
  • 【中医】infantile diarrhea
  1. 结论:应用Delphi法和文献研究相结合,制定出了较为科学规范的小儿泄泻中医诊疗指南,为临床和科研服务。

    Conclusion : A more scientific and standardized the infantile diarrhea chinese medicine clinics guide was developed by using Delphi method and literature research , which service clinical and scientific research .

  2. 《黄帝内经》三因制宜在小儿泄泻治疗中的应用

    The utilization of treatment in accordance with three categories of etiologic factors in treating children diarrhea

  3. 比较推拿、西药治疗方案在小儿泄泻伤食证治疗中的安全性差异。

    To compare the safety of Tuina therapy in child diarrhea of food damage syndrome . 3 .

  4. 采用生存分析方法分析本次临床研究结果,提出了新的更为客观且能凸显推拿治疗小儿泄泻伤食证优势的疗效评价方法。

    A new and more objective method of theraputic evaluation has been established by survival analysis , demonstrating prominent superiority of Tuina therapy for child diarrhea of food damage syndome .

  5. 目的:在中医理论的指导下,运用止泻磁疗贴治疗小儿泄泻(脾虚型)进行临床观察,观察其疗效并揭示其作用机理,证实其有效性。

    Purpose : At under the guidance of traditional Chinese medicine theory , the use of magnetic therapy Zhixie paste treatment of children with diarrhea ( spleen type ) to conduct clinical observation , to observe its efficacy and to reveal its mechanism , confirmed its effectiveness .

  6. 通过多年来根据小儿厌食证、泄泻、缺铁性贫血、疳证的各种证候特点而采用的相应的调治方法,经临床验证,疗效确切。

    Clinical practice has demonstrated that it has good effects in the treatment of infantile anorexia , diarrhea , ion deficiency anemia and infantile malnutrition .

  7. 目的:观察湘西刘氏小儿推拿、传统推拿对小儿脾虚型泄泻的治疗作用。

    Objective : To observe the therapeutic effect of spleen deficiency diarrhea with children between Xiangxi Liu pediatric massage and traditional massage .

  8. 目的:泄泻是小儿最常见的疾病之一,其中脾虚泄泻在小儿泄泻中占有相当大的比例。

    Objective : Diarrhea is one of the most frequent diseases in the childhood and splenasthenic diarrhea accounts for a large of proportion of child diarrhea .