
CFD Application in the Retrofit of Alkali Recovery Boiler
Computer Modeling of Recovery Boilers and New Designs of Combustion Air System
Application of Plug-in Heat Exchanger in Black Liquor Recovery Boilers
Discussion on How to Improve the Circulating Efficiency of Alkali Recovery Boiler System
Treatment to Soot Cleaning of Alkali Recovery Furnace
The Process Control of a Chemical Recovery Boiler
Alkali recovery boiler is the necessary important equipment in paper industry , whose number and capacity is increasing gradually .
The research on the inspection technology of alkali recovery boiler ensures its safe running and perfects the special equipment inspection technology .
Therefore it is great beneficial to improve the economic benefits of the papermaking course and the essential equipment of pollution-controlled of paper mill .
Increase in strong liquor dry solids improves the efficiency of the recovery boiler . In our calculation case , the efficiency of the boiler increased 13 percentage units .
The general design of a 450 t / d wood pulp alkali recovery boiler is summarized in this article . Some suggestions for optimizing the design are put forward .
The thermal performance test specification of the alkali recovery boiler and the alkali recovery method fill in the blank of energy conservation and emission reduction , which is significant greatly for the running and operation of the alkali recovery boiler .
And alkali recovery boiler dealing with the black liquid can not only fully recover the alkaline in the black liquid , but also utilize burning of the organic matter in black liquid in order to produce the industrial steam and get benefit two times .
Concept of Alkali and Lime Double Recovery Boiler
Recently , alkali recovery technology has developed greatly in China with the raise of environmental protection require . The appearance of the alkali recovery boiler units was relative late in China , but its development was quite quickly , especially the recovery technology of wood pulp black liquor .