
diàn huì fù kuǎn
  • Payment by wire transfer;pay by telegraphic transfer
  1. 我们建议在货物准备好待运时用电汇付款。

    We propose paying by TT when the shipment is ready .

  2. 付款从业主当前帐户勾销之时,即认为业主完成电汇付款的义务。

    Obligation of the customer for payment by telegraphic transfer is deemed to be fulfilled at the time of payment is written off from the client 's current account .

  3. 考虑到你们过去良好的记录,怀着对未来美好的愿望,我同意用电汇方式付款。

    Considering your good track record and bearing a good wish for the future , I agree to payment by T / T.

  4. 付款方式没有任何变化,考生依然可以通过网上付款或银行电汇进行付款。

    Payment method any change , the examinee still has not been possible carries on the payment through on-line payment or the bank cable transfer .

  5. 可以使用支票、电汇、信用卡付款。

    Payments may be made by check , wire transfer or credit card .