
fà xíng
  • hairstyle;hair style;hairdo;coiffure
发型 [fà xíng]
  • [hair style;hairdo] 发式

发型[fà xíng]
  1. 太完美了!这个发型正是我想要的。

    That 's perfect ! This hair style is just what I wanted .

  2. 她的发型是这个城市流行的款式。

    She wears a fashionable hair style prevailing in the city .

  3. 要想理个好发型,你最好是去找戴维。

    For a superb haircut , David 's your man .

  4. 你有没有想过剪个短发型?

    Have you thought about having your hair in a shorter style ?

  5. 他理了个时髦的发型,戴着一只耳环,还留着时髦的胡子楂。

    He had a trendy haircut , an earring and designer stubble .

  6. 真是判若两人!你梳这种发型显得太帅了。

    What a difference ! You look great with your hair like that .

  7. 你新剪的发型真酷。

    You look pretty cool with that new haircut .

  8. 你觉得我的新发型怎么样?

    What do you think of my new haircut ?

  9. 我觉得那种发型不适合你。

    I don 't think that hairstyle is you .

  10. 她去洗了头,做了发型。

    She had her hair washed and set .

  11. 我一年前烫的发,现在发型依旧。

    I had a perm a year ago and it still hasn 't grown out .

  12. 我喜欢你的新发型。

    I like your new hairstyle .

  13. 选择一个你觉得发型很好看的人向你推荐的发型师。

    Choose a stylist recommended by someone whose hair you like .

  14. 从5岁起,我的发型就一直没怎么变。

    My hairstyle hasn 't changed much since I was five .

  15. 她戴着一副蝶形眼镜,顶着一头蜂窝式发型。

    She wore butterfly glasses and had a beehive hairdo .

  16. 换换发型能让你年轻10岁。

    Changing your hairstyle can take ten years off you .

  17. 迈克尔把简的头发梳理平整并做出发型。

    Michael smoothed and sculpted Jane 's hair into shape .

  18. 现在政界讲究的无非是合适的发型和时髦的衣着。

    Now politics is all about the right haircut and a sharp suit

  19. 那个发型怪怪的家伙是谁?

    Who 's that guy with the funny haircut ?

  20. 非洲式发型是浓密的小短卷。

    Afro hair is short and tightly curled .

  21. 你觉得我的新发型怎么样?

    How do you like my new hairdo ?

  22. 让头发达到最佳效果意味着要修剪得当,并选择合适的发型。

    Making the most of your hair means getting the cut and shape right .

  23. 实际上他很喜欢自己的新发型,决定要炫耀一番。

    He actually enjoys his new hairstyle and has decided to start showing it off .

  24. 发型突出了她的精致之美。

    The haircut emphasised her fragile beauty .

  25. 你想弄什么发型自己看着办。

    Wear your hair however you want .

  26. 他有一头精心吹出发型的金发。

    He has blow-dried blonde hair .

  27. 她晋升为高级发型师,然后又冲破种种限制,开起了自己的发廊。

    She graduates to senior stylist and then flies the coop to set up in a salon of her own .

  28. 这种发型现在很时髦。

    This hairstyle is after [ in ] the fashion .

  29. 今年烫发的发型很流行。

    Curling hair styles are all the cry this year .

  30. 她的发型使得她的脸显得更圆了。

    Her hairstyle exaggerates the roundness of her face .