
  • 网络cycloalkyl;cycloalkyl group;heterocycloalkyl;naphthenic
  1. 方法:以N-苯基胍为母核,在苯基对位引入苯并噻唑-2-巯基,胍中其他氮上分别引入烷基、环烷基、芳烷基等,并测定这些胍类化合物的NOS抑制活性。

    Methods : Using N-phenyl guanidine as a basic structure , a series of guanidine derivatives were obtained by introducing benzothiazole-2-mercapto at the para position of phenyl group , and alkyl , cycloalkyl , aralkyl at the N atom of guanido , and their NOS inhibiting activities were evaluated .

  2. 国产环烷基超高压变压器油的应用及评价

    Application of Homemade Cycloalkyl Ultrahigh voltage Transformer Oil and Its Evaluation

  3. 其主要杀菌机理是:环烷基咪唑啉季铵盐与DNA结合,引起DNA突变,从而导致细菌死亡。

    The bactericidal mechanism is mainly involved in the combination of NIS with DNA , which causes DNA mutations and finally results in bacterial death .

  4. 近几年国产沥青采用环烷基原油生产,其技术性能有了质的飞跃,达到了国际品牌水平,东海牌沥青应用于F1赛场就是最好的证明。

    Now technology properties of homemade asphalts with naphthene base crude oil , for example , DONGHAI sign asphalt used in F1 race field , have greatly raised and reached the level of overseas asphalt products with famous trademark .

  5. 克拉玛依油田九区稠油是典型的环烷基原油,采用加氢脱酸、糠醛精制、加氢处理等精制工艺能生产出倾点低、粘度大、安定性好的LVI润滑油基础油。

    LVI lube base oil with low pour point , high viscosity and good stability can be produced by means of hydrogenation acid removal , furfural treatment and hydrotreatment .

  6. 改进方法是:先将不溶性硫磺粗品用CS2萃取,然后与环烷基油按质量比1:(10~12)混合,加热到60~70℃,恒温搅拌30min后抽滤。

    The measures include extracting the crude insoluble sulfur with CS_2 , mixing with paraffin oil in the proportion of 1 : ( 10-12 ), heating to 60-70 ℃ and agitating for 30 min at this temperature , and then extruding . Compared with the traditional method , i.

  7. 加工低凝环烷基原油常减压装置的选材

    Material Selection for Atmospheric-vacuum Distillation Unit Processing Low-freezing-point Naphthenic Crude Oil

  8. 环烷基油磺酸盐驱油剂的制备及其应用研究

    Study of Preparation and Application of Naphthenic Petroleum Sulfonates for EOR

  9. 环保型环烷基胶粘剂专用油

    Kg series environment-friendly naphthenic base softening oil specially used for adhesives

  10. 环烷基与石蜡基润滑油的调合

    The blending of the naphthenic base oil with the paraffinic one

  11. 环烷基咪唑啉衍生物多功能水处理剂的研究

    Study on naphthenic imidazoline derivative as multifunction water treatment agent

  12. 全氢工艺生产优质环烷基润滑油

    The production of premium naphthene - base lube oil with hydrogen technique

  13. 加工低凝环烷基原油长周期运行经验

    Long-term Operation in Processing Low Freezing Point Naphthene Base Crudes

  14. 环烷基酮与正烃基醛的缩合反应特性研究

    Study on the Characteristics of the Aldol Condensation of Cycloalkanones with n-alkyl Aldehydes

  15. 环烷基咪唑啉衍生物在酸性溶液中对碳钢挂片缓蚀性能的研究

    Research on the Corrosion of Naphthenic imidazoline derivatives to Carbon Steel Hanging Piece

  16. 以环烷基油调合压缩机油的研究

    Study of Blending Compressor Oil from Naphthenic Base Oil

  17. 环烷基橡胶油的光稳定性与热稳定性改进研究

    Studies on Improvement of Light and Heat Stability of Naphthenic Rubber Process Oil

  18. 液相脱氮-白土精制工艺应用于环烷基润滑油生产

    The production of naphthenic base lube oil with liquid phase DENITROGENATION-CLAY refining combined process

  19. 利用孔店重质环烷基原油常二线生产变压器油

    Transformer oil produced from atmospheric Cut 2 of Kongdian heavy naphthene base crude oil

  20. 环烷基油&一种理想的橡胶增塑剂

    Naphthenic Oil & Ideal Plasticizer for Rubber Industry

  21. 石蜡基和环烷基变压器油的性能比较

    Characteristic Comparison between Paraffine-Base and Naphthene-Base Transformer Oils

  22. 20万吨/年环烷基馏分油加氢装置设备平面布置设计

    Design of Equipment layout for 200 kt / a Naphthenic Base Fraction Hydrogenation Unit

  23. 我国环烷基润滑油基础油

    Naphthenic base lube base oil in China

  24. 环烷基油在变压器中的应用

    Application of Naphthenic Base Oil to Transformer

  25. 加氢法生产中高粘度环烷基食品级白油工艺研究

    The technics research about producing mid and high viscosity naphthenic-base food grade white oils with hydrotreating

  26. 按组成分类:石蜡基原油、环烷基原油和中间基原油三类;

    According to the composition of Category : paraffin-based crude oil , naphthenic oil and three types of intermediate base crude oil ;

  27. 发现以酯类油与环烷基矿物油的混合油做基础油时,合成的锂基脂具有较好的噪声特性。

    To find that mixture of naphthenic mineral oil and ester oil as base oil , the grease has a proper noise character .

  28. 同时指出,环烷基重质原油是生产低凝润滑油、特种油品和道路沥青的良好原料。

    The results indicate that low pouring lube oils , specialty oil products , and road asphalt could be obtained from naphthenic base heavy crudes .

  29. 反应温度较高时,环烷基的脱氢芳构化反应比其开环断碳链裂解的反应速度慢,因而就会有更多的环烷基裂解,生焦率低,轻质目的产品收率高。

    When reaction temperature is higher , the former is lower than the latter , thus tar yield is lower and the yields of light products are higher .

  30. 本文就环烷基润滑油馏分性质和各工艺对产品的加工特点进行论述,阐述环烷基原油加工润滑油基础油的工艺特性,对环烷基原油生产润滑油产品具有一定的指导意义。

    The properties of naphthenic base lube oil distillates and processing characteristic of products are discussed . It is helpful for producing lube oils with naphthenic base crude oil .