
  • 网络troubleshooting;investigation;investigate;screening
  1. 在tomcat服务器上利用mvc结构实现了兖矿集团矿井隐患排查管理系统。

    Using Mvc architecture on the tomcat server to implement the mine hidden dangers troubleshooting management system for Yanzhou Mining Group .

  2. 资料审查阶段,主要是运用了检查表法,对企业的风险点进行排查。

    Data Review Phase , mainly with CHECK SHEET , troubleshooting risk points from enterprises .

  3. 教职工及学生返校前应报告健康状况及过去14天的活动轨迹,同时要求有发热、乏力、干咳或腹泻等症状的人员就医排查。

    Staff and students should report their health conditions and whereabouts in the last 14 days to the school before returning to campus . Also , schools are required to urge people with symptoms , including fever , fatigue , dry cough or diarrhea , to seek medical help .

  4. PET装置热媒系统漏水点的排查及消除

    PET plant heat carrier system water leakage points investigation and elimination

  5. 气象部门Notes邮件系统升级优化及故障排查

    Meteorological Departments Notes System Upgrade Optimization and Troubleshooting

  6. 利用Ping命令排查网络故障

    Utilizing Ping Order to Arrange and Check Network Trouble

  7. 深圳口岸甲型H1N1流感医学排查结果分析

    Analysis on Results of Medical Screening on Influenza A ( H1N1 ) at Shenzhen Port

  8. 然而,据独立的广东省生态环境与土壤研究所(GuangdongInstituteofEco-environmentalandSoilSciences)的陈能场介绍,那次调查不准确,因为它依赖于土壤取样,而不是详细排查污染最严重的地点。

    Yet according to Chen Nengchang , of the independent Guangdong Institute of Eco-environmental and Soil Sciences , the survey was imprecise as it relied on soil sampling rather than detailing the worst-polluted sites .

  9. 然后从治理导频污染、减少拥塞、排查干扰、参数优化、PN规划、覆盖优化这六个方面对CDMA网络优化技术进行了具体的研究。

    Then specific studying on CDMA network optimization technology , through controlling pilot pollution , reducing congestion , interference investigation , parameter optimization , PN planning , coverage optimization .

  10. 提供人乳的女人要经过血检,以便排查传染病,还必须提供医生证明,证实她们和她们的婴儿身体健康,并需提供DNA样本,以便验证人乳的来源确实为她们本人。

    The women who supply the milk take blood tests for infectious diseases , must provide notes from doctors saying they and their baby are healthy and must furnish DNA samples to verify that their milk came from them .

  11. 一起10kV母线电压测量值偏低的原因分析及排查

    Cause Analysis and Elimination for Relatively Low Measured Value of the Voltage of 10 kV Bus

  12. 本文提出采用FMECA方法进行设备失效事故的排查,抓住主要矛盾,为维修与更新决策提供依据。

    This paper adopts FMECA method to eliminate and check fault > catch substantive fault then provide basis for maintenance and replacement decision .

  13. 而后,经过进一步排查分析,确定出三点主要原因,即:互联ISP路由错误宣告、ICP向外网进行数据同步以及网内资源匮乏导致用户出网访问。

    Then , after further investigation and analysis , three main reasons are identified , namely : Internet ISP routing error , ICP declared to outside the network data synchronization and network resources led to the lack of user network access .

  14. 45年来,美国联邦调查局(FBI)对无数线索加以排查又放弃之后,于本周宣布,不会再主动推进这件他们自称该局历史上时间跨度最长也最巨细无遗的调查。

    But after 45 years in which hundreds of leads were probed and discarded , the F.B.I. said this week it was no longer actively pursuing what it called one of the longest and most exhaustive investigations in its history .

  15. 目的2003年5月SARS流行期间,开平市一镇某小学出现学生群体性发热病例,为摸清发病原因,迅速排查SARS,控制疫情及评价防治措施效果,我们对该校进行详细流行病学调查处理。

    Objectives During the pandemic period of SARS in May 2003 , a large group of students had fever in a primary school in Kaiping . We aimed to investigate the situation and quickly eliminate the possibility of SARS , and to evaluate the control measures .

  16. 介绍了Gleeble-3800热模拟试验机运行一年来陆续出现的一些故障及对故障的排查过程和解决方法。

    Gleeble-3800 thermal simulate machine runs since a year , and it appears some troubles in succession . This article introduces some method of detecting and solving .

  17. 韩国首尔——韩国周二表示,将对所有入院治疗的肺炎患者进行排查,以确定他们是否曾接触中东呼吸综合征(MiddleEastRespiratorySyndrome,简称MERS)。目前,韩国正在艰难地控制MERS疫情,这里已有95人受到感染,7人丧生。

    SEOUL , South Korea - South Korea said on Tuesday that it would investigate all hospitalized pneumonia patients to determine whether they had been exposed to Middle East respiratory syndrome , as it struggled to contain an outbreak of the virus that has infected 95 people in the country and killed seven .

  18. 介绍了采用排查法检查、分析、判断并解决PDA-5500Ⅱ光谱仪故障的过程及信号线故障排除的方法。

    The ways adopted for analyzing the malfunction of the PDA-5500 ⅱ optical emission spectrometer and solving it . also eliminating the signal line trouble were introduced .

  19. 针对某110kV变电站主变中压侧开关频繁偷跳的现象,从二次回路、谐波影响、保护装置等方面介绍了故障排查过程,井给出了解决办法。

    This paper introduces the fault finding procedure of frequently and secretly trips for circuit breaker at mid-voltage side of a 110 kV substation on the following aspects : secondary circuit , harmonic effect , protective device , etc. A treatment method is also offered as a reference .

  20. 自动控制系统外部信号干扰的排查方法

    Method on Locating Interference of External Signal in Automatic Control System

  21. 现役石结构房屋抗震设防排查理念与原则

    Concept and Principles on Seismic Investigation in Existing Stone Structure Buildings

  22. 警方现在正在试图排查袭击者的身份。

    Police are now trying to the identity of the attacker .

  23. 汶川地震峨眉山市房屋排查及震害研究

    Investigation and Damage Research on Buildings in Emei after Wenchuan Earthquake

  24. 数控设备机械结构的故障排查分析研究

    The analysis of failure investigation for NC equipment 's mechanical structure

  25. 商品砼搅拌站控制系统的电磁干扰排查一例

    The EMI Inspection Case of Merchandise Concrete Stirring Station Control System

  26. 作业条件危险性评价法在隐患排查治理过程中的应用

    Application of LEC Assessment in Check and Treat of Hidden Risk

  27. 断路器非全相保护误动故障排查及对策

    Ascertaining the Malfunction of Open-phase Protection for Circuit Breakers and Countermeasure

  28. 硫酸装置生产运行故障的排查与启示

    Trouble-shooting and Highlights for Operation Failures of Sulphuric Acid Plant

  29. 着力排查化解各类社会矛盾。

    The government will work hard to resolve social conflicts .

  30. 经技术人员数小时的阿排查所有断点都已经被找到。

    Technicians finally located the breakages after some seven hours of investigation .