
  • 网络environmental subsidy
  1. 第四章价格规制中的激励理论与政策。排污收费、环境税和环境补贴是价格规制激励的主要内容。

    Chapter 4 deals with the incentive theory and policy in price regulations consisting of pollution charges , environmental taxation and environmental subsidy .

  2. 第三章对WTO体制下与农产品环境补贴相关的规则进行了梳理,提出相关规则的缺陷之所在。

    The third chapter presents a review of relevant regulations on environmental subsidies for agricultural products adopted by WTO , followed by a list of defects in these regulations .

  3. 在引言部分一方面根据中国所面临的农产品国际贸易形势及WTO的相关规则提出农产品环境补贴研究中存在的问题,另一方面对目前的研究状况及研究成果进行梳理。

    In the introduction part , questions are raised concerning researches on environmental subsidies for agricultural products based on the situations of international trade of agricultural products confronted by China and relevant regulations adopted by WTO .

  4. 不管是SCM协定新的修正草案,还是欧盟与美国对环境补贴制度的改革探索,都充分反映了这一点。

    Whether the new emendatory draft of SCM Agreement , or the exploring for reforms of the rules on environmental subsidies of European Union and United States fully reflect this .

  5. 但是,一方面,在实践中,各国依然在大量实施环境补贴;另一方面,SCM协定最新的修订草案对原协定第8条不可诉补贴条款予以了完整的保留。

    However , on the one hand , in practice , a large number of countries are still implement environmental subsidies ; On the other hand , the latest emendatory draft of SCM Agreement did a complete reservation on Article 8 of the original non-actionable subsidies .

  6. 第一章是环境补贴理论概述。

    Chapter I is Theoretical overview of environmental subsidies .

  7. 第四章是有关环境补贴的法律制度改革。

    Chapter IV is the reform about the legal system of environmental subsidies .

  8. 第五章是中国环境补贴政策的现状及未来的因应之策。

    Chapter V is the status of environmental subsidies policy to China and future strategy in response .

  9. 为了能达到农业环境补贴的立法目的,本文在程序方面也做了其他的一些说明。

    Some clarification of procedures are also made , in order to achieve the legislative aims of agricultural subsidies .

  10. 她在一份电子邮件声明中写道:对派往中国工作的员工,我们优渥的搬家费中包含有环境补贴。

    Our competitive mobility package includes an environmental allowance for postings to China , she said in an emailed statement .

  11. 与此同时,发展中国家由于受本国的经济条件限制,对农产品环境补贴的数额与发达国家不可同日而语。

    Meanwhile , due to economical restriction , subsidies for agricultural products in developing countries are far below those of developed countries .

  12. 第三章是有代表性地区和国家(即欧盟和美国)的环境补贴政策。

    Chapter III is the policy of environmental subsidies in representative region and nation ( that is , the EU and the United States ) .

  13. 环境补贴是个针对空气污染问题的解决办法,但对我来说,这确实是一笔丰厚的报酬。

    It [ the environmental payment ] is a way of addressing the air pollution issue but it does look like a pretty generous payment to me .

  14. 农产品环境补贴本属于《补贴与反补贴协定》中的不可诉补贴,但不可诉补贴的条款终止适用后,未能就其延期适用达成一致意见。

    Environmental subsidies of agricultural products were originally a part of the non-actionable subsidies required in Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures . When the application of article for non-actionable subsidies came to an end however , no consensus was reached on the extension of this article .

  15. 这个趋势并不会否定环境补贴存在的价值,但是会对环境补贴的适用条件提出更为严格的要求,更多的技术参数将被加入其中,负效果明显的环境补贴将被逐渐取消。

    This trend does not negate the existence of the value of environmental subsidies , but the conditions to the applicable of environmental subsidies will be more stringent , more technical parameters will be added to , the environmental subsidies which have negative effects will be phasing out .

