
shè jiàn yùn dònɡ
  • archery
  1. 当文化创新以及察布查尔锡伯自治县推广进行有机的结合,将产出高附加价值的锡伯族民族射箭运动产业,并有助于推广察布查尔锡伯自治县的民族文化美,同时提升居民生活质量与带动观光产业。

    When the culture of innovation and the promotion of Sibo County organically combine the output of high value-added industries Sibo minzu archery , and help promote the minzu culture of Sibo County United States , while improving living quality and promote the tourism industry .

  2. 本课程包含四大部份:第一部份为认识射箭运动。

    This course covers four major parts : firstly , the introduction to archery ;

  3. 射箭运动于1990年成为奥运会比赛项目。

    Archery became an Olympic event in 1900 .

  4. 在世界射箭运动中占优势的国家有美国,俄国,韩国。

    Dominant nations in world archery include the USA , Russia , and Korea .

  5. 因为或者尽管这种训练异乎寻常,韩国统领着世界射箭运动。

    Because of or despite the bizarre training , South Korea dominates international archery .

  6. 射箭运动的训练特点;

    The training characteristics of archery ;

  7. 射箭运动是培养学生身体技能与心性的最佳体育教学项目之一。

    Archery is one of the best sports which can develop students'physical skills and mental shape .

  8. 将He-Ne激光系统应用到古典射箭运动中,为射箭运动提供了客观标准;

    The He-Ne laser system applies to classical shoot an arrow , it supplies the objective standard for shoot an arrow sports ;

  9. 在此之前,关于射箭运动都是通过高速摄影的方式进行定性研究,有很大的局限性。

    Heretofore , the research of the archery of shooting mostly through the way of high-speed photography qualitatively , it has great limitation .

  10. 以专家访谈、问卷调查、实地观察为主要研究方法,对我国射箭运动训练现状进行了较深入的调查。

    Through using the method of expert interview , questionnaire and observation , this paper made deeply investigation on training condition of archery in China .

  11. 在市场机制的引进下,民族射箭运动可望获得进一步的开发与满足,有助于民族射箭运动的推广。

    In the introduction of market mechanisms , the minzu sport of archery is expected to meet for further development and help to promote the minzu sport of archery .

  12. 锡伯族民族射箭运动产业则是要透过包装营销传统、风俗与文化资产发展出产业的形式,进而振兴察布查尔锡伯自治县经济,举办的体育文化节活动发展旅游产业。

    Sibo minzu archery industry is to develop a form of marketing through the packaging industry , traditions , customs and cultural assets , thus revitalizing the economy of Sibo County , sports and cultural festival organized by the development of the tourism industry .

  13. 我们也观看两个村庄在全国射箭运动会上决一雌雄,村民们箭术精湛————身穿帼装的箭手使用竹弓,不断射中140米远的小木竿,引来自己队友欢庆的舞蹈和歌声。

    We watched two villages compete with astounding skill at the national sport of archery . Dressed in ghos and using bamboo bows , the archers regularly hit a small wooden post 140 metres away , prompting celebratory dances and songs from their teammates .

  14. 本文对我国射击与射箭运动发展中的3个热点问题:优秀运动员运动寿命、备战奥运会科研工作、外脑进行了初步探讨。

    The issues that should be paid attention to the development of shooting and archery in China , such as sport life span of elite athletes , external brain , and scientific research for winning the gold medal in the future Olympic Games , are studied .

  15. 许多运动项目都是源于狩猎和战争手段,射箭和击剑运动便是如此。

    Many sports events are evolved from military and hunting skills , the sports of archery and fencing are two of them .

  16. 比方在阿灵顿地区,可以开展骑马、射箭,或探险运动;

    Within the grounds of Arlington , for example , horse-riding , archery and adventure sports could take place .

  17. 可作为其它项目制定参赛人员组成的参考。2、拳击、射箭和跆拳道三运动队都根据本项目的发展现状、特点和制胜规律制定了明确的指导思想和基本方针。

    Other project participants as the composition of the reference formulation . 2 、 Boxing , archery and taekwondo are based on three sports teams in the development of the project status , characteristics and development of a clear pattern of winning a guiding ideology and basic principles .

  18. 奥林匹克射箭金牌得主金坤旭知道射箭运动非常艰苦。

    Olympic archery gold medalist kim Kyung Wook knows how demanding her sport can be .

  19. 射箭足我们蒙古男儿三技之一,我们要通过射箭运动把我们蒙古民族传统文化传承给我们的后人并用实践来起到教育作用。

    The archery is one of the " three skills of Mongolian men " . We should pass our Mongolian traditional national culture to our descendants by the archery and make it effective by practices .

  20. 通过对广西射箭男队运动员1992年~2004年取得的成绩及提高成绩的因素进行综合分析,提出提高广西射箭运动成绩的措施及对策。

    By the comprehensive analysis on sportsmen 's achievements of Guangxi Men 's Archery Team during 1992-2004 and the factors affecting the achievements , this paper offers some steps and countermeasures to enhance the achievements of Guangxi Men 's Archery Team .