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mén duì
  • Door pair;antithetical couplet written on doors
门对 [mén duì]
  • [antithetical couplet written on doors] 过新年或有婚庆喜事时,贴在门上的对联

  • 家家贴门对,户户挂钱章。--《钟馗传》

门对[mén duì]
  1. 站台屏蔽门对地铁车站环境影响的研究

    Research on the Platform Screen Door Impact on Subway Station Environment

  2. 针刺后溪神、门对脑外伤性痴呆的影响

    Influence of Cerebral Traumatic Dementia Treated with Acupuncture at Houxi and Shenmen

  3. 事业之门对有才之人敞开&拿破仑。波拿巴。

    The career opens to talents & Napoleon Bonaparte , French emperor .

  4. 临床医学是一门对实践能力要求极高的科学。

    Clinical medicine is the science that needs higher request to practical ability .

  5. 线性门对模拟开关的选择与应用

    Selecting and using analog switch as linear - gate

  6. 电针百会、神门对腰椎间盘突出症疼痛的影响

    Effect of Electroacupuncture at Baihui and Shenmen on Pain in Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Herniation

  7. 屏蔽门对隧道通风系统设计影响及分析

    The Influence and Analysis of Platform Screen Doors to the Design of Tunnel Ventilation System

  8. 佛教一心开二门对宋明理学的影响

    The impact of One Mind and Two Gates upon the Confucianism during Song and Ming Dynasties

  9. 滑雪是一门对学习者身体素质以及技巧能力、反应能力都要求较高的体育课程。

    Skiing is a physical course requiring highly quality and skills of learners and response capabilities .

  10. 春节将至,我在自家的门上贴了一幅门对。

    The Spring Festival is coming , so I glued a pair of gatepost couplets on my door .

  11. 电针内关、神门对气虚痰瘀型冠脉搭桥术后心功能影响的研究

    Clinical Investigation of Heart Function Changes in Postoperation of CABG of the Qi-Asthenia Phlegm Stagnant Type with Electroacupuncture

  12. 内容提要:美术课程是一门对学生的发展具有重要促进作用的课程。

    Summary : Art is a curriculum for students with an important role in promoting the development of the curriculum .

  13. 任何一门对人们日常生活有很大影响的学科都会被编成一些笑话和故事。

    Any subject which has a great effect on the everyday lives of people soon leads to jokes and stories .

  14. 分类学是一门对生物进行命名和分类的科学。

    Part of the problem is a general lack of government funding for taxonomy & the science of naming and classifying organisms .

  15. 基于绝热演化的优点,这种量子逻辑门对实验参量的起伏不敏感。

    Taking advantage of the adiabatic passage , this kind of quantum logic gate is robust against moderate fluctuations of experimental parameters .

  16. 那天下午回到家时,我很困,但第二天的考试科目是巴基斯坦研究,一门对我来说难度较高的课。

    When I got home that afternoon I was sleepy , but the next day was Pakistan Studies , a difficult paper for me .

  17. 希特勒在德国上台后,爱因斯坦一个犹太人发现科学研究的在门对他关闭了。

    When Hitler came into power in germany , einstein , who was a jew , found the doors of study closed to him .

  18. 针对具有射击门体制的坦克武器系统,探讨了射击门对首发弹药落点分布的影响。

    Aimed at tank weapon system with shooting gate system , the effect of shooting gate on impact point distribution of first shell was discussed .

  19. 注意!严禁打开减速机下箱体上的检修门对减速机进行加油和观看,以免发生漏油现象。

    Caution : It is prohibited to open the maintenance door at the lower casing to add oil and take a look to prevent oil leak .

  20. 五分钟以后,我们还没有出中城。他把车停在一家报刊亭兼便利店的门外,指着店门对我说:“你去买地图。”

    Five minutes later , still in midtown , he stopped outside a newsstand-cum-convenience store and pointed towards the door : " You buy map . "

  21. 无论你是门对门的推销、电话销售,通过商业信息短片或者网络营销,最终的地点并不重要。

    Whether you are selling door-to-door , on the phone , through an infomercial , or on a website , ultimately the venue doesn 't matter .

  22. 惠而浦声称,曼德尔森决定不对韩国三门对开式冰箱征收惩罚性关税,会对欧洲家电行业造成直接的、非常严重的后果。

    It claims that his decision not to impose punitive tariffs on Korean three-door side-by-side fridges would have direct and very significant consequences for the European industry .

  23. 这一部门对县级政府规范性经济行为及其积极作用和失范性经济行为及其消极影响入行了剖析。

    This part has carried out analysis on county level government norm economic behaviour and their positive role and loss Fan nature economic behaviour and their negative influence .

  24. 《禅林宝训》伦理思想儒学化探析佛教一心开二门对宋明理学的影响

    On the Confucianism of the ethics in Admonitions for the Buddhist Monastery The impact of One Mind and Two Gates upon the Confucianism during Song and Ming Dynasties

  25. 赫敏格兰杰:把门对天花板施了魔法,让它看起来像是夜晚的天空。我在《霍格沃茨,一段校史》中读到过。

    Hermione granger : the ceiling isn 't realy . it 's bewitched to look like the night sky . I read about it in hogwart , a history .

  26. 同时,由于节气门对进气的节流作用,换气过程中的泵气损失明显增加,因此研制一种连续可变配气定时的配气机构,对于发动机节能减排具有十分重要的现实意义。

    The technology for the variable valve timing can not only improve the economy and the power of engine , but also reduce engine emissions , so it is valued from beginning .

  27. 这门对播音专业学生和非专业学生同时开放的课程,从观众的视角对电视节目进行分析和解读。

    This course , open to both broadcasting majors and non-majors , is about analyzing television in the ways and to the extent to which it needs to be understood by its audience .

  28. 它与铁路、水运共同承担通道运输任务;为小批量、门对门运输提供快速及时、高频率、安全舒适的服务;满足工业化的多样化、高质量运输需求。

    It shared channel transport task with railway and waterway , to provide timely , high frequency , safe and comfortable service , to meet demand of the industrial diversification and high quality transport .

  29. 在门操作中基矢经历相同的阻尼过程,相位门对原子的自发辐射以及腔场中光子的泄露都不敏感,因此本方案具有较高的保真度。

    Ground states in the phase gate pass through the same damping process , thus the phase gate is insensitive to atomic spontaneous emission and cavity photon leakage . Consequently , this scheme is of a high fidelity .

  30. 由于完全取消了节气门对进气的节流作用,这种无节气门汽油机将大幅度地降低泵气损失,使中小负荷时的燃油耗降低10-15%。

    Owing to the totally elimination of the throttling action to the air inflow , this kind of unthrottled SI engine can greatly decrease the pumping loss , which makes the fuel consumption reduce 10-15 % under small and medium-sized load .