
zhá wǎ
  • slipper;brake-shoe;shoe;hem shoe
闸瓦[zhá wǎ]
  1. 压制温度对新型高摩合成闸瓦材料力学性能的影响

    Effects of Mechanics Performances of Brake-shoe Materials on Pressing Temperature

  2. 车轮通常是由压在它上面的闸瓦使它停止转动的。压制温度对新型高摩合成闸瓦材料力学性能的影响

    Usually a wheel is stopped by a brake-shoe which presses on it . Effects of Mechanics Performances of Brake-shoe Materials on Pressing Temperature

  3. ND5型机车闸瓦偏磨的原因分析及解决措施

    ND_5 locomotive brake shoe partial wear reason analysis and preventive measures

  4. ST型双向闸瓦间隙调整器典型故障的原因分析及预防措施

    Analysis of Causes to Typical Troubles in ST 2-Direction Brake Shoe Slack Adjuster and Preventative Measures

  5. ND2型内燃机车轮缘偏磨的整治与研究东风4系列机车1、6位闸瓦偏磨及闸瓦贴轮的解决办法

    Evaluation and Study of the One Side Over-wear of the wheel Flange of ND_2 MOdel Diesel Locomotive Trouble shooting of the brake shoes for DF_4 series locomotives

  6. 对机车12个轮对的闸瓦,进行了实时温度监测、数据记录、数据通讯、显示、语音报警以及USB转储等方面原理分析,并给出了系统相应的软、硬件设计。

    Besides , the thesis as well analyzes the principle of temperature detecting , data record , data communication , display , phonetic alarm and USB storage of twelve tyre pairs of brake shoe and software , hardware design about the system are presented .

  7. 经过1:1台架试验,单机制动试验及装车应用考核,最后研制成功了适用于机车运行速度小于160km/h的一种新型粉末冶金闸瓦。

    After the 1:1 bench test , single machine breaking test and manufacture process test , we make a sort of brake shoe that is adapted to locomotive whose max speed is less than 160km / h.

  8. 根据铁路现场环境和闸瓦的安装情况,设计并搭建了闸瓦图像采集系统:包括选用光源、镜头、CCD摄像机、图像采集卡等器件组成图像采集单元;现场搭建采集系统,完成对闸瓦图像的摄取。

    According to the working scene and condition of brake shoe , design and build the shoe image grabbing system . The image grabbing module is made up of lights , lens , CCD cameras and image grabbing , etc ; which is used to grab the brake shoe image .

  9. 在MM-1000型摩擦试验机上测试了铜基粉末冶金列车闸瓦材料在不同制动条件下的摩擦磨损性能。

    The experiment is conducted on MM-1000 friction test machine , which tests friction wear property of copper-based train brake materials by powder metallurgy at different brake condition .

  10. 闸瓦磨损开关的改造

    Reform of the switch for monitoring the wear of brake shoe

  11. 介绍了一种新型提升机智能闸瓦间隙监测仪。

    Introduces a new kind inspect instrument of hoist brake clearance .

  12. 地铁车辆制动闸瓦国产化的研制与试验

    Development and Test on Nationalization of Brake Shoes for Metro Cars

  13. 高摩合成闸瓦在快速货车上的适应性

    Applicability of High Friction Composite Brake Shoes on Speed Freight Train

  14. 矿井提升机闸瓦摩擦系数测试系统

    Frictional coefficient test system of the brake-tile in the pit lift

  15. 列车制动闸瓦磨损与制动材料分析

    Analysis of Wear of Train Brake - Shoes and Brake Materials

  16. 闸瓦间隙自动调节器作用失灵的原因及解决措施

    Reason analysis and countermeasures of brake slack adjuster out of control

  17. 基于无线通信的机车闸瓦压力采集系统

    The Pressure Collection System of Locomotive Skid Based on Wireless Communication

  18. 低摩擦因数合成闸瓦性能特点及工艺

    Performance Characteristics and Technology of Composite Brake Shoes with Low Friction Factors

  19. 高摩擦系数合成闸瓦的研制

    Development of the synthetic brake shoe with high friction factor

  20. 新型高摩合成闸瓦的研究与实践

    Research and Application on New High Friction Composite Brake Shoe

  21. 关于重新修订高摩擦系数合成闸瓦技术条件的建议

    Suggestion on further revision of specification for high friction synthetic brake shoe

  22. 铌磷半钢在中磷铸铁闸瓦中应用的研究

    Application of Nb-P Semisteel in Production of Mid-P Cast Iron Brake Shoes

  23. 高磷铸铁闸瓦断瓦原因分析及预防

    Reason Analysis and Prevention of High Phosphor Cast Iron Brake Shoe Breaking

  24. 机车闸瓦自动测温系统的研究与实现

    Study and Realization on Monitoring Temperature System of Brake Shoe of Locomotive

  25. 基于随机过程的盘式制动器闸瓦温升研究

    Temperature Analysis of Disk Brake Shoe Based on Stochastic Process

  26. 东风4系列机车1、6位闸瓦偏磨及闸瓦贴轮的解决办法

    Trouble shooting of the brake shoes for DF_4 series locomotives

  27. 石墨/煅后焦对合成闸瓦试样摩擦性能的影响

    Effect of Graphite / Calcined Coke on Friction Performance of Brake Pad

  28. 高摩合成闸瓦金属镶嵌机理研究

    Study on the Metal mounting Mechanism of High friction Coefficient Composition Brake Shoe

  29. 金属闸瓦制动摩擦机理的研究及其对重载运输的适用性

    Friction Mechanism of Metal Brake Shoe and its Adaptability to Heavy Haul Transportation

  30. 闸瓦与车轮运用故障的研究

    Research on Operation Troubles in Brake Shoes and Wheels