
  1. 有报道称,中国一季度gdp增长滑落至历史低点,这给市场带来了更多的不确定性不过分析师表示,环比数据可能显示出复苏的迹象。

    More uncertainty for the markets came from reports that Chinese annual GDP growth had slipped to a record low in the first quarter although analysts suggested quarter-on-quarter figures might point to a recovery .

  2. 不过,月环比数据未经季节性因素调整,分析师们认为具有误导性。

    However , the month-on-month figures are not seasonally adjusted and are regarded by analysts as misleading .

  3. 昨日韩国、日本、印度和菲律宾公布的月度环比数据中也出现了类似信号,但在同比基础上,所有数据都有所下降。

    Similar signals emerged yesterday in month-on-month figures from South Korea , Japan , India and the Philippines , although , on a year-on-year basis , the data were uniformly negative .

  4. 这是统计局首次发布的当季经济环比增长数据,分析家称这将更好地衡量经济趋势。

    This is the first time the statistics agency has published quarter-on-quarter economic growth data , which analysts say is a better gauge of the economy 's momentum .

  5. 中国公布同比增长数据,但不公布经季节调整的环比增长数据,而后者能够让人们对经济活动趋势有一个更准确的印象。

    China publishes growth figures on a year-on-year basis but does not release a sequential , seasonally-adjusted growth figure which would give a more accurate impression of the direction of economic activity .

  6. 中国不发布发达国家广泛采用的季度环比增幅比较数据。

    China does not publish quarter-on-quarter comparisons which are widely used in developed countries .