
  • 网络GATE
  1. 地铁自动检票闸机对人员疏散的影响分析

    Influences of Automatic Fare Gate in subway on Pedestrian Evacuation

  2. 详细介绍了闸机的运营模式和工作流程。

    The Operation Mode and the Working Processing of the flap-door Gate are given .

  3. 城市轨道交通中闸机事件识别技术

    Event Recognition Method of Ticket Gate in Urban Mass Transit

  4. 阐述了闸机与车站计算机系统之间的异步通信机制。

    At last , the asynchronous communication between Gate and Station Computer System is introduced .

  5. 硬件部分要求检票闸机检入各种门票,能够显示相关信息。

    Hardware requires ticket gates to identify all kinds of tickets and display relevant information .

  6. 闸机监控系统服务器软件的设计以网络通信和数据库编程技术为基础,实现了闸机监控、设备管理等重要功能。

    The supervisory control software of server based on database and network communication has the functions of control and devices management .

  7. 拍打门机构的检修过程包括两部分,分别为部件的清洁检测、整个机构的性能测试,其中,整个机构的性能测试需要在闸机上进行。

    The process of Flap gate mechanism maintenance includes two parts , partscleaning , detection , and test the performance of the entire module .

  8. 最后,根据系统论和控制论的方法,综合上述3种识别技术,本文提出了一种新的适合于闸机的基于事件驱动的乘客通行算法。

    At last , this paper makes a study on passenger transit algorithm and presents anew algorithm based on event drive with the above-mentioned recognition methods .

  9. 作为是地铁配套设备的核心系统之一的自动检票系统(闸机)的相关设计研究将显得尤为重要。

    The relevant design research of automatic fare collection system ( gate ), which is one of the core equipment in the system , becomes particularly important .

  10. 本课题在对地铁进出口通道中乘客的行为方式做了仔细调研和分析后,设计了一套闸机(自动检票机)扇门控制系统。

    After studying the activity characteristics of passengers in the metro import and export channel particularly , the gate ( Automatic Ticket Checker ) door control system was designed .

  11. 事件识别方法的最小识别单位是运动个体,在1个事件序列中,每个通行事件对就对应于1个运动个体通过了闸机通道。

    Motion unit is regarded as the minimum recognition unit in the event recognition method . Each of transit event pairs in any event sequence is corresponding to one motion unit .

  12. 根据扇门式闸机的主要功能,得出其控制系统的整体架构,给出了控制系统的主要性能指标。

    Based on the main function of the flap-door Gate , the structure of its control system can be obtained . And the property index of the control system is given .

  13. 闸机监控系统,因其具备安全防范和人员管理功能,而被广泛应用于工厂自动化、安全保卫、物流管理等行业。

    Access management monitoring systems have been widely used in factory automation , safety security areas , logistics management and so on benefiting from their advantages in security protection and personnel management .

  14. 按照通行方式将扇门式闸机分为双向通行、单向进站和单向出站三种,给出了扇门式闸机控制系统的典型结构。

    According to the way of pass , the flap-door Gate can divide into two-way pass , one-way pull in and one-way pull out . The typical structure of the control system is described .

  15. 传统门禁仅仅是依靠闸机控制读者出入的管理设施,而新一代门禁控制系统不但具有了更先进的管理功能,而且更加重视面向读者的个性化服务功能的应用。

    Traditional entrance just relied on gate control and management of the users , but new generation of access control system not only integrated more advanced management and regard to the application of personal services of readers .

  16. 还有一种选择是购买Suica卡或Pasmo卡(各大火车站的自动售票机上有售),这两种卡可以多次使用,你可以往里面充钱。每次乘车时,在闸机刷卡。

    Another option is to buy a Suica or Pasmo card ( available at ticket vending machines in major train stations ) , reusable cards on which you load money ; you touch them to the turnstile each time you ride .

  17. 针对闸机识别系统识别率不高的问题,按照事件序列可以描述物体运动过程的思路,提出了基于事件识别的新方法。

    Since the recognition ratio of the ticket gate system is low , a new method based on event recognition is presented to improve the recognition ratio according to the concept that a motion process can be described by an event sequence .

  18. 本文对无锡灵山门禁系统进行设计与开发,该系统主要包括闸机检票系统,景区票务系统,景区内演出售检票系统,计数系统四个部分。

    The thesis describes design and realization of Wuxi Lingshan scenic spot access control system . The system including four parts , they are ticket gates system , scenic spot ticketing system , selling and checking performance ticket system , and counting system respectively .

  19. 经测试结果表明上述问题已经解决,并且性能上也有所提高,能更好的应用于大批量的闸机设备上。

    The testing results show that the problems have been solved , and the performance of the control system is greatly improved . Meanwhile the control system which is developed by C + + programming language can be applied to large quantities of automatic gate machines .

  20. 当乘客刷卡进入闸机通道时,系统通过传感器采集模块捕获人体在通道中的行为特征,以便对乘客进出方向、乘客通过次序、乘客通过人数等各种可能出现的通过状态进行控制。

    When passengers pass through the Gate channel swiping card , the system captures the activity characteristics of human bodies by collection module of sensor in order to control the passing direction , sequence , number and various kinds of possible passing status of the passengers .

  21. 该液压系统为三峡大坝泄洪闸实现与门机联接或脱开的系统。东欧的政治剧变打开了移民的泄洪闸,成千上万的人急于移民他国。

    They are used for connecting the sluice of the Three-gorge Dam and the gantry or disconnecting them . Political changes in eastern Europe opened the floodgates to thousands of people who wished to emigrate .

  22. 目前普遍使用的晶闸管送丝机系统,存在动作噪声大、寿命低、系统响应速度慢、功率因数低等缺点,难以满足高质量GMAW焊的需要。

    Due to the low response speed and controllability , high action noise , short longevity of service , low power factor , the present widely used wire feeder with silicon controlled rectifier can not well fulfill the requirements for high quality GMAW .