
  • 网络Wulong county
  1. 基于GIS的武隆县滑坡地质灾害危险性评价研究

    The Study of Hazard Evaluation about Landslide in Wulong County

  2. RS和GIS技术支持下的武隆县大型滑坡遥感解译及其危险性评价

    The Study of Interpretation of Large Scale Landslides and Hazard Assessment in Wulong County Based on RS & GIS

  3. 农村公路对农民收入的影响&以重庆市武隆县境内的武仙路为例

    Influence of the Rural Roads on the Income of the Farmers

  4. 小城镇风貌设计方法探析&以武隆县江口镇建设规划为例

    Discussion and Analysis of the Small Town Appearance Design Method

  5. 多排埋入式抗滑桩在武隆县政府滑坡中的应用

    Application of multi-row embedded anti-slide piles to landslide of Wulong county government

  6. 武隆县旅游开发中的生态安全对策研究

    Study on Measures of Ecological Safety of the Exploitation of Tourism in Wulong County

  7. 武隆县妇幼卫生基础工作调查分析

    Investigation result analysis to basic work on woman and children health in Wulong County

  8. 重庆市武隆县医疗机构安全注射现况调查

    A Cross-Sectional Survey on Injection Safety in Health Facilities in Wulong County , Chongqing City , China

  9. 主要介绍了巴氏杆菌的生物学特性、在武隆县的分布情况,以及利用巴氏杆菌防治根结线虫病试验结果。

    The biological characteristics and distribution of Pasteuria in Wulong County , and its application for controlling tobacco root-knot nematodes were introduced in detail .

  10. 西部县域经济发展与其产业结构研究&兼论西部县域产业定位及武隆县产业发展的思路与对策

    The Study about the Development of Western Counties ' Economy and Industrial Structure & Furthermore about Industrial Location of Western Counties and the Thoughts and Count-measures of Industrial Development in WuLong

  11. 可将其作为参考,开展其它同类区域的石漠化土地的研究和治理工作。(2)石漠化土地在武隆县和涪陵区内皆有分布。

    It can be as a reference and in other similar areas of land desertification and management work . ( 2 ) There are rocky desertification land in Wulong County and Fuling District .

  12. 本论文不但使用重庆市武隆县农户家庭微观调查数据探讨了农村居民外出务工行为对贫困地区农村居民家庭收入的影响,还对外出务工农民的收入决定因素做了专门的研究。

    This paper not only use the microscopic investigation data to discuss the influence of behavior of working away from home village to rural resident income , but also study the income determination of peasants who working away from home village .

  13. 重庆市武隆县位处我西部重丘地带,道路交通情况复杂,重、特大事故发生率高,交通安全形势较为严重。

    Wulong county , Chongqing , is a mountain county with multi-rivers locate in the western part of China . Its road traffic condition is complex , the ratio of severe and very severe road traffic accidents was high and the status of traffic safety was severe .