
xī zhào
  • Sunset;evening glow;the glow of the setting sun
夕照 [xī zhào]
  • [evening glow;glow of the setting sun] 傍晚的阳光

夕照[xī zhào]
  1. 一个10场景西湖是“雷峰塔在夕照”,但是这是最好看的距离日落之后。

    One of the10 Scenes of the West Lake is " Leifeng Pagoda in Evening Glow ", but this is best viewed from a distance just after sunset .

  2. 杭州西湖的平湖秋月、雷峰夕照,苏州的狮子林

    The moon in hangzhou , suzhou , world sunsets lion forest

  3. 这时候,她的生活中显现出一种光明,一种玫瑰色的夕照。

    A sort of halo , an occidental glow , came over life then .

  4. 当细浪般的云层映出柔和的夕照

    While barred clouds bloom the soft-dying day

  5. “生前心已碎,死后性空灵”在夕照前就悄然死去;

    While yet living her heart is broken and after death all her subtlety comes to nothing .

  6. 小伙子走了,德北菲尔德躺在草地的雏菊中,沐浴着午后的夕照等候着。

    The lad departed , and Durbeyfield lay waiting on the grass and daisies in the evening sun .

  7. 如今,著名的“雷峰夕照”是游客们非常喜爱的景点之一。

    Nowadays , the famous scenery of Sunset Glow over Leifeng Pagoda is a favorite spot for tourists .

  8. 在这壮丽非凡的暮色里,在这五色缤纷的夕照里,他又看见她了。

    In that glory of the day 's end in that chaos of sunshine , he saw her again .

  9. 荡舟碧波之上,看雷锋夕照,苏堤春晓,还有留着残雪的断桥。

    Boating Bibo above to see Lei Feng afterglow , Sudi Chunxiao , as well as snow Retention of the bridge .

  10. 皇姑区政府同时改造舍利塔周边环境,恢复塔寺原始风貌,重现盛京八景之一“塔湾夕照”。

    In the mean time , District Government of Huanggu will engage in improving the surroundings to restore the original environment of Dagoba .

  11. 《夕照》夕阳映照在黄色的楼房外面,耀眼而灿烂,像这样的黄色,在东北包括内蒙古都很常见。

    The sunset The evening sunlight shins the yellow building , glaring and brilliant , this yellow is very common in northeast and also in Inner Mongolia .

  12. 尹相如的散文集《林中夕照》注重调动各种手段,饱含感情描写美、表现美,给人以纯美的感受。

    Afterglow in the Forest by Yin Xiangru involves various techniques of expression to describe and show beauty with rich feelings and gives readers feeling of beauty .

  13. 暮色迅速降临,有&两颗星星已经出现了,而西方夕照的余霞依稀可见。

    Twilight was coming on apace and a star or two was already out , but the remains of the sunset could still be seen in the west .

  14. 当门在她身后关上,丹妮只见一缕红色夕照射进来,映在她的龙蛋上。

    As she let the door flap close behind her , Dany saw a finger of dusty red light reach out to touch her dragon 's eggs across the tent .

  15. 你也有你的音乐,不必为此冥思苦想;当细浪般的云层映出柔和的夕照,残梗凌乱的田野抹上玫瑰色的霞光;

    Think not of them , thou hast thy music too , - While barr è d clouds bloom the soft-dying day , And touch the stubble-plains with rosy hue ;

  16. 游览了绵山的水涛沟,在夕阳夕照下,我们拖着疲惫的脚步,踏上了返回的路程,我们度过了快乐的一天。

    Visited continous mountain of water in the setting sun out the ditch and we sunsets steps of drag exhaustion , on the return journey , we had a happy day .

  17. 一大早,你就被这些马达吵得浮气躁,愈发感觉溽热难耐;向晚时分,斜阳夕照,湖面波光流动,这嗡嗡声却还像一团蚊子般不绝于耳。

    In the daytime , in the hot mornings , thesemotors made a petulant , irritable sound ; at night , in the still evening whenthe afterglow lit the water , they whined about one 's ears like mosquitoes .

  18. 而范德卢顿家虽然地位比前两家都高,但家道已经败落,成了残留在地面上的一抹夕照,目前能给人留下深刻印象的只有两个人物,即亨利·范德卢顿先生与他的太太。

    but the van der Luydens , who stood above all of them , had faded into a kind of super-terrestrial twilight , from which only two figures impressively emerged ; those of Mr. and Mrs. Henry van der Luyden .

  19. 我常在这条长长的石径上散步。走着走着,来到一座宽阔的台子上,站在这里可以看到迷人的晚霞与夕照,偶然也能看到冒着浓烟呜呜南去的列车。

    Along the long path I often took a stroll which would take me to a wide terrace , where 1 could watch the enchanting glow of sunset , and occasionally catch the sight of a train pulling and hooting on its way southward .