
  1. 火车充满趣味,深受孩子们喜爱,特别是那些夕发朝至的卧铺列车。

    Trains are fun . Children love them , especially the overnight sleepers .

  2. 它们建议尽早预定夕发朝至的卧铺车票,因为便宜车票卖得很快。

    They advise booking as early as possible for overnight sleepers the cheap ones go quickly .

  3. 例如,在北京和上海、武汉等中心城市之间开有夕发朝至列车,带有舒适的卧铺车厢。

    There are overnight trains with comfortable sleeper cabins running between Beijing and central cities such as Shanghai and Wuhan , for example .

  4. 另一方面,我国铁路旅客受到集中候车、夕发朝至以及文化、心理等因素的影响,西方在安全管理等相关方面的取值并不完全适合我国的国情。

    On the other hand , the values of safety management in West are not entirely suitable to our conditions , because of the cultural difference , psychological factors , " centralized waiting " and " evening leave and morning arrival " .