
  1. 本周欧洲央行(ECB)预计将宣布量化宽松计划。

    This week the European Central Bank is expected to announce its programme of quantitative easing .

  2. 正当你对本·伯南克(BenBernanke)失去信心之际,他就像魔术师一般从口袋里拿出一只“兔子”&6000亿美元的二次量化宽松计划。

    Just when you were losing faith in Ben Bernanke , he pulls a $ 600 billion rabbit out of his pocket .

  3. 自欧洲央行(ECB)宣布量化宽松计划以来,欧债筹资成本不断下跌。欧元区的量宽计划定于今日启动。

    Funding costs for euro debt have been tumbling since the European Central Bank announced plans for a programme of quantitative easing , which is due to begin today .

  4. 虽然美联储(Fed)已开始缩减量化宽松计划,但如果货币流通速度意外上升,美联储或许无法足够快地收缩债券购买,以防止美国的货币供给提速。

    Even though the Federal Reserve has started to taper its quantitative easing programme , should velocity unexpectedly rise it may not be able to taper fast enough to keep growth in the US money supply from accelerating .

  5. 不过,欧元兑美元汇率下跌还反映出了美元的回升,后者近几周来表现强劲&美联储(Fed)的量化宽松计划即将告终,投资者则在关注美国在2015年加息的前景。

    But it also reflects a rally in the dollar that has gained momentum in recent weeks as the US Federal Reserve nears the end of its quantitative easing programme and investors look to the prospect of US interest rates rising in 2015 .

  6. 针对美国和欧元区经济前景的分化,预计欧洲央行(ECB)明日将推出一项雄心勃勃的量化宽松计划,而美联储(Fed)今年将收紧货币政策。

    In response to divergent prospects for the economies of the US and eurozone , the European Central Bank is tomorrow expected to unveil an ambitious programme of quantitative easing , while the US Federal Reserve is forecast to tighten monetary policy this year .

  7. 经历了数年的可观增长和失业率显著下降后,美联储(Fed)和英国央行(BoE)都不再扩大量化宽松计划,并着眼于将近10年来的首次加息。

    After years of respectable growth and sizeable falls in unemployment , the US Federal Reserve and the Bank of England have ceased to expand their quantitative easing programmes and are eyeing a first rise in interest rates in nearly 10 years .

  8. 这些拍卖发生在英国央行2009年推出全面量化宽松计划之前。

    This was before it launched its full quantitative easing programme in 2009 .

  9. 也许国会应该考虑将第三轮量化宽松计划与此次债务上限上调方案进行捆绑,以备不时之需。

    Perhaps Congress needs to pair this debt deal with a back-up qe3 plan ?

  10. 此外,欧洲量化宽松计划的规模很小。

    Also , the programme is small .

  11. 英国央行可能会大幅扩展其量化宽松计划,以避免英国国债收益率飙升。

    The Bank of England may expand its quantitative easing programme enough to keep gilt yields from soaring .

  12. 关于即将到来的量化宽松计划,问题不在于是否需要实施这个计划,而在于这个计划是否能够奏效。

    The question about the forthcoming QE programme is not whether it is needed but whether it will work .

  13. 大多数投资者和华尔街分析师预计美联储将于12月份开始缩减量化宽松计划的规模。

    Most investors and Wall Street analysts expect the Fed to begin tapering its programme of quantitative easing in December .

  14. 德国和荷兰正推动限制量化宽松计划的亏损分担。

    Germany and the Netherlands are pushing for limits to the sharing of any losses realised on a QE programme .

  15. 但是日本、英国和美国的量化宽松计划似乎都导致了资产价格的升高。

    Yet QE programmes in Japan , Britain , and America appear to have been associated with rising equity prices .

  16. 这促使分析师将油价下跌对全球经济的潜在提振与庞大的量化宽松计划相提并论。

    This has encouraged analysts to liken the potential boost for the global economy to a huge programme of quantitative easing .

  17. 为了遏制一场不断自我加强的危机,出台一项量化宽松计划本是最好的措施,可能也是唯一有效的举措。

    A programme of quantitative easing would have been the best single measure and possibly the only one to halt a self-reinforcing crisis .

  18. 欧洲央行量化宽松计划的目的也许是购买所有成员国政府的国债,但是受益的可能只是受困政府。

    An ECB programme of QE would probably aim to spread purchases across all member governments , but could nonetheless benefit troubled governments .

  19. 它应当实施量化宽松计划,按照各国在欧洲央行的股份比例购买成员国政府债券。

    It should implement a programme of quantitative easing , purchasing the bonds of member governments in proportion to shares in the central bank .

  20. 市场广泛预计美联储将公布新一轮量化宽松计划以支撑经济。

    The U. S. central bank is widely expected to announce a new program of quantitative easing , intended to p rop up the economy .

  21. 如果市场对希腊公投结果做出了糟糕的反应,欧洲央行还可能选择在其量化宽松计划下加大力度购买欧元区政府债券。

    The ECB may also choose to step up purchases of eurozone government debt under its quantitative easing programme if markets react badly to the Greek result .

  22. 以与政府债务存量规模的比率来衡量,英国量化宽松计划的规模要大4到5倍。

    [ COMPARED WITH XXX ] The UK programme was between four and five times larger , relative to the size of the stock of government debt .

  23. 虽然美联储和英国央行使用了量化宽松计划来振兴本国的经济,但是在欧元区实施这种计划会更复杂。

    Although the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England used quantitative easing to rejuvenate their economies , such a program would be more complicated in the eurozone .

  24. 另一方面,油价大跌等价于一次超大规模量化宽松计划,它将有助于刺激磕磕绊绊的经济增长,全球经济总体会因此受益。

    On the other hand , the world economy as a whole would enjoy the equivalent of a huge quantitative easing programme , helping to spur sputtering economic growth .

  25. 这项6000亿美元的二次量化宽松计划将美国股市推至两年来新高;导致家庭财富水涨船高;刺激消费者花钱,这意味着企业必须雇用更多的工人。

    600 billion drives up the stock market to new highs ; leads to higher household wealth ; stimulates consumer to spend which means business has to hire more workers .

  26. 实际上,在本•伯南克暗示美联储可能很快放弃其量化宽松计划后,利率在过去的两个月已经显著上涨。

    In fact , interest rates have risen sharply in the past two months following suggestions by Ben Bernanke that the Fed would soon wind down its quantitative easing program .

  27. 拟议中的量化宽松计划细节传出后,德国10年期国债收益率升至去年底以来最高水平,德国通胀预期跃升。

    As details of the proposed QE programme broke , German 10-year bond yields rose to their highest level since the end of last year and German inflation expectations jumped .

  28. 大多数联储观察员认为低通货膨胀,高失业率,经济增长缓慢会使联邦公开市场政策委员会推迟缩减每月850亿美元的债券购买计划,即量化宽松计划。

    Most Fed watchers think the mix of low inflation , high unemployment and slow growth will lead the FOMC to delay scaling back its 85-billion-dollar monthly bond-buying or quantitative easing .

  29. 尽管两个数字都低于预期,它们还是显示出在加大量化宽松计划力度方面,日本央行正面临艰难的抉择。

    While both numbers came in below forecast , they show how the BoJ has a tough decision on its hands , with respect to potentially ramping up its quantitative easing programme .

  30. 随着欧元区即将启动的量化宽松计划在全球市场激起涟漪,中国企业纷纷弃用人民币发债,转而发行新的欧元离岸债券。

    Chinese companies are ditching the renminbi and flocking to the euro to raise new offshore debt , as the imminent launch of quantitative easing in the single currency bloc sends ripples through global markets .