
wǔ xiān zuò
  • Hercules
武仙座[wǔ xiān zuò]
  1. 武仙座、英仙座和山案座都是星座的名称。

    Hercules , Perseus , Mensa are all names of constellations .

  2. 巨大的星云是武仙座。

    Is the great globular cluster in hercules .

  3. 武仙座X-1可能存在软X射线或远紫外波段的谱线

    Should there be any XUV lines of her X-1

  4. 武仙座X-1的硬X射线谱线

    The hard X-ray emission lines of X-1

  5. 本文应用对武仙座X射线源HerX-1新近获得的硬X射线谱线的观测资料,对辐射区域的物理情况作了初步的探讨。

    In this paper , using the observational data of hard X-ray emission lines of Her X-1 , we preliminarily study the physical situation of emission region .

  6. 武仙座TU&一颗周期在迅速减小的大陵五型双星

    TU Her & An Algol System with Rapidly Decreasing Period

  7. 1963年武仙座新星的光电观测

    Photoelectric observations of Nova Herculis 1963 photoelectric group of the stellar Division

  8. 武仙座1963年新星星云阶段的分光光度

    Spectrophotometry of n her 1963 in its nebular stage

  9. 1963年武仙座新星的光谱和光度观测

    Photometric and spectroscopic observations of Nova Herculis 1963

  10. 武仙座A中的环和摆动

    Rings and Wiggles in Hercules a

  11. 该彗星将很有可能继续只用望远镜即可看到,它在天空中慢慢移动并且在未来的几个月内将一直停留在武仙座。

    As a result , the comet will likely stay a sight for telescopic eyes only , moving slowly through the sky and remaining in Hercules during the coming months .