
  • 网络high angle well;high-inclination well;high angle deviated well
  1. 曲104块大斜度井钻井技术实践

    Application of High Angle Deviated Well Drilling Techniques at Qu 104 Block

  2. 该井的钻探成功,为利用常规装备和工艺技术施工位移垂深比约为1、井底位移在2500m以内的定向大斜度井提供了一定的经验。

    The success of drilling this well provided some valuable experience and technology supports for drilling the high angle deviated well with ratio of HD / VD around 1 , and bottom hole displacement within 2500m .

  3. 针对大斜度井测试的难点,利用MFE和PT封隔器,采取一定的工艺措施,可对大斜度井进行测试。

    According to the difficult for MFE testing technology with big declination , using MFE tester and P-T packer and taking some technical treasures can conduct test in wells with big declination .

  4. 分析了高3-6-111井小井眼侧钻水平井的施工特点,在该井的大斜度井段和水平段选用了XC生物聚合物钻井液体系。

    The operation character of the slim hole sidetrack drilling in Gao 3-6-11 well is presented . XC polymer mud is adopted in high angel section and horizontal section .

  5. 在大斜度井测井资料处理中,用线性插值法把钻井点测的井斜数据转换成连续测井曲线,对大斜度井进行斜深校正,得到实际垂直深度(TVD)测井曲线;

    The drilling stationary measurement hole deviation data are converted to continuous log curves by using the linear interpolation method in processing of highly deviated well log data , and the log data are corrected for deviated depth to get true vertical depth log curves .

  6. 塔里木轮南奥陶系碳酸盐岩高压油气藏水平井及大斜度井欠平衡钻井技术

    Under balance pressure drilling techniques of the horizontal well and high

  7. 大斜度井举升泵下入通过性计算

    Calculation of Passing Capacity of Lift Pump in Highly Deviated Wells

  8. 对大斜度井注水泥问题的探讨

    Inquiring Into the Problem of Cementing in Highly - Deviated Wells

  9. 大斜度井及水平井断钻具事故的预报

    Prediction for Parted Drilling Tools in High Angle and Horizontal Wells

  10. 大斜度井钻井解卡剂钢井架斜腿相交断面尺寸的计算方法

    Calculation Method of Cross Dimensions of Steel Headframe Inclined Shore Intersection

  11. 大斜度井双侧向测井响应的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Dual Laterolog Response in Highly Deviated Wells

  12. 大斜度井测井资料解释处理方法

    Interpretation Processing Methods of High Angle Well Log Data and Software Development

  13. 在大斜度井、水平井中取得较好效果。

    It achieves good results in high deviated wells and horizontal wells .

  14. 井眼随钻接头在大斜度井钻井中的应用

    Application of Drilling Joint in Drilling of High-angle Directional Well

  15. 滩海油田大斜度井举升系统的动态特征

    Study on dynamic characteristics of raising system of high-angle wells

  16. 大斜度井多功能管柱的研制与应用

    Development and application of multifunctional string in high angle well

  17. 大斜度井感应测井资料围岩校正方法研究

    A study on side-bed correction of induction log data in highly-deviated wells

  18. 川东北地区大斜度井套管可下入研究

    A Study on Casing Running in Highly-deviated Wells in Northeastern Sichuan Basin

  19. 疏松软地层中钻大斜度井

    Drilling Greatly Deviated Well in Loose and Soft Formation

  20. 自适应逐次超松弛在大斜度井泥浆侵入模拟中的应用

    Application of Self-adaptive Successive Relaxation to Simulating Mud-filtrate Invasion in Highly Deviated Well

  21. 层状介质中大斜度井感应测井响应计算新方法

    New computation method of induction logging response of highly-deviated wells in stratified media

  22. 大斜度井、分支井的不稳定压力动态分析

    Pressure Transient Interpretation of Inclined Well & Lateral Well

  23. 大斜度井有杆泵举升配套技术的研究与应用

    Research and application of the matching technology for rod pump lift in high-inclination wells

  24. 大斜度井双感应曲线到相应垂直段的转换

    Conversion of Induction Log in an Extented reach Well to Its Appropriate Vertical Depth

  25. 大斜度井围岩应力和位移的粘弹性分析

    The analysis of rock stress and displacement of the surrounding wall of inclined wellbore

  26. 钻杆输送水平井测井技术是目前在各类大斜度井、水平井测井中得到广泛应用的测井技术。

    Pipe-conveyed logging system is now widely used in various high-angle deviated and horizontal wells .

  27. 大斜度井钻井解卡剂煤矿大斜井绞车增型中心线及轴线给定方法

    Method of Determining Cental Line and Axis Line of Inclined Well Winch of Coal Mine

  28. 大斜度井/水平井复杂介质双侧向测井响应数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Dual Laterolog Response of Complex Media in High Deviated and Horizontal Well

  29. 适用于稠油井、高油气比井和大斜度井;

    Suitable for viscous oil well , high oil-gas ratio wells and highly inclined holes ;

  30. 在此基础上编制了大斜度井堵水决策软件,并在涠洲114油田进行了现场应用。

    Decision-making software of highly deviated well water plugging was developed and applied in those fields .