
  • 网络Fused magnesia;Fused magnesite;MgO
  1. 以优质电熔镁砂、烧结镁铝尖晶石为主要原料,采用纸浆废液作为结合剂研究镁质复合滑板材料。

    By using fused magnesia and sintered spinel as main materials and sulphite liquor as binders , magnesium compound side gate was researched .

  2. 以高纯烧结镁砂和电熔镁砂为主要原料研制出了具有良好物理性能、施工性能、抗爆裂性能和使用性能的挡渣墙用镁质浇注料。

    Using high purity sintered magnesia and fused magnesia as main raw materials , magnesia based slag dam was developed with good properties and explosion resistance .

  3. 其次,本文研究了ρ-Al2O3微粉与电熔镁砂细粉之间的反应。

    Secondly , the reaction between ρ - Al2O3 ultra fine and magnesia powder was studied .

  4. 与电熔镁砂相比,使用烧结镁砂为原料时,耐火材料表面更容易形成MgO致密层。

    Compared with electro-fused magnesite , sintered magnesite is more effective for the formation of MgO densed layer .

  5. 煤矸石菱镁矿合成堇青石熟料研究(4)与电熔镁砂相比,使用烧结镁砂为原料时,耐火材料表面更容易形成MgO致密层。

    A STUDY ON PRODUCING SINTERED CORDIERITE MATERIALS BY USING COAL GANGUES AND MAGNESITE AS RAW MATERIALS ( 4 ) Compared with electro-fused magnesite , sintered magnesite is more effective for the formation of MgO densed layer .

  6. 用国产电熔镁砂制作大型真空感应炉坩埚

    Making large crucibles for vacuum induction re-melting furnace by using homemade electric magnesium sand

  7. 电熔镁砂市场分析及发展优势

    Development of electric melting magnesia market

  8. 以冶金耐火材料电熔镁砂为研究对象,采用正交试验法,对振动磨的产品粒度分布规律和粉磨动力学进行深入系统的研究。

    This paper aims at metallurgical refractory materials as research object , and makes systematic research on product size distribution and milling dynamics of vibration mill by orthogonal experiments .

  9. 研究了全天然原料合成的矾土基尖晶石分别与电熔镁砂和亚白刚玉混合制备的不烧试样的组成、结构和力学性能;

    The phase composition , microstructure and mechanical properties of unfired spinel specimens prepared from bauxite based spinel with addition of fused magnesia and bauxite-based corundum have been studied .

  10. 电熔镁砂结晶体大、组织致密、高温性能好、抗渣性强,是生产镁碳砖和铝镁碳砖的优质原料。

    It is an ideal raw material for producing magnesia carbon brick , with the characteristic of big crystal , compact texture , high temperature property and high slag resistance .

  11. 该产品是采用优质烧结镁白云石砂。电熔镁砂为主要原料,通过添加复合结合剂混合而成。该产品抗渣性强,附着率高。

    The gunning mix is made by mixing the high quality sintered magnesia-dolomite clinker and composite material and is characterized by high slag resistance , high sticking rate and good workabiliy .

  12. 在真空感应炉的低真空度条件下,采用电熔镁砂坩埚.以残钛和低碳钢为原料试生产出符合质量要求的高钛钛铁。

    Abstract The paper introduces test prodUcing high-Ti ferro-titanium according with the quality demands with waste titanium and mild steel in vacuum induction furnace of rough vacuum and melted magnesite pot .

  13. 以电熔镁砂为主要原料,固体酚醛树脂作结合剂,研制成功与电炉炼钢配套使用的中间包工作层用镁质干式捣打料。

    A magnesite dry refractory ramming material used in tundish lining of electric furnace is researched , with electrically fused magnesite as main raw material and solid phenolic resin as bonding agent .

  14. 以刚玉、矾土熟料为骨料,高档电熔镁砂粉、刚玉粉为基质,开发出了更加适合国情,价廉物美的高档钢包浇注料。

    The high grade castable with low price and high quality for ladle was developed using corundum and bauxite as aggregate , high grade fused magnesia powder and corundum powder as matrix .

  15. 电熔镁砂是一种广泛地应用于冶金行业、玻璃工业、水泥工业、家电加热器和温化学工业等诸多领域的耐火材料。

    Electrical-smelted magnesia is a sort of fireproof material which is widely used in many fields such as metallurgy industry , glass industry , cement industry , electric-heater in household appliances and high-temperature chemical industry .

  16. 对方镁石在电熔镁砂熔体中的结晶过程的研究表明,在电熔镁炉外部增加温控手段是获取优质电熔镁砂的关键。

    Based on studying the periclase crystallization process in the electric magnesite melt mass , the temperature control from outside of the electric smelting furnace is the key factor to produce high-quality electric melt magnesite .

  17. 本文以目前电熔镁砂生产行业中应用最广泛的三相交流电熔镁炉电极调节系统为研究背景,分别从机理建模和人工智能方法辨识两方面进行了模型研究和仿真实验。

    In this thesis , it is studied in mechanism modeling and artificial intelligent method identification separately , under the background of researching the electrode regulating system of three phase electrical smelting furnace for magnesia which is widely used in electrical smelting magnesia areas .

  18. 合成了高中和度复合铝磷酸盐粘结剂,用它与高铬刚玉砂、电熔镁砂粉配制的磷酸盐自硬砂,具有较好的常温强度、高温强度,适中的残留强度和低吸湿性。

    A high neutralization degree compounded aluminum phosphate binder is synthesized . No bake phosphate mixture , composed of the binder , high chromite corundum sand and fused magnesia powder , has good room and high temperature strength , moderate retained strength and low hydroscopicity .

  19. 电熔镁炉是当前电熔镁砂生产行业中应用最广泛的生产设备之一。

    At present , Electrical Smelting Furnace for Magnesia ( ESFM ) is one of the most widely used equipments in electric-smelted magnesia production .