
  • 网络Environmental Sampling
  1. 基于环境采样的彩色数字相片智能处理研究与实现

    Study and Implementation of Digital Photo Intelligent Processing Base of Surroundings Sampling

  2. 同时提出了一种理想的环境采样卡设计模型,具有一定的理论意义。

    Besides , paper gives a perfect design of Surroundings Sampling Chart .

  3. 方法采用突击检查与问卷调查相结合的方法,调查19个接种点37名接种服务提供者,并对接种门诊环境采样作消毒效果监测。

    [ Methods ] Both drop quiz and questionnaire were applied to investigate 37 inoculation providers in 19 inoculation spots ; samples in the clinical environment were collected to detect the disinfection effect .

  4. 所谓对环境进行采样,就是说它可以读取当前CPU的统计信息、I/O和空闲事件、磁盘使用情况以及每个活动进程的信息(通过proc文件系统)。

    By sampling the environment , I mean that it reads the current CPU statistics , I / O and idle times , disk usage , and information about every active process ( through the proc file system ) .

  5. 环境空气采样及监测仪器的质量控制

    Quality control about environmental atmosphere sampling and monitoring apparatus

  6. 烟气及环境污染物采样与现场快速分析新方法研究

    Method Development for Gas Sampling and Portable GC Analysis of Tobacco and Environmental Pollutants

  7. 介绍了超声波液位测量系统的工作原理和系统框图,给出了详细的超声波发射电路和环境温度采样电路。

    The principles and the frame of the system to measure liquid height by ultrasonic is presented . The circuit of exciting ultrasonic and sampling environmental temperature is detailed .

  8. 柴油机的比油耗有所下降,转速有所提高,排气烟度得到大幅度改善。烟气及环境污染物采样与现场快速分析新方法研究

    The results indicated that the fuel consumption was slightly reduced and smoke level was improved apparently and the power was increased . Method Development for Gas Sampling and Portable GC Analysis of Tobacco and Environmental Pollutants

  9. 关于环境空气连续采样过程影响因素的探讨

    Discussion on Influence in the Course of Continuous Atmospheric Sampling

  10. 环境空气手工采样的质量保证

    A Study on Quality Assurance of the Process of Air Sampling by Manual Operation

  11. 对环境监测布点采样中的QC/QA以及由采样引起的误差来源做了简要分析,并对监测采样过程中QC/QA的操作提出了一些设想。

    The article analyzes the origin of sampling error and points out some ideals about the operations of the QC / QA procession on environmental monitoring .

  12. 对北京的环境地理、采样、分析测定、土壤和作物测定的分布类型和区域间的差异性进行了探讨。

    The geographic environment , sampling , analytical method , distribution state of all data for different soils and crops , and difference between districts were discussed .

  13. 这使得通过大量节点加入网络完成诸如多媒体数据传输、环境检测和采样、领土保卫和医疗监测等任务成为可能。

    It has become possible to envision a new paradigm by which a large group of wireless nodes can participate in tasks such as high-rate mobile multimedia data transfer , environmental sensing and sampling , homeland security and defense , and health monitoring .

  14. 根据数理统计原理,结合区域内土壤垂深剖面的地球化学特征和大规模生产的条件,指出区域内土壤第Ⅰ环境的合理采样深度为-150~-180cm。

    According to statistical principle in combination with geochemical characteristics of regional soil vertical profile and conditions for large-scale production work , it is pointed out that the rational sampling depth of regional soil No. ⅰ environment is - 150 ~ - 180 cm .

  15. 核电站放射性环境调查的气溶胶采样方法

    Aerosol sampling method of the radiation environmental investigation

  16. 环境监测中油的采样技术探讨

    Discussion on Oil Sampling Technique in Monitoring Environment

  17. 环境水体中油的采样工具的设计及其可行性研究

    Design and feasibility study of a new type of sampler for collecting oil and grease in water

  18. 本文讨论了自适应阵列天线中的Gram&Schmidt正交化算法,指出了在多干扰源环境中,最佳采样次数与干扰源数的关系以及自适应确定采样次数的方法。

    This paper discusses the Gram-Schmidt orthogonality algorithm in adaptive arrays and gives the relations between the optimal sampling number and the interference source number in environment of multiple interference sources . In addition , an adaptive determination of the sampling number is presented .

  19. 该装置不仅可以让持有手机的个人实现环境检测,可以成为一台便携的环境采样装置,并且非常有利于引入物联网进行大范围的环境监测。

    This equipment can not only facilitate the environment monitoring for the mobile user , but also can act as a portable environment sampling equipment and can be easily introduced into Internet of Things to monitor the environment in a large scale .

  20. 根据城市自然地理环境、功能分区特点和分布面积大小,确定土壤环境地球化学采样密度和测试项目是城市土壤环境地球化学研究的关键技术。

    The key methodology for urban soil environmental geochemical research is to determine the soil sampling density and items of analysis according to the physiographic environment , functional divisions and distribution area of the contaminated zone in the city .