
  • 网络black-clothes zhuang
  1. 现代视野中黑衣壮文化的审美价值

    The Aesthetic Value of Black-clothes Zhuang 's Culture in Modern View

  2. 试析黑衣壮民歌的传承方式及传承困境

    An Analysis of Succession Style and Inheritance Dilemma of Black-Clothes Zhuang Folk

  3. 黑衣壮民族服装是中华民族传统服装的一枝奇葩。

    The Heiyizhuang costume shows unique style among all the Chinese nationality costumes .

  4. 黑衣壮审美制度研究具有学理与现实的合法性。

    The study of the Heiyi Zhuang 's aesthetic system has theoretical and realistic legitimacy .

  5. 所以黑衣壮才更崇尚黑色,更有效地保持了衣黑的传统。

    Hence , the Black-cloth Zhuang nationality respect blackness and preserve the tradition of wearing black cloth .

  6. “做人道理”是黑衣壮审美制度的意识形态内核。

    " the reason to be a man " is the ideology kernel of the Heiyi Zhuang 's aesthetic system .

  7. 黑衣壮文化研究是一个由审美人类学这一新兴学科所孵化出来的研究新视点。

    The study of Black-clothes Zhuang 's culture is a new view brought by aesthetic anthropology that is a new subject .

  8. 本论文以审美人类学的学术理念和基本理论来研究黑衣壮民歌。

    This doctoral dissertation researches the folk songs of Black-cloth Zhuang in the academic perspective and the foundational theory of aesthetical anthropology .

  9. 第一章论述黑衣壮民歌研究的理论背景、意义、内容和方法。

    Chapter One discusses the ideological background , meaning , content and method of the research on the folk song of the Black-cloth Zhuang .

  10. 赛义德民族文化观视野下的中国少数民族文化&以广西黑衣壮文化为例

    The Chinese Minority Ethnic Cultures in Vision of the National Culture Concept of Said & Taking the Black-clothes Zhuang Culture in Guangxi for Example

  11. 坚守“做人道理”的弄文屯黑衣壮在适应市场经济的过程中预演着通向未来的新生活。

    They stand fast at " the reason to be a man " previewing ordinary new life of the future during the process of meeting market economy .

  12. 第二部分总结了黑衣壮传统道德的概述并对那坡县黑衣壮族传统道德保护和传承的现状进行介绍。

    The second part summarizes the overview of Black-Clothes Zhuang Traditional Morality and status of the protection of traditional moral Zhuang Napo County black and inheritance are introduced .

  13. 近年来有关学者对南宁国际民歌艺术节、那坡黑衣壮等研究取得了初步的成绩,今后还需深化田野调查,同时加强理论提升,才能更进一步促进中国审美人类学的发展。

    It is suggested that a deeper field research should be carried out in the future , and the theoretical improvement should be strengthened so as to push the development .

  14. 在传统伦理要求与现代社会生活的交汇中,黑衣壮审美制度不断进行自我调整,演绎着日常生活的具体形态。

    In the encounter between traditional ethics and modern social life , the Black-Clothes Zhuang esthetic system is constantly making self-adjustment , manifesting itself in the specific forms of daily life .

  15. 摘要广西那坡县黑衣壮特有的多声部民歌“虽敏”的音乐风格深沉、古朴,极具个性。

    Multi-tone folk song " suimin ", peculiarly sung by the dark cloth Zhuang in nape county , guangxi , is of profound musical style , primitive simplicity , and strong individuality .

  16. 在与外来文化的交流和互动中,黑衣壮群众的文化自觉意识逐步增强,在反抗文化压迫的过程中表现了特殊的文化竞争意识和特有的文化表达方式。

    During the exchanges and interactions with exotic cultures , its cultural self-consciousness has been gradually built up , and has shown their special sense of cultural competition and expressing mode in the process of resisting the cultural oppression .

  17. 但是,年轻一代对传统山歌的淡漠和对流行歌曲的喜爱正使传统的黑衣壮社会面临着传统的断裂,以山歌艺术为核心的审美化生存正遭遇着前所未有的危机。

    However , the young generation are indifferent to traditional folk songs and are keen on pop songs , which implies a potential breakage of their tradition and the unprecedented crisis confronted by the aesthetic survival of folk song art .

  18. 审美感知与文化认知&广西那坡县黑衣壮人色彩观的人类学分析在广场的地基处,有许多用瓷片拼凑起来的彩图,这些彩图呈现出西班牙的各个领地。

    Aesthetic Experience and Cultural Cognition & An Anthropological Analysis of The Dark Cloth Zhuang s Local Chromatology ; On the base of the Plaza there are many images , composed of tiles , which are presenting the different regions of Spain .

  19. 生活在广西那坡县的黑衣壮族,在严峻的环境里创造了精彩的黑衣壮文化。

    Black-Clothes Zhuang people who live in Napo County in Guangxi have created wonderful culture in harsh environment .

  20. 这些审美文化形态是对黑衣壮族群历史、族群关系、族际交往的集体记忆和审美表达,构成黑衣壮审美交流和族群认同的共同基础。

    These aesthetic culture forms express the Heiyi zhuang 's collective memory and aesthetic expressions of ethnicity 's history , ethnicity 's relation and ethnicity 's communication , form the foundation of the Heiyi zhuang 's aesthetic exchange and ethnicity acknowledgement .