
yù mǐ huā
  • popcorn
  1. 好,你知道爆玉米花的价钱是多少吗?

    A : OK , do you know how much popcorn is ?

  2. 我计划做玉米花,看朱门恩怨。

    I plan on making popcorn and watching doctor demensia .

  3. 私人玉米花的售卖同样损害到了Cornpop的生意。

    Private label sales have also hurt sales of branded cereals .

  4. 玉米花生间作对花生铁营养的影响

    Effect of MAIZE / PEANUT intercropping on iron nutrition of peanut

  5. 咱们爆玉米花吧,把炉火通旺

    " Let 's parch corn ! Stir up the fire !"

  6. 玉米花生间作复合体系光合特性的研究

    Characters of Photosynthesis in Intercropping System of Maize and Peanut

  7. 看电影前,我们装了一碗爆玉米花。

    We filled a bowl with popcorn before the movie .

  8. 我特别喜欢边看电影边吃爆玉米花。

    I love to eat popcorn at the movies .

  9. 玉米花生间作系统优势分析

    Analysis of Superiority of Maize and Peanut Row Intercropping

  10. 玉米花粒期群体光合性能与高产潜力研究

    Study of Canopy Photosynthesis Property and High Yield Potential after Anthesis in Maize

  11. 看电影时我们每人买了些爆玉米花和冰淇淋。

    At the film , we got some popcorn and an icecream each .

  12. 是的,我想要一些热狗、爆玉米花和桔子汁。

    Yes , I would like some hot dogs , popcorn and orange juice .

  13. 他买了一台爆玉米花的机器。

    He bought a machine to pop corn .

  14. 现在给我拿玉米花来

    Now go get me some popcorn .

  15. 公玉米花高扬。

    Male flowers stand up high .

  16. 玉米花粒期干旱胁迫对植株矿质灰分的影响研究

    Study on Effect of Plant Mineral Ash Under Drought Stress at Maize Flowering and Milking Stage

  17. 1912年,生产商在每一个包装盒里都装入了奖品,好家伙玉米花的成功便是势在必然了。

    When prizes were tucked into every package in1912 , Cracker Jack 's success was assured .

  18. 微波爆裂玉米花浅谈

    Introduction of microwave popcorn

  19. 不同覆膜方式下超高产春玉米花粒期叶片衰老特性研究

    Study on Leaf Senescence of Super-high Yield Spring Maize During Flowering and Heading Period on Different Film-covering Modes

  20. 提高玉米花培绿苗诱导频率及染色体加倍效率的研究

    Studies on the improvement of microspore derived from plant production and chromosome doubling efficiency in maize anther culture

  21. 卖冰淇淋、瓶装软饮料和爆玉米花的小贩们在人群中来来往往。

    The vendors of ice cream , Bottled soft drinks , and popcorn constantly move aBout among the crowds .

  22. 奖品的数量有上千种,所以每个孩子在打开每一盒新的玉米花时都能期待获得一个新的惊喜。

    With prizes numbering in the thousands , a child could expect a new surprise with each new box .

  23. 灌溉与尿素类型对玉米花后穗位叶衰老、产量和效益的影响

    Effects of Irrigation and Urea Types on Ear Leaf Senescence After Anthesis , Yield and Economic Benefit of Maize

  24. 我喜欢最简单的一种解释:简简单单的低价票,是销售更多爆玉米花的绝佳方式。

    I prefer the simplest explanation : cheap tickets with minimum confusion is a great way to sell popcorn .

  25. 不,谢谢,我喜欢留在地球上吃玉米花。

    No thank you . I 'll be one of those people that stays on Earth , eating corn .

  26. 对于一款木桶强度波旁酒来说,它的口感极度平滑,前味是焦糖玉米花味,之后是加勒比海香料味。

    Strikingly smooth for a cask-strength bourbon , it starts off like caramel popcorn before opening up with Caribbean spices .

  27. 以点滴分析法分析玉米花中铅含量为例,介绍了点滴分析在食品检验中的应用。

    This paper introduces spot test analysis method applied in food inspection , with determinating lead in popcorn as examples .

  28. 他们的早餐有水果和水果汁,然后是谷类食物,如麦片粥或加奶的玉米花等。

    For breakfast they have fruit or fruit juice , then a cereal such as oatmeal or corn flakes with milk .

  29. 是的,不是一贯的公主粉,这些明星们都穿着水蓝色,玉米花的颜色和海军蓝。

    Yep , far from stereotypical princessy pinks , these icons are all dressed in bold aqua , cornflower and navy .

  30. 河南省沙区玉米花生间作对花生铁营养效率及间作优势的影响

    The Effects of Peanut Intercropped with Maize on Iron Nutrition Efficiency of Peanut and Intercropping Advantage in Sandy Soil in Henan Province