
diàn yǐnɡ shè yǐnɡ shī
  • cinematographer;cameraman
  1. 因此我们邀请了两届奥斯卡获奖导演KathrynBigelow,和获得奥斯卡提名的电影摄影师GreigFraser,

    So we asked two-time Academy Award winning director Kathryn Bigelow and Oscar-nominated cinematographer Greig Fraser

  2. 《美国电影摄影师》(AmericanCinematographer)杂志上个月的封面故事刊载了关于《地心引力》制作过程的文章,对电影技术感兴趣的读者可以一探究竟。读者们可以在网上阅读该杂志。

    Readers with an interest in technology can get a sense of their extraordinary achievements from last month 's cover story of American Cinematographer , which is available online .

  3. 导演和电影摄影师好不容易才对好了拍摄角度。

    The director sweated out a camera angle with the cinematographer .

  4. 香港专业电影摄影师学会有限公司

    Society of Cinematographers ( Hong Kong ) Limited

  5. 电影摄影师拍摄电影的人,特指负责拍摄电影的人。

    A movie photographer , especially one who is in charge of shooting a movie .

  6. 中国电影摄影师学会会员;

    Member of Chinese Society of Cinematographers ;

  7. 美国电影摄影师协会

    American Society of Cinematographers

  8. 作家杰夫瑞·纳奇曼奥弗,电影摄影师尤利·史德加,编剧戴维·勃伦纳和作品设计师巴里·楚斯德评论。

    Commentary by writer Jeffrey Nachmanoff , cinematographer Ueli Steiger , editor David Brenner , and production designer Barry Chusid .

  9. 阿严,原名陈严。职业电影摄影师。毕业于北京电影学院摄影系影视摄影专业。

    Professional cinematographer , graduated from the Film and Television Photography Specialty , Department of Photography , Beijing Film Academy .

  10. 贝利是一名经验丰富的电影摄影师,曾拍摄《大寒》、《土拨鼠之日》等电影。

    Bailey is a veteran cinematographer who shot such films as " The Big Chill " and " Groundhog Day . "

  11. Dladla虽身为流浪汉,但却不以乞讨为生,南非电影摄影师TebogoMalope把他的故事拍成了视频“路边书虫”,吸引了世界各地人们的目光。

    Termed the " pavement bookworm " by South African filmmaker Tebogo Malope , Dladla has attracted attention near and far because of his unconventional methods of making money while homeless .

  12. 侯咏是中国第五代电影摄影师、导演和编剧,在同为第五代电影人中是拍摄作品最多,最具有稳定性又最低调的一位。

    Hou Yong is Chinese fifth-generation cinematographers , director and screenwriter , with the fifth film for the most , among the most was taken works with stability and the lowest one .

  13. 从现实中汤姆森为表演做准备到他幻想中的鸟人飞跃曼哈顿,整个影片在这位天才电影摄影师的手中一气呵成。

    From the reality of Thomson preparing for his show to the illusion of himself flying over the Manhattan city as Birdman , the genius cinematographer allows the film to veer without a break .

  14. 调查者们还发现,在幕后女性工作人员方面,2015年,26%的制片人、22%的编辑、20%的执行制片人、11%的编剧,以及6%的电影摄影师为女性。

    In terms of behind-the-scenes female employment , researchers found women accounted for 26 percent of producers , 22 percent of editors , 20 percent of executive producers , 11 percent of writers and 6 percent of cinematographers in 2015 .

  15. 那是一次意想不到的聚会,寿星是阿巴斯·基亚罗斯塔米(AbbasKiarostami),一位电影人、摄影师和诗人。他安静而谦逊地接受着人们的祝贺,和他在接受许多国际电影奖项时一样。

    It was a surprise get-together , and the guest of honor , Abbas Kiarostami - a filmmaker , photographer and poet - quietly and modestly received congratulations , the same way he had received dozens of international awards for his movies .

  16. 操作电影摄影的摄影师。

    A photographer who operates a movie camera .

  17. 操作电影摄影的摄影师。这部影片搀杂着卡通和实地拍摄。

    A photographer who operates a movie camera . That film is a blend of animation and live action .

  18. 调查显示,公司管理者、飞行员、空乘、电影导演和摄影师曾是他们的梦想职业。

    Corporate manager , pilot , flight attendant , movie director and photographer were what they dreamed about , the survey showed .

  19. 该电影由曾担任摄影师、现已转行的赵小丁导演,以及曾于2005年凭借《蜘蛛侠2》获得奥斯卡最佳视觉效果奖项的安东尼·拉默里纳拉联合执导。

    The movie is jointly directed by the photographer-turned director , Zhao Xiaoding , and Anthony LaMolinara , who won the Oscar best visual effects award for Spider-Man 2 in 2005 .