
  1. SV玉米专用肥的肥效试验

    Fertilizer Efficiency of Maize Special - purpose SV

  2. SV有机无机玉米专用肥能使肥料在土壤中有效地利用,能够避免不必要的大量施用氮肥造成的浪费,减少了对环境的污染。

    " SV organic inorganic maize special-purpose fertilizer " can make the effective use of fertilizer in the soil , can prevent waste caused by large amount of unnecessary usage of the nitrogen , and can reduce the pollution of the environment .

  3. 牡丰牌玉米专用肥施用量对玉米生长发育及产量影响的研究

    Effect of Maize-specific Fertilizer on Maize Growth and the Yield

  4. 施缓释复肥与施玉米专用肥相比具有显著的增产效果,平均增产25。

    The average maize yield with applying the complex fertilizer with slow release was25 .

  5. 玉米缓释专用肥配方研究

    Study on Formula of Slow-released Special Fertilizer for Maize

  6. 玉米专用药肥肥效研究水稻除草药肥是根据水稻的需肥规律和杂草发生特点开发的一种新型复合型药肥。

    Study on the Effect of Medical Fertilizer on Maize Growth Fertilizer with pesticide is a new type of complex fertilizer with controlling of rice weed .

  7. 玉米专用缓释复合肥对糯玉米产量和品质的影响

    Effects of different slow-release fertilizers on yield and quality of waxy corn

  8. 三年的田间试验表明,改性膨润土载体玉米专用复混肥具有显著的增产效果,比施用普通肥料增产6.9%;

    The result of three year 's experiment in the field makes it clear that the corn 's special complex and mixed fertilizer treating modified-bentonite as carrier has more remarkable effect on increasing production , and increase the production 6.9 % than the general fertilizer .

  9. 通过对玉米田间试验来研究对氮素的利用效率,确定SV玉米专用肥的增产效果。

    This text studies the utilization efficiency of the nitrogen through the field test of the maize and confirm the yield improvement of that SV maize special-purpose fertilizer .

  10. 不同品种春夏玉米套作模式中夏玉米光合特性与产量的关系玉米专用缓释复合肥对糯玉米产量和品质的影响

    Effect of intercropping summer and spring maize on photosynthesis and yield of summer maize Effects of different slow-release fertilizers on yield and quality of waxy corn