  16. 可口可乐公司(Coca-ColaCo.)本周表示,将向其驻华外籍员工提供环境困难补贴。中国部分城市的雾霾污染已达到有害的水平。

    Coca-Cola Co. now offers environmental hardship pay for employees who have relocated to China , where smog has reached harmful levels in several cities , the company said this week .

  17. 实现耕地资源的生态价值,对农民进行直接的农业环境保护补贴;

    Second , we should adopt the policy of direct subsidies for protecting the agricultural environment to realize the ecological value of cultivated land resource .

  18. 农业环境保护补贴能增加社会净收益,但补贴率存在一个最优的水平,不宜过高或过低,否则会影响社会净收益的最大化。

    Agricultural subsidies can increase the social protection net , but there is an optimal subsidy rate level , should not be too high or too low , otherwise it will affect the maximization of social net .

  19. 我国农业法应专列农业补贴一章,规定农业直接支付补贴、农业生产资料投入补贴、农业环境保护补贴、不发达地区农业开发补贴等制度,同时规定农业补贴相关主体的责任追究机制。

    The Chinese agriculture law should sets up a special chapter for agriculture subsidy , which stipulates agriculture direct pay subsidy , agriculture production resource input subsidy , agriculture environment protection subsidy , non-developed area agriculture development subsidies and relevant subjects ' liability investigation mechanism .

  20. 这些产业争辩说,他们以及环境需要以补贴、放开碳排放管制以及关税调整的方式来得到保护。

    These industries argue that they and the environment need protection in the form of subsidies , free carbon permits or border tax adjustments .

  21. 另外,由于命令加控制式的管理方法扼杀人们减少污染排放的积极性,阻碍公司、企业开发新的污染控制技术,欧盟开始广泛采用环境税、补贴、排污交易等环保经济措施。

    In addition , because the command-control-style management methods is not conducive to reduce pollution emissions , hamper companies and enterprises to develop new pollution control technology , the European Union began to extensively use environmental taxes , subsidies , emission trading and other environmentally friendly economic measures .

  22. 多与工作环境、上司、补贴、本职工作以及公司文化有关。

    Questions may relate to the work environment , supervisors , compensation , the work itself and the company culture .

  23. 从形式上看,补贴和反补贴是通过国内措施的运用影响国际间的贸易状况和本国产品与国外产品之间的竞争环境,因而反补贴与补贴之间具有对应关系。

    From the appearance , both the subsiding actions and their countervailing measures are taken in the form of administrative policies to change the international trading status and competition situations between the domestic goods and foreign exported goods .

  24. 策略性环境政策:环境税和减排补贴的比较分析

    Strategic Environmental Policy : A Comparative Analysis of Environment Tax and Abatement Subsidy

  25. 贸易与环境是WTO中的热门话题,而环境补贴对二者均有影响。

    Trade and environment is a hot topic in the WTO . Environmental subsidies have impact on the two .

  26. 战略性环境政策研究了政府是否有动机,通过降低环境标准给予出口企业以环境补贴,攫取外国厂商的垄断利润。

    Strategic trade policy mainly focuses on governments'motivation to snatch monopoly profits of foreign firms by lowering environment standards and giving export firms environment subsidies .

  27. 由于中国长期的环境污染令美国饮料巨头可口可乐很难吸引或留住员工,它对在中国工作的外籍员工支付高额的环境补贴。

    American beverage giant Coca-Cola is offering a hefty environmental hardship allowance to its China-based expatriate employees , as foreign companies struggle to attract and retain staff with many people scared off by chronic pollution .

  28. 在对环境影响分类的基础上,建立了环境与经济整体优化的双层规划模型,并用这一模型对政府如何确定环境补贴与税收政策以达到污染物排放最小进行了分析。

    In accordance to classification of environmental impact , a two-level programming model of integration optimization of environment and economic is derived in this paper . The policies of effective subsidies are analyzed in order to reduce the emissions of waste .