
  • 网络Mooney viscosity;viscosity;mooney
  1. 研究塑解剂B对NR门尼粘度、塑性和热老化性能的影响。

    The influence of peptizer B on Mooney viscosity , plasticity and heat aging property of NR was investigated .

  2. 研究了预交联型CR溶胶组分的门尼粘度、凝胶组分所占比例以及硫化促进剂种类对其硫化后拉伸强度的影响。

    The influence of the sol Mooney viscosity , the gel proportion and the accelerator type on the tensile strength of precrosslinked CR vulcanizate was studied .

  3. 本文通过实验讨论了SBR生产中,转化率、硫醇加入量及加入方式对产物分子量分布的影响,并分析了门尼粘度与分子量分布间的关系。

    In this paper , the effects of conversion , amount of modifier and the way of addition to MWD of product in SBR production , the relationship between ML and MWD were discussed .

  4. 试验配方中并用EPDM和弹性填充剂,胶料门尼粘度、硫化速度和混炼性能得到提高,过滤和挤出工艺性能得到改善。

    The test results showed that the Mooney viscosity , mixing behavior and curing rate increased , and the filtering and extrudability improved by blending EPDM and an elastic filler in the test compound .

  5. 试验研究白炭黑补强乳聚丁苯橡胶(ESBR)混炼胶中的网络结构及网络结构对胶料门尼粘度和动态粘弹性的影响。

    The network structure of silica-filled ESBR compound and its effect on Mooney viscosity and dynamic visco-elasticity were experimentally investigated .

  6. 本文应用NNPLS方法建立生产过程门尼粘度预测模型。

    This paper proposes a prediction model of the Mooney-viscosity based on NNPLS .

  7. 结果表明:门尼粘度较高的POE(80038150和8180)具有较好的动态抗压缩疲劳性能,而且其综合性能较佳,特别是8003胶料在常温下具有较高的抗撕裂能力;

    The results showed that the POEs with higher Mooney viscosity ( 8003,8150 and 8180 ) possessed better dynamic compression fatigue resistance and comprehensive properties , especially 8003 compound had higher tear resistance at normal temperature ;

  8. 给出了现场分析数据&总固体含量(TSC)、门尼粘度(ML)和苯乙烯结合量(st%)的计算方式,使得模拟结果很方便地和现场分析数据进行比较;

    Field analytical data including total solid content ( TSC ), Mooney viscosity ( ML ) and styrene combining weight ( st % ) are calculated in this paper . So it is convenience to compare the simulation results with actual data .

  9. 并用TPI后,硫化胶的物理机械性能、耐热老化性能和耐臭氧性能有所下降,但当TPI与CR门尼粘度相近时,硫化胶的耐屈挠疲劳性能可提高1倍左右。

    Blended with TPI , the physical-mechanical properties , thermal aging resistance and ozone resistance of CR vulcanizate all dropped ; The flex durability was increased by 1 time when the mooney viscosity of CR and TPI were equivalent .

  10. 针对混炼胶密炼工艺特性,提出广义多路部分最小二乘(GMPLS)算法,建立混炼胶门尼粘度预测和排胶控制模型,克服了普通最小二乘算法在间歇生产质量控制建模中的局限性。

    A model for the Mooney viscosity prediction of mix and the dump control was estab-lished based on the general multi-way PLS ( GMPLS ) algorithm to eliminate the limitation of the model for quality control in batch production based on conventional PLS algorithm .

  11. 结果表明,LNR可有效地降低NR胶料的门尼粘度和混炼功耗,延长NR胶料的焦烧时间;可使炭黑在橡胶中分布均匀,其挤出物表面光洁度和尺寸稳定性较好。

    The results showed that the Mooney viscosity of NR compound and the energy consumption in mixing decreased , the scorch time of NR compound increased , the carbon black dispersion in compound , the surface smooth and the dimensional stability of extrudate improved by using LNR .

