
  • 网络Coefficient of determination;R-squared;Adjusted R Square;Multiple R
  1. 该方法巧妙运用MATLAB统计学工具箱中的现有函数,并借助可决系数和预测相对标准偏差两个定量判别指标来选择预测模型,从而能更有效地对电力负荷进行中期预测。

    Using the coefficient of determination and the relative standard deviation as standard , this method can figure out a more effective forecasting model with MATLAB Statistics Toolbox .

  2. 实证分析得出,物价指数差(DFCPI)和美元汇率指数(USDI)两个基础变量与人民币实际有效汇率(REER)之间存在协整关系,模型可决系数R平方值为0.93。

    The empirical study show that there does exist a cointegration relationship between the REER and the selected two fundamentals comprising Difference of CPIs ( DFCPI ) and US Dollar Index ( USDI ) .

  3. 模型的调整可决系数在0.62~0.92之间,平均残差为0.283个对数单位。

    The adjusted coefficients of determination of the models are between 0.62 and 0.92 , and the overall mean residual is 0.283 log-units .

  4. 经过对资产总值超过100亿美元的国内股票基金筛选,我发现了五只较大的低可决系数的基金。

    I ran a screen of domestic stock funds with more than $ 10 billion in assets to find five big funds with low R-squared figures .