
  • 网络emission trading
  1. 英国温室气体排放贸易制度的实践与评价

    UK Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme : Introduction and review

  2. 国际排放贸易的发展趋势及其对中国经济的影响效应分析

    Analysis of the Impacts of International Emissions Trading and Its Development Trends on China 's Economy

  3. 厄奇投资的公司之一是在伦敦另类投资市场(aim)上市的排放贸易有限公司(tradingemissions)。

    One company he invests in is trading emissions , which is listed on the alternative investment market ( AIM ) .

  4. 今天上午,罗伯特萨缪尔森在“RealClearPolitics”上发表的一篇文章,极大的完善了美国的“排放贸易”制度:

    Robert Samuelson has an article at Real Clear Politics this morning that hones in on the likely results of a " cap and trade " regime in the United States :

  5. TISP方法和MISIP方法被分别用于不确定条件下的能源系统以及CO2排放贸易规划例子的研究,其结果表明已经得到合理的解。

    The developed methods are applied to cases study of energy systems and CO2-emission trading planning under uncertainty . The results indicate that reasonable solutions have been generated .

  6. 建立了一个全球碳排放贸易局部均衡模型(TRCW),用于分析中国实施清洁发展机制(CDM)的市场潜力和市场结构。

    A partial equilibrium model for global carbon emission trading ( TRCW ) was set up to analyze the market potential and the market structure of clean development mechanism ( CDM ) put into effect in China .

  7. 国际碳排放贸易与循环经济的协调

    The Harmony of International Carbon Trade and Circular Economy

  8. 碳排放贸易市场可以分为以配额为交易基础的准许市场和以项目为基础的项目市场。

    Carbon emission trading market can be divided into Allowance-based market and Project-based market .

  9. 详细介绍了英国温室气体排放贸易制度框架,并对其政策的效果及存在的问题进行了评价。

    This paper details the framework of UK ETS , reviews its effectiveness and some existent problems .

  10. 被期待为开拓性展示物的温室气体排放贸易制度已经建立。

    A carbon-trading scheme , which was supposed to be a pioneering showcase , has so far foundered .

  11. 作为发展中国家,中国虽然在现阶段并不承担减排义务,但碳排放贸易与中国仍有着非常紧密的联系,同时,中国也不可避免地受着它的影响。

    As a developing country , although China bears no obligations , it still has a close connection with carbon emission trading .

  12. 清洁发展机制和联合执行倡议使得发展中国家和发达国家的排放贸易和碳抵销得以进行。

    The Clean Development Mechanism and Joint Implementation initiatives have enabled emissions trading and carbon offsets in the developing and developed worlds .

  13. 近年来,国际碳排放贸易迅速发展,成为了各国实现碳减排的有效手段。

    In recent years , international carbon emissions trade developed rapidly , it became the effective means of carbon emissions in many countries .

  14. 排放贸易是以市场为基础,通过提供经济上的激励而达到控制污染和减少排放的目的。

    Emissions trading is a market-based approach with the aim of controlling pollution by way of offering economic incentives for achieving emission reductions .

  15. 厄奇所在基金的总投资额为1.12亿英镑,其中排放贸易是该基金持仓量的最大股票之一,占总投资额的比例近5%。

    Trading Emissions is the joint largest holding in Urch 's fund , accounting for almost 5 per cent of the total 112m investment .

  16. 正如商品的生产成本一样,各国减排成本也具有一定的差异性,这就为碳排放贸易的产生提供了一定的经济基础。

    The emission reduction cost , the production costs of commodities varies among countries . They provide the economic background for carbon emission trading .

  17. 如果下一届政府是一个民主的政府,我期望我们将能看到在排放贸易体制方面有更大的举动。

    If the next administration is a Democratic one I expect we 'll see greater moves in the direction of a cap and trade system .

  18. 相反的,欧洲的排放贸易体制在像减少janschwalde煤电厂的排出方面做的很少,它是欧洲的第三大二氧化碳排放源。

    Perversely , Europe 's cap-and-trade system has done little to reduce output at such places as the Janschwalde coal plant , Europe 's third-biggest carbon dioxide emitter .

  19. 欧盟废气排放贸易计划虽然对降低碳排放起到了重要作用,但是对长期投资决策的影响尚不明朗。

    The EU emissions trading scheme is important in the transition to low carbon , but it is not yet having a noticeable effect on long term investment decisions .

  20. 随着排放贸易及相关体系中碳排放定价机制的形成,低排放技术将推动清洁的发电方式的发展。

    With the establishment of carbon exhaust pricing mechanism in the exhaust trade and relevant systems , the low exhaust technology can promote the development of clean power generation method .

  21. 第六章主要对文章作了一个总结,同时对中国参与碳排放贸易还提出了一些对策和建议。

    The sixth chapter is the conclusion of the whole paper . Furthermore , it puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions for China to participate in international carbon emission trading .

  22. 《京都议定书》中对需要承担减排义务的发达国家规定了具体的减排指标,允许发达国家通过三种灵活的履约机制来实现碳减排指标,即清洁发展机制、排放贸易机制和联合履约机制。

    The Kyoto Protocol provides detailed reduction target to the relevant developed countries , and allows developed countries using three kinds of flexible mechanism to achieve carbon emissions index . The three mechanisms are clean development mechanism , emission trading mechanism and joint performance mechanism .

  23. 欧洲CO2排放配额贸易

    Emission Trading in Europe

  24. 这跟我国在碳排放权贸易中最关键的两个环节:碳储量的核算以及碳排放交易权定价领域的发展有着很大关系。

    This is the most critical in emission permits trade of carbon with two aspects of our country : the accounting of carbon stocks and emission permits trade of carbon the pricing field of the development has a great influence on .

  25. 食品货运的过程中(包括海运、空运等)必然产生会产生C02气体的排放,随着贸易量的增长,海、空等运输方式都在递增,食品货运的碳排放量十分惊人。

    The process of food freight ( including sea , air , etc. ) is bound to produce to produce CO2gas emissions , with the growth of trade volume , sea , waited in vain for mode of transport in increments food freight carbon emissions is very amazing .

  26. 我国碳排放与出口贸易的相关关系研究

    A Survey on Interrelationship between Carbon Emission and Exports in China

  27. 尤其是围绕温室气体排放和环境贸易问题的合作谈判始终伴随着激烈的南北冲突。

    In particular , the conference about reducing the emission of greenhouse gas and environment trade chaperone always activate conflict between the south and the north .

  28. 最近的报告表明,为了达到这个目的,中国将依靠碳排放限制与贸易制度按地区或产业进行能源消耗配额。

    To that end , recent reports suggest , China will introduce energy-consumption quotas , either by region or by industry , that would rely on a cap-and-trade mechanism .

  29. 政府正在调查一套推广减少气体排放的碳贸易计划,但已保证,任何解决气候变化的措施都不会牺牲采矿业的工作岗位。

    The Government is investigating the introduction of a carbon trading scheme to reduce emissions but has promised any measures to tackle climate change will not sacrifice mining industry jobs .

  30. 美国已经对发电厂实行了一项基于市场的排放上限和贸易计划,这一计划以低成本的方式非常成功的改善了空气质量。

    The United States has implemented a market-based cap and trade program for electric power generating plants that has been very successful in improving air quality in a very cost-effective manner .