
wǔ shù tào lù
  • wushu routine
  1. 《全国武术套路竞赛规则与裁判法》多媒体CAI课件的研制

    Research on the Development of Multimedia CAI Course Software of " The National Wushu Routine Competition Rules and Judgment "

  2. 武术套路竞赛方法改革的新思路

    New Train of Thought to Reform Competitive Method of Wushu Routine

  3. R型聚类分析对武术套路运动员专项身体素质的应用探讨

    R clustering analysis on the application research of athletes special fitness

  4. 竞技武术套路中旋风脚B级跳跃连接难度动作的研究

    Study on the Landing Stability of Tornado Kick of Level B Difficulty Jump in Competitive Wushu

  5. 体育院系武术套路普修教学CAI课件的设计与制作

    The Design And The Manufacture Of Teaching CAI Courseware Of The Sports Department Martial Arts

  6. AHP方法在武术套路运动员中期选材中的应用研究

    The Application Research Of Analytical Hierarchy Process ( AHP ) In Athlete 's Medium-Term Talent Selection In Wushu Routine

  7. 武术套路运动供能主要以ATP&CP系统供能为主,辅之以HL能系统。

    Supplying power in Wushu exercises mainly involve ATP-CP system , secondary HL system .

  8. 测定了少年男子武术套路运动员组(12人)和普通对照组(5人)在连续递增负荷的蹬车运动中血氨、血乳酸、VEVO2指标的变化曲线。

    We investigated the variation features of blood ammonia and blood lactate and VE / VO 2 during progressive increase of load test between junior wushu roution athletes and the control group .

  9. 本文主要应用Cybex等动肌力测试数据,确定优秀武术套路运动员的下肢等动肌肉力量特征,并以此作为运动员力量机能评价标准。前者的伸膝/屈膝等动肌力比高于后者。

    This paper focuses on the strength testament and evaluation of elite athletes , including Cybex isokinetic testament and take the data as standards in strength training ; The muscle power of the latter is higher .

  10. 运用马腾斯的CSAI-2问卷,对参加全国武术套路锦标赛的部分男女运动员的竞赛焦虑水平进行测试。

    Using the CSAI-2 questionnaire of Martens , the thesis contains the testing results of the level of mental worry of part of the male and female athletes who have taken part in the national series competition of martial art .

  11. 浅析武术套路中的动静观思想

    A Tentative Analysis of Stillness and Movement Thought in Wushu Routines

  12. 关于武术套路场地、器材变革的探讨

    Discussion on Innovation of Ground and Equipment in Wushu Routine Competition

  13. 竞技武术套路发展对武术推广的影响

    The Influence of Contest Martial Arts Development to Martial Arts Promotion

  14. 新疆维吾尔自治区青少年武术套路竞赛现状及发展策略研究

    Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Regional Youth Wushu Competition Situations and Development Strategies

  15. 武术套路运动员身体训练控制方法的研究

    Study on control method of Wushu routine athletes ' body training

  16. 自由体操对竞技武术套路发展的影响

    Impact of Free Callisthenics on Development of Competitive Martial Arts Routine

  17. 从功能价值结构谈竞技武术套路的发展

    On the Competitive Wushu Development from the Function and Value Structure

  18. 不同形式训练课对武术套路运动员肾功能的影响

    Effects of Different Exercises on Kidney Function of Wushu Routine Athletes

  19. 对2004年全国男子武术套路锦标赛的思考

    Pondering over National Men 's Martial Art Routine Championship in 2004

  20. 竞技武术套路规则新模式的构想

    Tentative Ideas on New Model of Competitive Rules of Wushu Routines

  21. 对竞技武术套路评分新模式的研究与探索

    A study on the new scoring mode of competitive Wushu routines

  22. 现代竞技武术套路技术体系及其价值取向

    System of Modern Competitive Wushu Routine Technique and Its Value Orientation

  23. 我国高水平女子武术套路运动员身体形态特征的研究

    Researches on Somatotype Characteristics of Elite Wushu Woman Athletes in China

  24. 浅谈武术套路教学中初学者的情绪调控

    Simply Talking about the Control of Beginners Feeling in Wushu Teaching

  25. 武术套路运动员的无氧代谢能力研究

    Study on Ability of Anaerobic Metabolism of Competitive Wushu Routine Athletes

  26. 影响竞技武术套路难度动作创新的主要因素

    Main Factors Affecting Innovation of Difficult Parts in Competitive Wushu Routines

  27. 高校体育课武术套路节奏的分析与研究

    The analysis and research of rhythm in Wushu class in Universities

  28. 巫术对传统武术套路影响的研究

    On the Influence of Wizardry on the Traditional Wushu Repertoire

  29. 对近年来关于竞技武术套路发展较有影响的几种观点的评述

    Reviews on Recent Viewpoints Influencing on the Development of Competitive Wushu Routine

  30. 一般系统论与武术套路技术教学

    General Systematize With The Wushu Skills And Tricks Technique Teaching