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  1. 除限制排胶指数以外,对我们所研究性状各自与株年干胶产量的遗传相关(rg)估值作了比较。

    Except FRI , the values of genetic correlation ( r_g ) between all other characters studied and yield have been compared respectively .

  2. 混炼胶质量预测和排胶控制的GMPLS模型研究

    GMPLS model for mix quality prediction and dump control

  3. 借助TG-DSC分析了泡沫体的热分解过程,确定了排胶工艺。

    According to the TG-DSC analysis of the template , the pyrolysis schedule was decided .

  4. 口型的冠部截面大、口型圆角R小、流胶口大,排胶温度高,挤出速度慢,则膨胀因数小;

    The swell factor tends to decrease if the cross section of die crown is large , the die round R is small , the runner is large , the dumping temperature is high and the extrusion speed is low ;

  5. 针对混炼胶密炼工艺特性,提出广义多路部分最小二乘(GMPLS)算法,建立混炼胶门尼粘度预测和排胶控制模型,克服了普通最小二乘算法在间歇生产质量控制建模中的局限性。

    A model for the Mooney viscosity prediction of mix and the dump control was estab-lished based on the general multi-way PLS ( GMPLS ) algorithm to eliminate the limitation of the model for quality control in batch production based on conventional PLS algorithm .

  6. 介绍了可移动卧式排胶炉的基本结构。

    The structures of portable horizontal rubber removal furnaces are described .

  7. 用功率曲线控制密炼机排胶的实验分析

    Analysis of power Curve Controlling Method for Discharging Batches from Internal Mixer

  8. 密炼过程中影响排胶温度的因素分析

    Analysis on Factors of Affecting Discharge Temperature During Mixing Process

  9. 用排胶点瞬时功率可以预测胎面(内胎)混炼胶门尼粘度。

    It could forecast the viscosity of mixing rubber for tread and tube .

  10. 水基凝胶注模坯体的排胶工艺研究

    Study on Binder Removal Process of Green Bodies of Aqueous Gel - casting

  11. 该方法可预测密炼机排胶温度、排胶时间等。

    This method could forecast the rubber discharging temperature , discharging time and so on .

  12. 割胶促进排胶,也促进多胺的生物合成。

    Therefore it was suggested that tapping could stimulate the biosynthesis of polyamines mainly putrescine .

  13. 植物细胞骨架在橡胶树产胶和排胶中的可能作用

    The possible effect of plant cell skeleton on latex production and latex flow of hevea brasiliensis

  14. 台风对橡胶树的影响&级风害树的生理学和排胶不正常现象

    Impacts of typhoons on rubber trees : physiology and abnormal latex flow phenomenon on slightly wind-damaged trees

  15. 研究了排胶工艺的影响因素,以及水基凝胶注模坯体排胶后的微观组织及气孔分布情况。

    The binder removal process is one of critical steps in the fabrication of aqueous gel casting materials .

  16. 目前研究认为乙烯利对橡胶树的作用,是促进排胶,影响胶乳的代谢。

    The current study suggests that the ethylene stimulation promotes the latex flow to affect the metabolism of latex .

  17. 研究了凝胶注成型过程中,排胶对坯体强度及其显微结构的影响。

    The variation of strength and microstructure of green bodies were studied in the course of binders ' burning out .

  18. 橡胶树割胶后,胶乳从乳管伤口排出,经过一段时间后,排胶停止。我们把乳管伤口导致排胶停止的变化称为乳管伤口的暂时封闭。

    We call the changes near the laticifer wound leading to the stopping of latex flow as temporary plugging of laticifers .

  19. 组织粘合剂注射17例,急诊治疗6例,硬化和组织粘合剂治疗全部止血,3~50天排胶再发出血4例。

    17 cases were injected with tissue adhesives , of whom 6 received emergency treatment , bleeding ceased in all cases .

  20. 这说明橡胶树品系的产排胶具有特异性,需要建立品系适宜性割胶制度。

    These results suggested that there were specificity in latex production among clones , and it needs establish clone-suitable tapping systems .

  21. 橡胶树新种质产排胶特性的初步研究这塑胶的质料比玻璃差。

    The Characteristics of Latex Regeneration and Latex Flow of New Amazon Hevea Germplasm This plastic is inferior in quality to glass .

  22. 针刺采胶的针孔排胶影响面呈向右倾斜的纺锤体,长度100~120厘米,宽度10~20厘米。

    Latex flow area of puncture tapping appeared to be of a clockwise leaning spindle-like shape , about 100-120 cm long and 10-20 cm wide .

  23. 结果表明,升温速率、保温时间、坯体厚度及表面积均对排胶过程有很大影响。

    Results show that temperature-increasing rate , holding time , thickness of green bodies and surface areas have a great influence on binder removal process .

  24. 介绍了硬质合金生产用可倾式球磨机、真空蒸汽干燥柜、卧式排胶妒与卧式真空烧结炉等设备的特点及其应用效果。

    The features and application effects of the tiltable ball mill , vacuum-steam dryer , horizontal de-rub bering or de-waxing furnace and vacuum sintering furnace for cemented carbide are introduced .

  25. 主要论述了密炼机混炼过程中温度对混炼的影响,热量产生的原因,以及影响排胶温度的因素等问题。

    This paper mainly described the affection imposed to mixing by temperature , the reasons , which caused heat in the process of mixing , and the factors . that affects the discharge temperature .

  26. 结果表明,随短纤维用量增大,混炼过程中最大功率和排胶温度提高,胶料的门尼粘度增大,流动性差,混炼特性变差;

    The results showed that with the increase of the level of short fiber , the maximum power and dump temperature increased during the mixing process , Mooney viscosity increased , and flowability and mixing characteristic were poor .

  27. 影响挤出膨胀因数的主要因素为口型样板截面θ角、口型圆角、排胶孔直径、挤出机各段温度、挤出速度和螺杆转向。

    The main effective factors on the swell coefficient of extruded tread are as follows : angle θ on cross-section of die plate , round angle of die ; overflow orifice , temperatures in different zones of extruder , extruding speed and turn direction of screw .

  28. 剪切啮合型转子密炼机传热效果好、排胶温度和单位耗能比其它类型转子略低,更适合于短纤维-橡胶复合材料等一些难分散胶料的混炼。

    In the same technologic conditions , compared with other rotor mixer , the shearing-meshing rotor mixer had good heat transfer effect , lower dump temperature and less power consumption , suits the mixing of the short fiber-rubber composite material and some materials that are difficult to dispersed .

  29. 结果表明:钙矾石是海排灰胶凝材料的早期强度主要来源之一;

    The results show that ettringite is one of the main sources for the early strength of this cementing material ;