
  • 网络Air drilling
  1. 空气钻井用发泡剂TSF的研制

    Foaming agent TSF for air drilling : a laboratory study

  2. 建立了空气钻井中钻头钻进不同地层倾角地层岩石的动态过程的三维有限元仿真模型,并对PDC钻头破岩的过程以及钻头与岩石的相互作用机理进行了研究。

    The finite element software introduced the bit and established anisotropy of series of angle of inclination formation rock in air drilling . Investigate the mechanism of interaction between bit and formation rock and the procedure of PDC bit breaking rock .

  3. 随着电磁波MWD、空气钻井马达的普及和各种设备的不断完善,空气钻井技术将发挥越来越重要的作用。

    Air drilling will bring an important play with the improvement of the electromagnetic wave MWD , air motor and other underbalanced drilling equipments .

  4. 空气钻井作为一种新的钻井技术已在四川油田川东地区的zbl井首次投入使用。

    As a new drilling technology , air drilling was first used in zbl well in the east district of Sichuan Oil field .

  5. 空气钻井条件下录井工艺方法与技术配套探讨

    Discussion about mud logging techniques and technical arrangement methods during air-drilling

  6. 空气钻井雾化技术在高出水地层的应用

    Application of the Misted Air Drilling Technology in High Water-output Formation

  7. 数字图像录井技术在空气钻井中的应用研究

    Application and research of digital image logging technique in air drilling

  8. 空气钻井中钻具腐蚀因素的灰关联分析

    Grey Association Analysis of Drilling Tools Corrosion Factors in Air Drilling

  9. 空气钻井工艺可燃介质燃爆危险性的研究

    Study on Explosion Risk of Combustible Gas Mixtures in Air Drilling

  10. 空气钻井替换过程中防止地层损害对策

    Countermeasure of Preventing Formation from Damage During Replacement Process in Air Drilling

  11. 空气钻井工作特性分析与工艺参数的选择研究

    Operation characteristics analysis and process parameters selection of air drilling

  12. 用空气钻井开发晋城煤层气技术研究

    Study of development coalbed methane using air drilling technology in Jincheng area

  13. 空气钻井中的压力及注气量问题研究

    Research on pressure and gas injection rate in air drilling

  14. 空气钻井中钻具腐蚀影响因素分析

    Investigation about factors of drilling tools corrosion for air drilling

  15. 空气钻井技术在老君1井的应用

    Application of Air Drilling Technology to Well Laojun - 1

  16. 空气钻井计算方法及应用软件

    Calculation method of air drilling and its application software

  17. 油井敞喷时的油藏压力空气钻井偏心井筒压力及注气量计算

    Calculation of Eccentric Wellbore Pressure Drop and Air Volume Requirements in Air Drilling

  18. 川东北地区空气钻井燃爆分析与预防

    Causes of air drilling downhole burst in Northeast Sichuan basin and preventive measures

  19. 以往空气钻井中钻遇油气层,多建议转换为天然气钻井,但这种方法多因无临近气源可用和高成本而不能实际采用。

    But this impractical because gas sources were far and the cost was high .

  20. 计算空气钻井参数的新方法

    A New Method for Calculating Air Drilling Parameters

  21. 空气钻井的技术难点剖析及发展前景展望

    Technical difficulties and research prospects of air drilling

  22. 空气钻井的装备配套技术

    Research on corollary equipments of air drilling systems

  23. 利用空气钻井技术提高钻井速度研究

    Study on ROP improvement by air drilling technology

  24. 空气钻井计算模型

    Model of Calculation in the Air - drilling

  25. 空气钻井提高钻速机理研究

    The Mechanisms of Increasing ROP during Air Drilling

  26. 空气钻井中颗粒对排气管的冲蚀分析

    Abrasion of exhaust pipe by the high-speed gas with the cutting in air drilling

  27. 煤层气空气钻井设备的选型及性能分析

    Type Choosing and Capability Analysis of the Air Drilling Equipment for the Coal-bed Methane

  28. 川东北地区空气钻井浅层水水位预测

    Predicting Water level of Shallow Formation Water during Air Drilling in Northeastern Sichuan Basin

  29. 雾化空气钻井井壁稳定性的实验研究

    Study on wellbore stability in misted air drilling

  30. 空气钻井过程中的钻井液转换

    Mud System Transformation in Air Drilling Practices