
fū sè
  • colour of skin;colour;complexion;color of skin;skin colour;skin tone
肤色 [fū sè]
  • [color of skin] 有色人种的肤色(例如黑人的肤色)

肤色[fū sè]
  1. 这件衣服和她的肤色很协调。

    The clothes blend in with her colour of skin very much .

  2. 对肤色的歧视仍然存在。

    The discrimination of the colour of skin still existed

  3. 肤色白皙的人应当避免穿浅色衣服。

    People with pale complexions should avoid wearing light colours .

  4. 这取决于你肤色的深浅。

    It depends on the darkness of your skin .

  5. 她肤色苍白,肤质细腻如蜡。

    Her skin is pale , the texture of fine wax .

  6. 他个头瘦小,肤色苍白。

    He is small and very thin and has pale-white skin .

  7. 我们想推销各种肤色的人都喜欢的化妆品。

    We want to promote cosmetics that appeal across the colour barrier .

  8. 司机一头乌发、肤色黝黑,可能是个马耳他人。

    The driver was very dark . Maltese , maybe .

  9. 任何人,不论宗教、肤色或信仰,都可以加入。

    It takes in anybody regardless of religion , colour , or creed

  10. 海伦选择的唇膏很适合她的肤色。

    Helen 's choice of lipstick was a good match for her skin-tone

  11. 选择与你本身的肤色相衬的颜色。

    Choose shades which tone in with your natural colouring .

  12. 底妆让你的肤色和肤质均匀。

    Foundation make-up evens out your skin tone and texture .

  13. 他看起来很年轻,肤色黝黑,五官分明,双颊凹陷。

    He looked young , dark and sharp-featured , with hollow cheeks .

  14. 我们之间唯一的差别就是肤色。

    The only difference between us is the colour of our skins .

  15. 我非常喜欢身材魁梧、肤色偏黑的男人。

    I tend to go for large dark men .

  16. 我们的司机悠闲地走了过来,他身材高大,肤色黝黑。

    Our driver strolled up , huge and swarthy .

  17. 至于我和劳拉,肤色根本不是问题。

    As for Laura and me , the colour of our skin has never mattered

  18. 我患有一种皮肤病,破坏了我的天然肤色。

    I have a skin disorder , it destroys the pigmentation in my skin .

  19. 疲劳和压力会很快导致肤色暗淡无光、额头出现皱纹。

    Fatigue and stress quickly result in a dull complexion and a furrowed brow .

  20. 我不在乎她的肤色。

    I don 't care what colour she is

  21. 晒伤的风险和严重程度取决于人体的自然肤色。

    The risk and severity of sunburn depend on the body 's natural skin colour

  22. 米切尔体格健壮,中等个头,肤色黝黑。

    Mitchell is well built , of medium height , with a dark complexion .

  23. 浅色太阳镜色彩柔和,皮肤白皙的人戴上不会与肤色形成强烈的反差。

    On fair skin , pale shades are delicate enough not to overpower your colouring .

  24. 他承认在这种情况下泰勒先生的肤色和种族出身完全无关紧要。

    He acknowledged that Mr Taylor 's colour and ethnic origins were utterly irrelevant in the circumstances .

  25. 以你的发色和漂亮的肤色,穿红色或者其他亮色的衣服会很好看的。

    With your hair and your beautiful skin , you 'd look good in red and other bright colors .

  26. 犹太人只要愿意,均可自动加入以色列国籍,不管他们是什么肤色,不管他们说何种语言。

    Israel offers automatic citizenship to all Jews who want it , whatever colour they are and whichever language they speak .

  27. 不同国度、不同肤色的运动员欢聚一堂。

    Players from different lands and of different colours enjoyed a happy gathering .

  28. 她肤色很美。

    She has a beautiful complexion .

  29. 她穿一件金色的长服,露出丰满的颈子和双肩,肤色柔和而苍白,使她的风度特别迷人。

    And the full , soft pallor of her neck and shoulders , above a gold-coloured frock , gave to her personality an alluring strangeness .

  30. 由于人种不同,西方人的肤色比东方人要白很多。

    Western people usually have fairer complexions than Eastern people .