐克调整了自己的导演方式,为的就是充分利用科技优势,将3D技术应用到武打甚至静态场面中去。

    Tsui has tailored his direction to take full advantage of the technology , in the action scenes and even in the more static application of 3D .

  2. 激励她走上导演之路的电影中,有一部是1989年的武打科幻电影《机械超人》(Cyborg)。

    One of the films that made her want to direct was the 1989 martial-arts sci-fi film " Cyborg . "

  3. 1985年上映的《僵尸先生》(Mr.Vampire)曾吸引大量影迷涌入影院观看。影片滑稽古怪,将搞笑、惊悚、武打场面以及跳尸融合在一起,“跳尸”取名自僵尸一蹦一跳的动作。

    Movie-goers flocked to see the 1985 movie ' Mr. Vampire , ' with its zany mix of comedy , horror , martial arts and hopping vampires , so-called because of the undead corpses ' jumping movements .

  4. 多尔西表示,他以前从未想要成为一名创业家,而是希望成为一名艺术家、海员、裁缝,甚至李小龙(有一段时间他不断在tweet中援引这位武打大师的话)。

    Mr Dorsey says he never wanted to be an entrepreneur : he wanted to be an artist , sailor , tailor – or Bruce Lee ( he went through a period of tweeting quotes from the martial arts master ) .

  5. 影视武打与中华武术

    Chinese national Wushu and fighting skills in films and television

  6. 而且在电影中我使用自己独特的武打技巧。

    And use my unique martial art in the film .

  7. 那些武打片全都是骗人的!

    Those Kung Fu films ? They are all fake !

  8. 我对武打片已经失去了兴趣。

    The action films have lost their appeal to me .

  9. 他说:“传承,不是武打片经常谈论涉及的。”

    Heritage is something martial-arts films don 't often talk about . '

  10. 赵又廷无疑成为一颗冉冉升起的武打明星。

    Chao is definitely an action star in the making .

  11. 成龙拍了很多武打片。

    Jackie Chan makes a lot of fight movies .

  12. 导演和制片到武术组研究武打动作。

    Director Michael Biehn and Producer Bey Logan are working on action scenes .

  13. 李连杰和成龙都是中国著名的武打演员。

    Both Li Lianjie and Jackie Chan are famous Kungfu actors in china .

  14. 你们以为自己是武打明星?

    You think you 're Kung Fu stars now ?

  15. 一个很出名的武打明星。你不知道吗。

    You know , that famous martial arts guy .

  16. 一个用于戏剧场景,一个用于武打场景。

    One was for the dramatic scenes and one for the fight scenes .

  17. 不管武打动作是多么复杂,他都可以胜任。

    No matter how complicated the choreography , he was able to do it .

  18. 李小龙是本港首位到荷里活闯出名堂的武打巨星,到现时他还是众人的偶像。

    Bruce Lee has been and still is a popular Hollywood idol action figure .

  19. 如果明天不下雨,我们打算去看一部武打片。

    We are going to see an action movie if it won 't rain tomorrow .

  20. 武打电影是我的最爱。

    Martial art movies are my favorites .

  21. 梁朝伟说,武打戏对我来说很难。

    ' The action part was really tough for me , ' Mr. Leung said .

  22. 武打是地戏的灵魂。

    Wushu is to show the soul .

  23. 这部电影充满了武打动作。

    The film is full of actions .

  24. 吉胜严告诉记者,郑婆婆还喜欢看电视,特别是武打片和战争片。

    Ji told the reporter that Zheng enjoys watching TV , especially Kung Fu and war series .

  25. 在作为综合艺术的戏曲、舞蹈中,对武打技巧和舞蹈技巧有很高的要求。

    There is very high requirement to acrobatic fighting and dancing skill in synthetical artistic opera and dance .

  26. 从武打明星到现在好莱坞的热门武术指导,甄子丹的成功众望所归。

    From action star to now Hollywood 's top action choreographer , Donnie Yen has come a long way !

  27. 媒体报导说你演的“默僧”武打动作会有猴拳的风格。

    As it was reported , your character ," Silent Monk " fights using a type of Monkey Style .

  28. 作品为纪念李小龙在电影上的成就,故以他的武打造像为蓝本。

    Taking his post of getting ready to attack , the sculpture is to commemorate the superstar 's great achievements .

  29. 他是我最喜欢的武打明星,马来西亚的很多人都喜欢他的电影。

    He is also my favourite Chinese martial arts star and many in the Malay community here loved the movie .

  30. 此外,戏曲还可以采用武打和诙谐等一些无伤大雅的手段来吸引观众。

    In addition , Opera also can be used martial arts and humor and other innocuous means to attract viewers .