• evening;night;sunset
  • 日落的时候:~阳。~照。朝(zhāo ㄓㄠ)~相处(chǔ ㄔㄨˇ)。

  • 泛指晚上:前~。除~。一~谈。


(日落的时候;傍晚) sunset:

  • 朝发夕至

    start at daybreak and arrive at sunset


(泛指晚上) evening; night:

  • 除夕

    New Year's Eve;

  • 旦夕

    this morning or evening--in a short time;

  • 这些问题不是一朝一夕能够解决的。

    These problems cannot be solved overnight.


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 夕斌

    Xi Bin

  1. 我们一直在等待,等待在那个八月的某日傍晚能出现美丽的夕落,我们就会荡舟湖上,挥洒骨灰。

    We were awaiting the perfect sunset on an August evening to row out on the lake and sprinkle the ashes .

  2. 我曾看过令人感怀流泪的夕落之阳,也曾看过横贯天空的七色之虹。

    I 've seen a sunset that would make you cry , And colors of a rainbow reach in cross the sky .

  3. 满目青山夕照明。

    On all sides , verdant sunset-bathed hills greet the eye .

  4. 月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后。(欧阳修《生查子·无夕》)

    The moon rose to the top of the willow tree , | and my love and I met after twilight .

  5. 当老师在课堂里问她:“芬,宾夕法尼亚洲的首府叫什么?”时,她还在想着那头小猪。

    She was still thinking about the pig when the teacher said : " Fern , what is the capital of Pennsylvania ? "

  6. 对于夕卡岩型矿床,pH值无异常,没有明显的指示意义。

    PH shows no anomaly and has no significant meaning for skarn deposit .

  7. 夕少了动君己己pv.多PV节点的不平衡配电网潮流故障分析方法

    An approach to power flow and fault analysis of unbalanced distribution system with multi - PV nodes

  8. 河南南泥湖矿田Mo、W、Cu、Pb、Zn、Ag、Au成矿元素组合表现为斑岩型-夕卡岩型-中低温热液脉型矿床成矿系统。

    Mo-W-Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag-Au metallogenic element association exhibits metallogenic systems of the porphyry type deposit , skarn type deposit and medium-low temperature hydrothermal type deposit .

  9. 我国一些重要夕卡岩Pb-Zn多金属矿床的交代分带

    Metasomatic zoning in some major Pb Zn polymetallic skarn deposits of China

  10. 正如海德格尔所言,夕U乎从人们专门考察艺术和艺术家以来,这种考察就被称之为美学的考察。

    As Heidegger said , almost from the people has been devoted to examining art and artists , this study was called the aesthetics of the inspection .

  11. 只有Sn和W钙夕卡岩矿床及Pb-Zn钙-镁夕卡岩矿床含(Sps+Alm+Pyr)总量大于15%的石榴子石。

    Only Sn-W calcic skarn deposits and Pb-Zn calcic magnesia skarn deposits contain garnets with more than 15 mole % spessartine + almandine + pyrope .

  12. 如早期(J2)新特提斯主洋壳俯冲阶段所形成的普通火山弧,产有火山熔(流)型夕卡岩铜多金属矿床;

    For example , there is the volcanic magmatic-hydrothermal transitional type of skarn Cu polymetallic deposit , located in common volcanic-arc which New-Tethys main ocean crust had subducted ;

  13. 采用SIP算法,对离散方程进行了求解。比较了考虑和不考虑地球红外辐射对电池阵温度分布的影响。夕少了动君己己pv。

    The solution of discrete equation was obtained by the method of SIP with and without the effects of earth radiation on temperature distribution of the solar PV array were compared .

  14. 现在品尝//2009年夕铎酒庄(ChateauMontRedon)产教皇新堡,18欧元;

    Drinking Now / / 2009 Ch â teau Mont Redon Ch â teauneuf-du-Pape , EUR18 ;

  15. 河南栾川地区矽卡岩型铅锌矿地质特征&南泥湖钼矿外围找矿问题我国一些重要夕卡岩Pb-Zn多金属矿床的交代分带

    Characters of the Skarn Pb - Zn Deposit in Luanchuan County , Henan Province METASOMATIC ZONING IN SOME MAJOR Pb Zn POLYMETALLIC SKARN DEPOSITS OF CHINA

  16. 读者不禁要问,这个剃着平头的家伙,达特茅斯大学(dartmouthcollege)夕日的明星进攻内锋,怎么就登上了与美国第一任财长亚历山大汉密尔顿(alexanderhamilton)平起平坐的高位呢?

