
  • 网络Cable oil;CHAIN CABLE-HEAVY
  1. 高压电缆油的取样与分析

    Sampling and analysis of insulation oil of high voltage cable

  2. 实验结果表明:利用红外光谱分析法可以测量电缆油中的糠醛含量:随着老化时间的延长,电缆纸有加速老化的趋势;

    The experimental results show that the quantity of furfural in cable oil can be measured by infrared spectral analysis ; the aging of paper insulation tends to accelerate while the aging time prolonging ;

  3. 随着电网的快速发展,交联聚乙烯电力电缆由于具有无油、附属设备少、安装敷设和运行维护简单等优点,得到了越来越广泛的应用。

    With the rapid development of power grids , due to oil-free , less ancillary equipment , as well as the installation and operation maintenance are simple , XLPE power cable has been widely used .

  4. 氯丁橡胶是一类极性高分子材料,主要用于制造工业橡胶制品,如电线电缆护套、耐油胶管胶版、运输带、传送带以及各类胶布和鞋类粘结剂等。

    Chloroprene rubber is a polar polymer materials , which mainly used in the manufacture of industrial rubber products , such as wire and cable sheathing , oil hose , offset , conveyor belts , conveyor belts and a variety of tape and footwear binder .

  5. 电缆支承拖链是一种特种链条,用以支承生产机械中的电缆、油、气、水等挠性管道,实现可动的导向。

    Cable supporting articulated chain is a special chain .

  6. 笔者以充油电缆绝缘结构为研究对象,采用红外光谱分析技术对不同热老化阶段的电缆油油样进行了理化分析。

    In this paper , the high voltage oil-filled cable insulating structure is investigated , and the infrared spectral analysis is used to analyze the cable oil samples in different thermal aging stages .