
  1. 本文主要记述了从新石器时代至明清时期玉鱼的演化进程。

    This paper introduces the development course of jade fish from the Neolithic Age to Ming and Qing periods .

  2. 我窥见到他的真实感情。从远古的端庄到明清的鲜活,玉鱼形饰件渐趋灵动,由此可窥中国美的历程之一斑。

    I had a glimpse of his true feelings . From ancient elegance to Ming and Qing liveliness the jade fish accouterment became more agile , from which we can see something about the aesthetic progress .

  3. 饵料粒度实验表明:投喂成体卤虫的玉筋鱼的生长好于投喂幼体卤虫的个体。

    The experiment of different food size showed that mature artemia nauplii was fitter than larva .

  4. 室内模拟条件下的胃含物法测定玉筋鱼摄食与生态转换效率

    Food consumption and ecological conversion efficiency of a marine small-size fish , Ammodytes personatus , determined in laboratory

  5. 饵料粒度对玉筋鱼摄食、生长和生态转换效率的影响泥鳅食性与饵料

    Comparing the food consumptions , growths and conversion efficiencies of sandlance ( Ammodyte personatus Girard ) between two groups fed with different granularity diets

  6. 玉筋鱼的实验中,体重实验结果表明:随着个体的增大,摄食与生长都有所降低,同时生态转化效率也有相应的降低。

    The results showed that : The rate of food consumption and growth , and ecological conversion efficiency tended to decrease with the body weight increase ;

  7. 然而,在此之前有渔民在核电站向南大约70千米的地方捕到了含放射性碘元素和铯元素超标的一种叫做玉筋鱼的沙鳗鱼。

    But that was not before fishermen about 70km south of the plant had caught tiny sand-eels , known as konago , with larger than normal traces of radioactive iodine and caesium .

  8. 当地捕捞玉筋鱼的渔民了解到民众对于不安全食品的恐慌,他们本季度就把网收起来不再捕鱼了(当然,有赔偿金的承诺鼓励他们暂时停止捕捞)。

    Knowing the public 's fears of unsafe food ( and no doubt encouraged by the promise of compensation ) , the local konago fishermen had already pulled in their nets for the season .