
  • 网络Perforating gun
  1. 基于Taguchi方法的射孔枪多目标优化设计

    Taguchi Method Based on Multi-objective Optimization of Perforating Gun

  2. 在原三联作(TCP+MFE+JET)基础上,研制开发出射孔枪+内置式压力计托筒+水力泵的新三联作试油(测试)新技术。

    Based on the former triple-expansion technology ( TCP + MFE + JET ), a new technology using perforating gun , inner manometer and fluid operated pump for production test has been developed .

  3. 针对9mm壁厚的102射孔枪在井液环境下的抗动载能力进行了系统的数值分析,用有限元软件流固耦合算法模拟了射孔枪在井液环境下的冲击响应。

    The systematic numerical analysis of the anti-dynamic load ability of 102 perforator with wall thickness of 9 mm in well fluid environment is carried out , and the impact response of the perforator in the well fluid environment is simulated by using the fluid-solid coupling algorithm of finite-element software .

  4. 102型射孔枪在中原油田的应用

    The Application of 102 Perforation Gun in Zhongyuan Oilfield

  5. 复合射孔枪泄压孔及装药量对环空动态压力的影响研究

    Influence of Pressure Released Vent and Powder Loading of Composed Perforator on Dynamic Casing Annulus Pressure

  6. 射孔枪与套管之间的间隙过大会影响射孔效果,太小容易出现工程事故。

    Excessive clearance will influence perforating effect while over smallness may lead to engineering accident easily .

  7. 并在此基础上,研究了盲孔直径及深度对射孔枪强度的影响。

    On the basis of the conclusion , the influence of the depth and diameter of blind hole on the gun body strength was studied .

  8. 射孔枪在结构设计后的投产过程中,存在几个典型问题影响着射孔作业的顺利开展,如冲击载荷作用下的螺纹连接问题、射孔枪胀形尺度问题和影响射孔枪强度的盲孔问题。

    There are several typical problems in perforator structure designs impeding perforating operation in oil well , such as screw junction , perforator expansion and foramen strength .

  9. 磨溪气田水平井射孔卡枪原因分析及防范措施

    Cause analysis and precautions of horizontal well perforator sticking in Moxi gas field

  10. 文中正是根据这种新兴的完井工程概念介绍了新型射孔弹、射孔枪、射孔新技术以及它们在减轻地层伤害、提高单井产量等方面所起的作用。

    In this paper , the new perforating bullet , perforating gun , perforating technique and their action on decreasing the formation damage are introduced .

  11. 本文研究了在一次射孔过程中携带多节射孔枪,进行多次射孔作业的射孔工艺。

    The perforating process of perforating many times during one procedure is studied .

  12. 全通径油管输送射孔(TCP)与杆式泵联作工艺技术是将全通径压力起爆器、全通径油管输送射孔枪与杆式泵结合起来,使射孔完井与下抽油泵用一趟管柱完成;

    A technology of combining full bore TCP , full bore pressure detonator and rod pump has been developed to complete perforating and running pump in one trip .

  13. 介绍了增效射孔作业技术的基本原理和简化计算,论证了在增效射孔中大孔径射孔弹及高孔密射孔枪的重要性;

    Introduces fundamental principles and simple calculation of perforating charge with aftereffect ;