    The reader is tempted to ask how this crew-cut , ex-star offensive lineman from Dartmouth College came to hold the same high office as Alexander Hamilton , the first Secretary of the US Treasury .

  17. 波启浦夕(Poughkeepsie)和水牛城等北部边远城市的失业率达到了战后未曾遇见的水平。

    Upstate towns such as Poughkeepsie and Buffalo have unemployment rates not seen since the war .

  18. 岩浆期后镁夕卡岩中的为较纯的透辉石,可能伴生Fe、Cu、Mo、Sn、Au等矿化;

    Pyroxene in the postmagmatic magnesian skarn is relatively pure diopside , associated sometimes with Fe , Cu , Mo , Sn , Au mineralizations . Pyroxenes in the calcic skarn are of diopside hedenbergite series , while pyroxenoid is wollastonite .

  19. 十二岁时埃利斯第一次读艾米莉·勃朗特(EmilyBrontë)的这本哥特式浪漫小说,她立刻身陷其中,欲罢不能,从此每当生日前夕,埃利斯就要重读这本书。

    She was 12 when she first read Emily Bront ë " s gothic romance , and without fail , she 's returned to it annually in the run-up to her birthday .

  20. 广西拉么Zn-Cu矿床中夕卡岩的主要矿物特点与Ca-Fe-Si-C-O体系T-lgfo2图解

    Characteristics of main skarn minerals and t-lgfo_2 phase diagram of the system ca-fe-si-c-o in Lamo skarn Zn-Cu deposit , guangxi , china

  21. 鄂东南铜绿山矿田矽卡岩型铜铁金矿床的辉钼矿Re-Os同位素年龄及其地质意义含金夕卡岩矿床产出构造环境和地质地球化学评价标志

    Re-Os dating of molybdenite from Tongl ü shan ore district in southeastern Hubei Province , Middle-Lower Yangtze River belt and its geological significance TECTONIC ENVIRONMENT AND GEOLOGICAL GEOCHEMICAL EVALUATION CRITERIA OF Au BEARING SKARN DEPOSITS

  22. 锡在石榴石夕卡岩矿石中主要以类质同象的方式存在于钙铁榴石中,且随Fe/Fe+Al比值的增大而增大,少数则以锡石(SnO2)包裹体的形式存在。

    In garnet skarn , Sn mainly substituted Fe into andradites and its concentration always increased with the enlargement of Fe / Fe + Al ratio , minority of Sn existed in andradites as cassiterite ( SnO2 ) inclusions .

  23. 报道了北秦岭地块中秦岭岩群夕线黑云石英片岩61个碎屑锆石测点的207Pb/206Pb年龄测试结果,其中15个测点在SHRIMPⅡ上进行,46个测点来自LA-ICPMS的测定结果。

    U-Pb isotopic ages of 61 detrital zircon grains from the sillimanite-biotite-quartz schist of the Qinling Group in the North Qinling metamorphic terrane are reported in this paper . Of the 61 zircon grains , 15 were measured by SHRIMP ⅱ, and 46 by LA-ICPMS .

  24. 中国含金夕卡岩矿床的分布和主要地质特征

    The distribution and geological characteristics of auriferous skarn deposits in China

  25. 夕月,即祭拜月神。

    Yuzuki , that is , worship goddess of the moon .

  26. 夕张市是一个写照,整个日本正陷入人口问题的漩涡。

    Like Yubari , Japan is heading into a demographic vortex .

  27. 挥发份在夕卡岩型和斑岩型矿床形成中的作用

    Role of Volatile Components in Formation of Skarn and Porphyry Deposits

  28. 东蒙地区夕卡岩石榴石稀土元素地球化学及其成因

    REE geochemistry and origin of skarn garnets from eastern Inner Mongolia

  29. 夕卡岩型矿床的成矿作用和地球化学研究综述

    A summary of metallogenic , geochemical study on the skarn deposits

  30. 它是特拉华州,宾夕法尼亚洲,新泽西州还是乔治亚州?

    Was it Delaware , Pennsylvania , New Jersey or Georgia ?