
dà xiào
  • senior colonel;senior captain
大校 [dà xiào]
  • (1) [senior colonel;senior captain]∶军衔的一级,为校官的最高级

  • (2) [colonel]∶古代军队中次于将军的将领

大校[dà xiào]
  1. 海军如果能到达被劫持渔船的水域,就能实施营救,中国海军军事学院研究员,大校李杰说。

    The PLA navy could have rescued the vessel if it reached the hijacked vessel 's area , said Senior Colonel Li Jie , a researcher at the Chinese Navy 's Military Academy .

  2. 校级军衔包括大校、上校、中校、少校。

    The middle ranks include Senior Colonel , Colonel , Lieutenant Colonel , and Major .

  3. 关于这些背弃都没有必要打扰大校的!

    There is no need to bother the colonel with these deserters !

  4. 我将行使南加大校董会赋予我的权力

    By the authority invested in me by the USC Board of Trustees

  5. 金将军认为徐大校与大量中国军事最高机密关联紧密。

    Jin said Xu was extremely close to China 's top military brass .

  6. 作为南加大校董他用自己的远见卓识让我们整个社区受益匪�

    As USC trustee he has significantly benefited our community through his insight and expertise

  7. 他施展出他的全部魅力,派克韦大校认为施展魅力是他的宝贵才能之一。

    He exerted all the charm which was one of his assets to Colonel qikeaway .

  8. 预备役大校晋升预备役少将,实行选升;

    Where reserve Senior colonels are promoted to reserve Major generals , selective promotion shall be practised .

  9. 按照大校董的特,公布逸夫院香港中文大的成院。

    Shaw College is , in accordance with a special resolution of the council , declared to be a constituent College of the university .

  10. 金将军还谈到另一名大校,王庆前。他曾是驻东京中国大使馆的军事联络官,因向日本泄漏机密而被捕。

    Jin said another senior colonel , Wang Qingqian , was caught spying for Japan while serving as a military liaison officer at the Chinese embassy in Tokyo .

  11. 也不排除这是为个别国家今后可能采取的一些行动寻找借口,杨宇军大校说,这也不是什么新的伎俩,历史上大家已经见过多次了。

    We cannot eliminate the possibility that this is to create excuses for the actions that certain countries may be planning to take , said Colonel Yang . This is not a new trick , and has been used many times in the past .