
  1. 在当前大多数实测数据仍然是二维采集的情况下,所实现的张量阻抗三维共轭梯度反演算法将增加大地电磁三维反演的实用价值。

    Currently , most of MT data are still collected on 2D profiles . This inversion algorithm of impedance tensor can promote the practical application of 3D MT inversion .

  2. 结果与二维采集相比,三维采集条件下重建图像的本底和高频噪音较多,且对颅顶、颅底结构的显示较差,但对大脑中间结构的显示与二维采集基本一致。

    Results Compared with 2D mode , much higher background and noise were observed on the reconstruction images of 3D mode , and the bottoms of the brain structure were not well displayed .

  3. 采用PIV激光图像速度场仪,选择二维相关采集测量,得到在相似水流条件下不同刚度植被周围的流场矢量图。

    In PIV measurement , 2-D data collection techniques were used to gain vector field of flow around vegetation with different vegetation rigidity under similar flow conditions .

  4. 焉耆盆地西部逆冲推覆带二维地震采集方法研究

    A study of 2 D seismic acquisition methods in overthrust nappe zone in western Yanqi basin

  5. 三氯乙酸法测定血浆锌值体积偏差的校正二维模式采集时体积偏差为3.6%。

    A STUDY ON THE ERROR INDUCED BY TRICHLOROACETIC ACID IN DETERMINATION OF PLASMA ZINC From the uniformity measurements , we obtained a volume variance of 3.6 % for 2D .

  6. 基于TCP/IP技术的二维条码图像采集系统

    The Two-dimensional Barcode Image Acquisition System Based on TCP / IP Technology

  7. 永利区块二维地震资料采集技术

    Seismic acquisition in the area of Yongli

  8. 应用婴儿复杂型先心病三维超声心动图二维超声信息采集方法及剖视诊断方案进行诊断,并与二维超声心动图诊断结果比较,以心导管造影或手术中诊断为标准进行评价。

    The results were compared with the results of 2D echocardiography . Angiocardiography and / or post-operative diagnosis was served as " gold standards " . Information collection and using ; information and benefit .

  9. 采用二维条形码数据采集系统,确保了信息的采集及维护更新的准确性,解决了维护管理中设备及维护信息实时更新的问题。

    The 2-dimensional bar code collecting system can make sure veracity in the process of collect data and renew data . At the same time , it can resolve problem of renew data at manage medium equipments and support information solid hour renew .

  10. 全三维锥束CT是普通CT在三维空间的扩展,采用二维X射线检测器采集容积投影数据并通过锥束重建算法对各向同性的三维体积数据进行重建。

    Fully three dimensional cone beam CT is the evolution of the original CT on the three dimensional space , which acquires volume projection data by using two dimensional detectors and reconstructs isotropic low dose volume images by using cone beam reconstruction algorithms .

  11. 煤层气项目二维地震勘探数据采集中应注意的几个问题

    Problems in Data Acquisition of 2D Seismic Prospecting for a CBM Project