  12. 研究了4.5万t/a丁苯装置调节剂叔十二碳硫醇(TDM)配方及加入方式对高转化率(68%~72%)丁苯橡胶SBR1500的相对分子质量、门尼粘度、凝胶、微凝胶含量及性能的影响。

    The effects of recipe and adding method of mercaptan ( TDM ) on the relative molecular mass , Mooney viscosity , gel , microgel content and properties of high conversion ( 68 % ~ 72 % ) SBR were studied .

  13. 试验结果表明,用5份大比表面积活性氧化锌替代8份普通氧化锌,胶料的门尼粘度略有下降,焦烧时间和t10稍有延长,t90缩短;

    The results of test compound using 5 phr of active zinc oxide with large specific surface instead of 8 phr of conventional zinc oxide showed that the Mooney viscosity decreased a little , the scorch time and t 10 increased a little , t 90 reduced ;

  14. 橡胶门尼粘度标准物质的研制

    Standard development of the certified reference material of rubber Mooney viscosity

  15. 影响乳聚丁苯橡胶门尼粘度的因素

    Factors of affecting Mooney viscosity in e & SBR

  16. 用排胶点瞬时功率可以预测胎面(内胎)混炼胶门尼粘度。

    It could forecast the viscosity of mixing rubber for tread and tube .

  17. 分析了影响聚合产品门尼粘度的主要因素,给出了实用的门尼粘度计算公式。

    A formula for Mooney viscosity is given through studying the related factors .

  18. 混炼胶门尼粘度的预测与控制

    Prediction and Control of Mooney Viscosity of Rubber Mix

  19. 顺丁橡胶门尼粘度升值的原因分析及对策

    Reasons of Cis-butadiene Rubber Mooney Rising and Countermeasures

  20. 采用瞬时功率控制可减小混炼胶的门尼粘度波动。

    The Mooney viscosity fluctuation of mix can be decreased by using instantaneous power control .

  21. 介绍橡胶门尼粘度标准物质的研制过程。

    The developing process of the certified reference material of rubber Mooney viscosity is introduced .

  22. 但门尼粘度则随[η]值而激增(图1)。

    However , the Mooney viscosity increases rapidly with [ η ] ( Fig. 1 ) .

  23. 相对分子质量分布较宽时(BR9002),门尼粘度和表观剪切粘度较低。

    But Mooney viscosity showed different relation with carbon black content in comparison with apparent shear viscosity .

  24. 研究低门尼粘度、非污染型丁腈橡胶在薄型曲面海绵胶料中的应用。

    Application of low Mooney viscosity , non pollution type NBR to thin camber sponge rubber was studied .

  25. 顺丁橡胶生产中胶液浓度、平均分子量及门尼粘度与胶液物性常数关联的探索研究

    Correlation among Concentration , Average Molecular Weight , Mooney Viscosity and the Physical Constants of Cis-polybutadiene Concentrated Solution

  26. 门尼粘度是合成橡胶生产的主要质量指标,如何在线监测门尼粘度,并实现质量的自动监控是橡胶生产工业亟待解决的问题。

    Monitoring the Mooney-viscosity effectively and realizing automatic quality control of production process is an urgent problem in the rubber industry .

  27. 根据密炼机橡胶混炼过程的瞬时功率控制法,运用数理统计法建立的混炼胶门尼粘度数学模型,其预测精度值不稳定。

    The mathematical model for the prediction of viscosity of mixing rubber was found by statistics , but its precision was unsteady .

  28. 胶乳的门尼粘度越高,填充相同份数环烷烃油后其充油橡胶的门尼粘度也越高。

    The Mooney viscosity of oil-extended rubber extended same amount of cycloalkyl oil increased with the increases of the Mooney viscosity of latex .

  29. 聚合过程控制为聚合活性与聚合物门尼粘度的控制,即聚合过程生产能力与产品质量的控制。

    Polymerization control is the control of polymerization activity and polymer Mooney viscosity , namely the production capacity and product quality control during polymerization .

  30. 控制项目主要包括进料量、反应温度、催化剂用量及配比、单体转化率、聚合物门尼粘度控制。

    The controlled items mainly consist of feed quantity , reaction temperature , catalyst usage and ratio , conversion rate and polymer Mooney viscosity .