
  • 网络test cell;Engine Test Cell
  1. 大函道比涡扇发动机试车台气动力设计的特点

    Aerodynamic design characteristic of test cell for-high . by-pass ratio turbofan engine

  2. 发动机试车台推力测量系统中心加载现场校准技术研究

    Study of In-situ Calibration Technology of Test Cell Thrust Force Measuring System

  3. PCA在火箭发动机试车台传感器故障诊断中的应用

    Application of PCA in Sensor Fault Diagnosis of Rocket Engine Ground Testing Bed

  4. J积分阻力曲线测试研究航空发动机试车台附加阻力修正方法

    The Experimental Study on the Methods of Determining J-Integral Resistence Curve Additional Drag Correction of Aircraft Engine on Test Facility

  5. 发动机试车台振动控制基于协方差ICA分析的多重振荡源分离方法

    Vibration Isolation of Auto Engine Test - Bed ICA on Auto - covariance Approach to Multi - oscillation Isolation

  6. 基于MSPCA的液体火箭发动机试车台氢供应系统传感器故障诊断方法

    Method of Sensor Fault Diagnosis in Liquid Rocket Engine Ground Testing Bed Hydrogen Providing System Based on MSPCA

  7. 直连式冲压喷气发动机试车台扩大试验范围的一种方法

    A method of extending test range of direct-connected ramjet test stand

  8. 涡喷、涡扇发动机试车台噪声分析

    Analysis of turbojet and turbofan jet noise in aero engine test

  9. 空气喷气发动机试车台排气扩压器设计及试验研究

    Design and Experimental Investigation of Exhaust Diffuser of Jet Engine Test Bed

  10. 航空发动机试车台附加阻力修正方法

    Additional Drag Correction of Aircraft Engine on Test Facility

  11. 三菱触摸屏在某发动机试车台电气操纵控制系统的应用

    Application of Contact Screen in the Electrical Control System on the Test Bench

  12. 航空发动机试车台的气动流场研究

    Pneumatic Flow Field Research of Aero-engine Test Bed

  13. 低温技术在氢氧火箭发动机试车台上的应用

    The Application of Cryogenic Technology in LOX / LH 2 Rocket Engine Test Stand

  14. 涡轮喷气发动机试车台噪声控制

    Noise control used for turbojet engine test bench

  15. 噪声分析系统在航空发动机试车台的应用研究

    Research of Noise Analysis System in Aeroengine Test

  16. 航空发动机试车台油门交流数控系统的研制

    On Development of Throttle AC Digital Control System of Chinese Ground Test Facility for Aero-Engine

  17. 发动机试车台振动控制

    Vibration Isolation of Auto Engine Test-Bed

  18. 内插管扩张室消声器的试验研究及其在航空发动机试车台上的应用

    Experimental Study of Expand Chamber Type Silencer with Built in Tubes and Application in Aero-engine Test Facilities

  19. 航空发动机试车台架推力测量误差

    Measuring Error of Thrust

  20. 本系统在发动机试车台上进行了试验,并通过了航空工业部部级鉴定。

    The system has been actually tested on our aero-engine test bed and appraised by the Aero-Industry Ministry .

  21. 论文设计了原理试验样机,并在发动机试车台上进行了试验验证。

    A test prototype has been designed in the paper and has been demonstrated on a engine test rig .

  22. 分析了航空发动机试车台推力测量系统的误差来源,并给出系统误差的计算方法。

    This paper is used to introduce the errors of the measuring thrust system on aero-engine and give its compute method .

  23. 最后,以液体火箭发动机试车台氢供应系统几个关键传感器的故障诊断为例验证了这种方法实用性和有效性。

    Finally , the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed methodology is illustrated by some sensors in the rocket engine ground testing bed liquid hydrogen providing system .

  24. 本文开发了液体火箭发动机试车台传感器故障诊断系统,包括算法实现、数据库设计和用户界面设计。

    At last , the sensor fault diagnostic software of liquid rocket engine ground test system is developed successfully , including the designs of arithmetic , database and interface software .

  25. 本文针对某型航空涡轴发动机试车台实验所获得的尾气静电监测信号,结合发动机状态和性能数据,分别在两个时间尺度上展开了分析研究。

    Based on the exhaust gas electrostatic monitoring signal of a turbo-shaft engine , an analytical study is carried out in combination with other engine operating parameters at two time scale .

  26. 研制了专门的发动机启动试车台架,在海拔高度分别为400m,2800m,3650m的三个机场进行涡轮启动机单独启动带转和与发动机共同工作启动试验。

    Altogether we finished more than 80 tests using a turbine generator to start an engine first and then the engine would work itself at three different airfields of different heights : 400m , 2800m , and 3650m respectively .

  27. 远程火箭校正发动机柔性试车台振动特性分析

    Characteristic of flexible test platform for the control engine of long range rocket

  28. 某火箭发动机高速旋转试车台旋转架一体化设计与分析

    Design and Analysis of a High-Speed Spinning Test Platform for Solid Rocket Motor

  29. 我国航空发动机高空模拟试车台的发展

    Development of Aeroengine Altitude Test-bench of China

  30. 本文利用某型涡扇发动机高空模拟试车台的试验结果,选取其中3次左边界起动试验的数据,着重对该发动机的风车起动点火特性进行了分析。

    Using the available data from 3 starts in simulated altitude tests , the windmilling start ignition characteristic of a turbofan engine was analyzed in this paper .