
The development of weapon systems test domain ontology was studied .
The problem of weapon systems test and the solution were studied .
The information system of weapon systems test was designed .
On auditing the experiment expenditures of arms and equipment
The simulation results show that the method is scientific and effective , suitable for other fields of equipment test simulation .
Simulation test is set store by relative expert as a kind of testing means for weapon equipment , for the advantage of its repeatable test and a large of samples .
The system with centralized control , scatter measurement , good general performance and simply operation meets the needs of various styles of weapon systems and different scales of the tests .
The test method can improve the confidence and accuracy of the test data , shorten the test period , and expand the application of weapon test for data processing and analysis .
This paper explains significance and realization method of small sample in simulation test , based on actual requirement of weapon equipment test . In the end , it shows an example where the orthogonal design is used for simulation test of the X-model radar reconnaissance receivers .
Therefore , to design and develop the software system for solving complicated Bayes reliability evaluation calculation problem , which is important to support the Bayes method to be used in weaponry reliability test evaluation project .
Health Service Characteristics and Countermeasures of Weapon Experimentation in Some Troop TESTING
Study of Personal Reliability in Weapon Systems Test
Preliminary Study on Integral Performance Test for Digital Forces Weapon Equipment
Numerical simulation of temperature shock test for materiel
In our national defense science and technology field , simulation technology has been used as a precursor technology in manufacture and experimentation .
In national defence science and technology field , simulation technology has become a means to save investment , enhance efficiency and been used as a precursor technology in manufacture and experimentation .
Integrated Test Design and Evaluation Technology of Weapon System in Small Sample Situation
The equipment costs are mainly used on the scientific research , experiment , purchasing , maintenance , transportation and storage of military equipment .
The test quantum is generally small due to the extremely complexity of modern weapon systems , high expenses and long cycle of the tests , which makes the demonstration methods of GJB more difficult to be put into practice .
In the computer simulation platform by building physical models of weapons and equipment , weapons and equipment of all kinds of simulation experiments , the effective place of some of the physical prototype testing , to reduce expenses , reduce time and increase efficiency .
With the development of Military information technology , the confrontation between single-platform and single weapon is gradually changing to systemic confrontation , which leads to a more complex and larger scale of test or training of modern weapons and equipment .