
  • Coal consumption rate for power generation;【电力】gross coal consumption rate
  1. 辅助汽水系统是火电机组热力系统的重要组成部分,分析其对发电煤耗率的影响具有重要的现实意义。

    An auxiliary steam-water system is an important integral part of the thermodynamic system in a thermal power plant .

  2. 热电联产机组供热得益对发电煤耗率、厂用电率的影响和计算方法

    The Impact of Heat Supply Benefit of Cogeneration Unit on the Gross Coal Consumption Rate and Service Power Rate and Its Calculation Method

  3. 实证研究结果表明:①电煤供应链的减排应以提高煤层气利用率和降低火电厂发电煤耗率为主。

    The results showed that : ① The emissions reduction of the ECSC should give priority to the improvement of CBM utilization rate and reduction of CCR in the power plant .

  4. 超超临界火力发电机组煤耗率低,技术含量高,环保性能好,是火力发电的重要发展方向。

    The ultra supercritical thermal power units with low coal consumption rate , high technical content , and environmental friendliness , is the main development direction of thermal power .