
hé děng
  • how;what;very;what kind
何等 [hé děng]
  • (1) [how;very;what kind]∶什么样的

  • 你知道他是何等人物

  • (2) [what;how]∶用于感叹语气,表示不同寻常

  • 这是何等高超的技术!

何等[hé děng]
  1. 你知道他是何等人物?

    Do you know what kind of person he is ?

  2. 真是难以想象那会是何等可怕的景象

    Well , I can only imagine what kind of horrifying footage

  3. 对于那些课程能够取得何等成果的夸大宣传,他们应该持怀疑态度。

    They should be sceptical of exaggerated claims for what such courses can achieve

  4. 无论之前取得何等辉煌的成就,都应该不断努力进取。

    You should always strive to achieve more , however well you have done before

  5. 是何等可怕的心理扭曲会导致狙击手向载满儿童的公共汽车开火?

    What monstrous perversion of the human spirit leads a sniper to open fire on a bus carrying children ?

  6. 一个人交运的时候,勇气,主意,进取心这些东西是何等重要啊!

    Nerve , ideas , aggressiveness , how these counted when one had luck !

  7. 他们生活得何等幸福!

    What a happy life they enjoy !

  8. 本文只是一个入门级读物,旨在让您体验了在Scheme等面向列表的语言中列表处理是何等简单。

    This article has been just a primer to provide a taste of how easy list manipulation is in list-oriented languages like Scheme .

  9. 企业兴衰,潮起潮落,不断更迭。当我们步入21世纪,当中国加入WTO,我们才真正发觉中国企业与世界知名企业的差距是何等之大!

    After entering the 21st century , and joining in the WTO , we have found magnificent gap between the Chinese enterprises and the world famous enterprises .

  10. 当年黑莓(Blackberry)统治企业市场时,IT部门的工作是何等轻松。

    Life was a whole lot simpler for IT departments back when BlackBerrys ruled the workplace .

  11. 更重要的是,该SOAP客户机显示了利用SOAP服务正在发展的选项是何等容易。

    More importantly , this SOAP client shows how little work needs to be done to take advantage of the growing choice of SOAP services .

  12. 麦肯锡全球研究所(mckinseyglobalinstitute)所长黛安娜法雷尔(dianafarrell)表示:“这表明,在能源使用方面,经济上的无谓损失是何等巨大。”

    Diana Farrell , director of the McKinsey Global Institute , said : " it shows just how much deadweight loss there is in the economy in energy use . "

  13. “失去子女和父母是何等痛苦,”Assaji说。

    " The grief was immense at the loss of children and mothers ," Assaji says .

  14. 犹太人就说,你看他爱这人是何等恳切。

    Then said the Jews , Behold how he loved him !

  15. 万军之耶和华啊,你的居所何等可爱!

    How lovely is your tabernacle , O LORD of hosts !

  16. 万军之永恒主阿,你的居所何等可爱阿!

    How lovely is your dwelling place , O Lord Almighty !

  17. 我们若能完全信靠祂,这是何等美好的一件事呢?

    How good it is that we may trust Him anyway !

  18. 现在我们知道,当时的风险是何等之高。

    The stakes , we now know , were extraordinarily high .

  19. 哦,何等权利,能将自己给你。

    Oh , what a privilege I give myself to You !

  20. 他们的状况只能证明文明含有何等的污浊秽臭!

    Their condition only proves what squalidness may consist with civilization .

  21. 人比羊何等贵重呢。

    How much more valuable is a man than a sheep !

  22. 我们都意识到发展教育是何等的重要。

    We all realize how vital it is to develop education .

  23. 但是,我们对神的伟大的认识,是何等的肤浅呢!

    Yet how superficial is our knowledge of God 's greatness .

  24. 噢,那将是何等好好的假期啊!

    Oh , what a wonderful vacation it will be !

  25. 当对神说,你的作为何等可畏。

    Say to God , 'How awesome are your deeds !

  26. 何等大事,被爱!

    What a grand thing it is to be loved !

  27. 你们比飞鸟是何等地贵重呢!

    And how much more valuable you are than birds !

  28. 摩押何等毁坏!何等哀号!

    They shall howl , saying , How is it broken down !

  29. 他是何等伟大啊!

    How great he was ! What a great man he was !

  30. 承认主名是何等喜悦的事。

    It is a great joy to me to confess my LORD .