
jūn wù
  • military affairs;military task;military affairs or tasks
军务 [jūn wù]
  • [military affairs or tasks] 军队的事务;军事任务

  • 军务繁忙

  • 管理军务

军务[jūn wù]
  1. 利用J2EE技术,开发基于B/S模式的电子军务应用系统具有广阔的前景。

    It has broad prospect to develop electronic military affairs system by using the J2EE technology based on the B / S pattern .

  2. 数字签名在电子军务系统中的实现

    The Application of Digital Signature in the Electronic Military Affairs

  3. 适应扁平式指挥体系的电子军务UML建模研究

    Study on Modeling with UML in Electronic Military Business Adapted to Flat-even-type Command Architecture

  4. 目前,电子商务和电子政务的框架技术普遍采用J2EE框架技术,同样的道理,多层体系结构应用到电子军务系统的开发上具有很好的发展前景。

    J2EE framework technique is widely used in E-commerce and e-government , so it can also be used in the electronic military affairs .

  5. 应用结果说明,采用J2EE技术可以实现高效、稳定的电子军务应用系统,这对于促进我军信息化建设具有重要的意义。

    The result of the application shows that it can achieve efficient and stable application of electronic military affairs by using J2EE technology , which has the great meaning for military information construction .

  6. 将具有专业特定功能的电子军务应用系统应用于军事工作很有意义。

    It will be meaningful to use E-military in the army .

  7. 但军务大臣阿南却支持继续作战。

    But army Minister General koretchika Anami was determined to fight on .

  8. 让传统军务信息化,已经成为了一个迫切需要实现的目标。

    Making tradition military affair informational , it is aim which exigent require implement .

  9. 斧-军务令行。

    Axe & execution of military duty .

  10. 在军队信息化建设过程中,电子军务的实现是至关重要的。

    The realization of electronic military is of great importance in the construction of military informatization .

  11. 基于强制访问控制的电子军务模型

    MAC Based Electronic Military Model

  12. 目前,各市级委员会管理各自军务,选举各自负责安全的领导。

    For the moment , each city council runs its own military affairs and appoints its own security chief .

  13. 电子军务涵盖以往的军务办公自动化、门户网站、信息资源系统,是一个庞大的管理系统。

    E-military affairs office automation covers military affairs the past , portals , information resources system is a huge management system .

  14. 其次,对具体的电子军务应用系统即军官学习和训练管理系统进行了详细的设计和开发。

    Second , the design and development for practice electronic application system , called learning and training managing system for military officer , are completed in deal .

  15. 以网络技术为平台,借鉴电子商务的理念,提出了发展“电子军务”的设想。

    Based on the platform of network technology , The assumption of " E-Military "( EM ) is brought forward , refer to the ideas of E-Business .

  16. 电子军务集知识化于一身,整合高效,并且总体成本低廉,交流、沟通便捷,公开透明,安全性也非常高。

    Set of knowledge in an e-military affairs , integration efficiency , and overall low cost , communication , and convenient communication , transparency , security is very high .

  17. 这种努力是北京努力为21世纪军事和关系到其自身军务变革的空天防务扇区而重振雄风的象征。

    The effort is emblematic of Beijing 's efforts to recast its capabilities for the21st century as its military and associated defense-aerospace sector undergoes its own revolution in military affairs .

  18. 1991年冷战的结束,为全球或地区性的军控与裁军创造了良好的环境,但在东南亚却出现了扩充军务的“逆裁军”。

    The end of Cold War in 1991 created gook environment for global or regional arms control and disarmament . But in Southeast Asia there appeared a counter-disarmament & arms expansion .

  19. 随着社会信息化的迅猛发展,电子商务和电子政务已经成为其主要发展趋势,为适应发展趋势,电子军务也成为了军队信息化建设的重要目标。

    With the development of information technology , E-commerce and E-government have become Major trends . To meet the trend of development , E-military has become the main target of army information construction .

  20. 这条整整齐齐大理石长城长约2公里,每块石重约千斤,为著名将领戚继光主持北边军务时所增修。

    The Great Wall of neat marble about two kilometers , each weighing about heavy rock , to the famous general Qi presided over by the amendment when the north side of military affairs .

  21. 过了五分钟,侍从武官走回来,他特别恭敬地弯腰鞠躬,让安德烈公爵在前面走,带领他穿过走廊进入军务倥偬的军政大臣的办公室。

    Five minutes later the adjutant returned , and with marked courtesy , bowing and ushering Prince Andrey before him , he led him across the corridor to the private room of the war minister .

  22. 阐述了数字签名的基本原理,探讨了如何用数字签名来保证电子军务系统中公文流转的完整性、抗否定性、以及身份验证机制。

    This article elaborates the basic principle of digital signature , and discusses how to use this technology to ensure the integrity , authenticity and non-deny in the file transfer system of electronic military affairs .

  23. 在彼得雷乌斯将军主持阿富汗军务的时间里,北约部队曾有过增兵行动,成功的将塔利班的战斗力降至最低,并使他们无法再控制某些地区。

    During the period of General Petraeus'command in Afghanistan , there was a " surge " of NATO forces that succeeded in marginalizing the Taliban on the battlefield , denying them control of certain areas .

  24. 在军事领域,电子军务也必然是军事信息化的主要潮流和趋势,是我军信息化建设的基础,在我军的发展史上具有举足轻重的地位和作用。

    In the military field , the electronic military affairs are also the main trend of the military informatization inevitably . It is the basis of military information construction , and plays an important role in military history .

  25. 深入研究电子军务下军队机关工作人员、军务决策、行政方法、行政组织的变化,揭示电子军务对军队管理模式的重要影响。

    In-depth study of military affairs under the military government workers , military affairs decision-making , administrative methods , changes in administrative organization , management revealed the electronic mode of military affairs on the important influence of the military .

  26. 1853年,急于筹饷的帮办军务雷以諴在江苏里下河一带始办捐厘助饷。

    In the year of 1853 , Lei Yixian with responsibility for military affairs , who was anxious to the military expenditure began to collect Likin tax in the area of Li ' Xia River in the JiangSu Province .

  27. 从电子军务的应用着手,研究军务管理办公自动化、军队门户网站、公众服务系统、信息资源管理系统、决策支持系统对军队建设的巨大作用。

    Start from the application of electronic military affairs , military affairs management of office automation , portal military , public service systems , information resource management system , decision support system construction of the great role the armed forces .

  28. 总之,清廷对政务、军务进行了积极有效的治理,加强了对福建的统治。

    For civil and military officials ' discordance , Qing court interviewed and coordinated timely , in all , the active and effective governances to government and military affairs , the Qing court had taken , strengthened the rule of Fujian .

  29. 对照国外各军在电子军务建设方面的发展状况,研究信息化条件下,我军建设电子军务的脉络、基本功能和发展策略。

    Control of foreign military affairs of the army building in the electronic state of development , under the condition of research information , military affairs in the context of our army building E , the basic functions and development strategies .

  30. 朱元璋很专制:取消中书省,废除宰相制度,让下一级官员直接对其负责,禁止宦官参政,委派文官管理军务。

    His rule was despotic : he eliminated the posts of prime minister and central chancellor and had the next level of administration report directly to him . He prohibited eunuchs from participating in government and appointed civilian officials to control military affairs .